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I am doing some research and was wondering whether anyone use probiotics on a regular basis with their dogs? If so, how often do you give it to thsm and do you use Yakult or another type?

Edited by Norskgra
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Guest Piximatosis

Same here... Inner Health Plus capsules... although I only give them about 2-3 times a week as to be perfectly honest I can't afford to give it any more often than that and I don't notice any real difference when they're on it and when they're not :)

Other days they get a dollop of natural yoghurt. They just lick it off a soup spoon if they're eating bones for dinner and thus not eating out of a bowl :D

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I'm about to try Protexin for my girl after a course of antibiotics.

I actually have Protexin in my dogs' first aid kit but have never used it.

I used Protexin with my last litter when they had a bad reaction to their first worming. not done until 4 weeks due a very poor gestation (when their dam wouldn't eat while in quaratine) and also when they reacted poorly to their first vaccination at 8 weeks.

A vet nurse/breeder recommeds its use in all cases that may stress you puppies or even older dogs, like when travelling away from home. She recommended the soluable powder and I am now a convert. I had immediate results with it.

Edited by aranyoz
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One of our Poms has a funny tummy but he has been on Protexin now for several months and not had one projectile poop. We also gave it to everyone else for a few weeks when we had a virus scare awhile back. We think it is great stuff. :)

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Another vote here for Protexin - its great stuff! :)

Great for stressy upset tummy, great after finishing antibiotic treatment, great to take away whilst traveling in case of tummy upset.

Pretty much great in general to get them back to normal poo if they have had an upset tummy for any reason.

I have used a couple of different types on the dogs. Be aware it only has a short "use by" - I have found if only using it intermittently in small doses the paste is a good size (comes in what looks like a horse wormer tube!). And I am yet to meet a dog who wouldn't just lick it off your finger! :)

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I have always sworn by protexin for my litters; if they have been on antibiotics ;but normally i give yogurt with aphidoficus;for runnie tummies excellent for firming up looose stools & settleing upset tummiesin biguns & littleuns

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I'm thinking of ordering protexin powder for my dog. Since he's been on ZiwiPeak, his stool is quite mushy hard to pick up. I've been feeding him ZiwiPeak for a year now and he loves it. Does anyone know if protexin will help him to firm up his stool? How much should I give him? He's about 12kg.


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I'm glad I found this thread. My 6mo old Airedale pup has had a delicate digestive system since we had to blast him with antibiotics to take care of a UTI when he was 2 months old.

I feel like a dork, as I'm taking probiotics, but it just occurred to me that he probably needs them too! I want to raw feed him, or at least partially, but he gets diarrhea really easily with anything raw.

There was a comment about the usable life span of the Protexin powder. Can someone tell me what that is? I'm trying to decide whether to get 250g or a kg. The kg is a much better deal, but not if I won't use it up before it's rendered no longer usable.



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. Since he's been on ZiwiPeak, his stool is quite mushy hard to pick up.


If it's giving him sloppy poo I'd be changing the kibble completely, especially seeing as it's been going on for so long. It's obviously not agreeing with him :D

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I'm glad I found this thread. My 6mo old Airedale pup has had a delicate digestive system since we had to blast him with antibiotics to take care of a UTI when he was 2 months old.

I feel like a dork, as I'm taking probiotics, but it just occurred to me that he probably needs them too! I want to raw feed him, or at least partially, but he gets diarrhea really easily with anything raw.

There was a comment about the usable life span of the Protexin powder. Can someone tell me what that is? I'm trying to decide whether to get 250g or a kg. The kg is a much better deal, but not if I won't use it up before it's rendered no longer usable.



I bought my last tub of Protexin a few months ago and the expiry date is Oct 08. It is a 250g tub. My Pom only gets the minimum maintenance small dog dose which is 1g/day. Medium dogs get 2g and large get 3g. Doasge rates increase for times of stress etc. Hope that helps.


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