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Foo Off-season Melbourne Meet

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Good to see and hear the abundance of confidence and enthusiasm :)

LMAO off Erny...are we reading the same thread?

Zig and I aren't ready to trial...
I have a dud dog
Trade Kinta for Molly you say? :wave:
:happydance: Yep I will be bringing my dog who has 'virtually' no stay capabilities. :)
Agility sucks!


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Erny Chortles ...... Well, I didn't compile all those comments in my mind. BUT ..... you guys are getting out there and DOING it - that's got to be a step up in the 'confidence' stakes. :)

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Well I have decided to go and do open with Bella, she was very keen to butt in every time I was trying to do puppy training and is very eager to go out and do something. Not sure about 14th but will definately think about it

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Should we re-schedule to the following Saturday then??

I'm keeping it free b/c it's the last weekend before I take off, but I could use some time away from packing. :)


It's up to everyone else - I don't want to put anyone out - I'll manage if we keep it this week... it just sounds like too good a training day to miss (both of them!)

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What is the seminar Leopuppy??

The ground is massive btw for people that don't know Croydon.

Yeah there is plenty of room... it's just me being selfish and trying to fit everything in. Don't really know JulesP - was emailed to me for the agility triallers I think :)

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I don't mind either way....however, I *think* there's only going to be a few showers (it may well be pouring next weekend ;) )PLUS we can be flexible with times to fit around the agility seminar.

I think LP mentioned that she would prefer to do a run through the week before the trial....

Does anyone know if I could sit in on the agility seminar.....it's been a while (read "years and years") since I've trained/trialled in agility :)

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Up to you guys but I think I will go anyway, even if I'm by myself, so that Ed has been on the ground before the trial

What time is the agility thing?

Jules, looking forward to meetng your newbie!

Edited by shoemonster
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