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Crating Sucess! Toilet Training Sucess!


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This is probably the wrong place to put this but I felt if what I am about to say assists other new puppy owners then perhaps it is the 'right' place :love:

Noodle - nearly 17 week old Hungarian Puli is fully crate trained!!! Yahoo!!

Tonight Noodle got up off the kitchen floor and stood listening to the dishwasher, looked towards the laundry where the dryer is going, moved out of the way of the 5 year old running through the kitchen for some errand for daddy .... and........ went over to her crate (door was shut) ....... when I opened it she went in and has settled down to sleep!!! She has completely ignored the kids and hubby out the back room cleaning windows and put herself to bed! No, she is not sick, just pooped from another big day of play and not much sleep during the day. PEACE!! :o

Noodle slept in her crate last weekend (Easter) in the tent with us .. not a peep for the entire weekend! No soiling in the crate either. She was pretty stuffed each night from big walks on the beach ... nothing like freshly washed sand and an 11m lead. The most that Noodle has ever walked in her little life. Pity we are back to the reality of having to wait another fortnight to get out and about after the second dose of the C5 vaccine on Thursday ... groan ... she has had a taste of what is to come now.

For all of you with new pups out there ... persistence is definately the key and crate training really works and makes life so much more comfortable for everyone. I do not want to go back 8 weeks when we got her ... crying at night, scratching the inside of the pen, howling and making a real racket in the pen and then later in the crate when we started to shut the door 3 weeks ago..... but as they say 'it does happen'. I am so pleased and proud that we persisted and 'blocked our ears'. Noodle has a safe place of her own and it is portable. Not even the horrendous thunder and lightening disturbed her in the tent last weekend ... left the rest of us staring at the inside of the tent for 30 minutes though!! Noodle just curled up and went to sleep .. not even a bark, wimper or howl!

I am also proud to report that Noodle has only had one accident in the house in the past 3 weeks ... yesterday on the kitchen floor .... even she looked a little bewildered :laugh: My error,... she was outside and in her dog house asleep when it was raining and I bought her inside ... didn't think to head her towards the lawn first .. silly me ... full bladder poor darling. She usually stands up and barks or shakes herself a couple of times and looks towards the door .. 10/10 times it means toilet. Yesterday I think she was still half asleep when I brought her in!! :(

Hope this encourages others. Thanks for the support DOL's!!! :hug:

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Persistence + patience = no more puddles?!

Great to know how well it worked for you, I also love crates, lots of benefits.

Thanks lucknow ... just very proud of our efforts :laugh:

Got to celebrate the successes along the way I reckon.

Noodle is becoming a lovely member of the family. The training (sit, down, give, go wee, sitting before coming in or out and sitting and waiting for food is also coming along nicely). Also LOTS of fun!!

She has also worked out each member of the family ... when she wants a pat/cuddle she will get up off the floor and come and lay in the 5 year old daughter's lap. The 5 year old can also hold a chew stick and Noodle will be on her back, tummy in the air, chewing the stick like a baby sucking a dummy ... lovely to see her placid moments. Our son is 'he who plays with me!!' .. but still we want him to be a little less like her sibling and more 'alpha' to her. She will sit and drop for him though to interact though. I am definately alpha .. she get's this 'Who me????????' look on her face when I mother growl at her. Hubby is 'He who takes me for walks to get the newspaper, plays crazy chasy games in the backyard.... and his ankles aren't too bad for a nip or two either'. :(

Counting down two weeks until we get to go to Obedience!! Yahoo

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Hi NoodleNut!

I just wanted to say that we also have a Noodle!! She is a 16 week old Mini Poodle - Noodle the Poodle - named by our 3 year old!!!

I wouldn't have thought it was a common name so it is funny to hear of another almost the same age!!

Congrats on the crate training thing! We love crates and puppy pens in this house - Noodle does too (now!!). She has been in her crate in our bedroom up until last night when we moved her into the lounge. I expected a protest but we didn't hear from her until our daughter came in this morning at 7.30!

Trish :(

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Hi NoodleNut!

I just wanted to say that we also have a Noodle!! She is a 16 week old Mini Poodle - Noodle the Poodle - named by our 3 year old!!!

I wouldn't have thought it was a common name so it is funny to hear of another almost the same age!!

Congrats on the crate training thing! We love crates and puppy pens in this house - Noodle does too (now!!). She has been in her crate in our bedroom up until last night when we moved her into the lounge. I expected a protest but we didn't hear from her until our daughter came in this morning at 7.30!

Trish :)

How cool is that!! What colour is your poodle?

We named our Puli as the cords she will have when she gets a little older 'may' resemble noodles :o

Here is Noodle ...she had a bath today ... the very WET look and then the lovely fluffy look after being dried with the drier, face trimmed, ears plucked, feet trimmed ... LOVELY :D



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Hi NoodleNut!

I just wanted to say that we also have a Noodle!! She is a 16 week old Mini Poodle - Noodle the Poodle - named by our 3 year old!!!

I wouldn't have thought it was a common name so it is funny to hear of another almost the same age!!

Congrats on the crate training thing! We love crates and puppy pens in this house - Noodle does too (now!!). She has been in her crate in our bedroom up until last night when we moved her into the lounge. I expected a protest but we didn't hear from her until our daughter came in this morning at 7.30!

Trish :)

How cool is that!! What colour is your poodle?

We named our Puli as the cords she will have when she gets a little older 'may' resemble noodles :vomit:

Here is Noodle ...she had a bath today ... the very WET look and then the lovely fluffy look after being dried with the drier, face trimmed, ears plucked, feet trimmed ... LOVELY ;)

Oh she is beautiful!! Our Noodle is also black! I will post a piccie later today.

Trish :p

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Ok so, being new to this whole crate training thing and not having had a puppy in almost 9 years...ahem....

Should I put him in his crate the night we bring him home, say in the bedroom with me, and just get him up to take him out every couple of hours for a wee? Is that the approach? And then we can gradually move the crate away from our bedroom?

If he whines, we should ignore it, but what if he needs to go for a wee? Should I only take him out if he's quiet? I don't want him to have an accident because I left him in there when he was whining...and what if I take him out and he doesn't wee?

Oh I'm so excited/nervous :rofl:

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Ok so, being new to this whole crate training thing and not having had a puppy in almost 9 years...ahem....

Should I put him in his crate the night we bring him home, say in the bedroom with me, and just get him up to take him out every couple of hours for a wee? Is that the approach? And then we can gradually move the crate away from our bedroom?

If he whines, we should ignore it, but what if he needs to go for a wee? Should I only take him out if he's quiet? I don't want him to have an accident because I left him in there when he was whining...and what if I take him out and he doesn't wee?

Oh I'm so excited/nervous :rofl:

Hi Pitty Lover

We were new to the crate training too so our method perhaps is not that which is used by all .. I am sure other members will contribute their perspectives.

We put a pen (large puppy pen that we bought) in the kitchen at one end of the room (we spend a lot of time in the kitchen ... eating, kids using the table for drawing and at the moment the computer is in teh kitchen and it is in teh middle of the house so where we are. The crate was put in the penned area witht he door jammed open so our pup could freely move in and out. We put the bedding in the crate only. We also put an absorbant matt on the floor (the floor is lino and easy to clean ... will be ripped up and tiled in a couple of months so I wasn't fussed) for puppy to go on IF I couldn't get her out in time usually more problems overnight ... I could hear Noodle in the night wake up and move (must be becasue I fed both our children even over night up to twelve months so I don't think I sleep as heavily anymore!! My husband on the other hand sleeps like a log!!) usually at around 2am and 4am... I would take her out at 11pm too before I went to bed. I would still take her out to toilet even if she had made a puddle or done a poo in the penned area ... never scolded her .. just picked her up and took her outside on the lawn where I wanted her to go...cleaned up and went back to bed. Seemed like a looonnnng few weeks of doing this but it has been worth it. It felt just like having a baby but the time of getting up and down was much shorter than a newborn!!

The first few nights she was not happy and complained but I ignored her and she got the idea that perhaps it was sleep time. Lieka baby she would often wake at 4am and after I had toileted her she would be hyped up and think it was play time!!! I on the other hand looked totally stuffed!! My trick was to give her a frozen chicken neck .. takes longer to eat and was cool on her little gums which would keep her quiet until a more reasonable time ....LOL

Thank goodness we got her in summer - it was one of the reasons I wanted to get our pup in January (we researched from March last year and decided on a Puli in about June after we had seen a breeder and 3mth old, 9mth old and full grown dogs to get a really good idea of the breed and then spent hours with the breeder ever couple of months learnign about the temperament of the breed and the coat/grooming etc) as more time to 'recover' from toileting, more time with her at home to get her used to and bond with us as a family , the kids were home from school the week we got her and then only me at home during the day once they went back so it gave her time to 'recover' .... lots of play time and then she would be zonked!! People may think that the penned idea is cruel but with so much play time she would sleep for a long time between plays and so therefore the penned area meant she wasn't tethered and she had 'time out' to sleep undisturbed.

During the day Noodle would be out of the penned area unless we couldn't keep an eye on her. We would have her on a long lead in the kitchen so we could monitor the toileting and also limit her access to the house as we didn't want 'toilet' in any surprising places or for her to find a stray bit of LEGO!! I must say the two times we let her on the rug n the lounge she pee'd on it .. I think she thought it was grass.

Outside Noodle was in another penned area for the first 2 weeks - the back yard is a big space for an 8 week old!! Again she was slowly introduced to the whole backyard.

At 14 weeks I noticed Noodle was sleeping longer and not having any 'accidents' before I got to her at night. I would toilet her at 11pm and she would sleep until around 5:45/6am .. thank goodness again for the warmer weather!! I would then get her up and take her for a little walk to get the newspaper and toilet at the same time. Gradually this time has increased. So, at 14 weeks we removed the pen and decided to shut the door on the crate. Well, she went NUTS!! I first did it on a Thursday nght .... bad move, kids asleep, hubby imporant meeting the next day .. me a stressed because of teh racket she was making ..... better to start on a Friday night or whenyou don't have too much on the next day and can afford to be kept awake from the din. We put treats in teh crate but as soon as she ate those she was howling. Had to wait for 30 minuted before she was quiet for two and I could let her out .. she actually slept outside that night .. only time she ever has.

Not to be outdone I started again the following night and ignored her ... actually we went out!! Went shopping for 2 hours and left her in the crate. When we got home she had been asleep. Got her out and had a big play and walk and then put her back in the crate for overnight .. yes she still 'cracked it' ... ignored her and shut all the bedroom doors. Over a week her complaints amounted to only 5 minutes. Now we have none ... having said that she wasn't happy last night. I think this is because we moved the crate to put a new fridge in and the fridge is a bit 'noisy' ...might more her crate tonight and see if that makes any difference.

If we ever take Noodle out and she doesn't 'go' we keep her on the lead inside and take her out again 10 minutes later. I know crate training says to crate thema nd then take them out again after 10 minutes (there is plenty of stuff online about crate training if youdo a google search) .. I chose not to do this .. her bladder didn't 'hold' at such a young age and I didn't want her soiling in her crate. Every time she gone to the toilet and just befoer I repeat 'Go wee' over and over again .. now I only have to say it once and she goes straight away .. we are in and out very quickly .. except for poo ....she hates going in the rain!!LOL rather fart herself silly than go ot the toilet in and get her precious little feet wet... GRR I have to stand there in the pouring rain and have her on a lead and tell her to go and not move to force her to go!!

As to where you put your crate it is up to you. What works best for you and your dog. Our Puli is a working dog so quite independent in nature but also enjoys company however happy to go off on her own in the back yard and do her own thing and then spend time with us inside. Really depends on your breed and on what works for you and the temperament of your dog. We wanted Noodle to be independent as we can't be here 24/7 so she needs to be able to 'cope' on her own and learn to play on her own (I can't believe how many toys she has .. rotated and an Aussie ball ... LOVES THIS to play tug of war ... we don't play this game with her she plays it with the AUSSIE ball.... bungee hanging from the carport). She is inside a lot of the time we are home but we also are mindful of not wanting her to have separation anxiety so she will also go out when we are home for periods of time. I don't want her to see a pattern in or leaving the house and getting stressed ... so far so good.

I hope this is of some assistance .. at least thought provoking. I am not into giving advice .. only saying what we have dine ... take what you like from it if you think it will work for you.

PS the pens are not a waste ... a good investment ... we took her away with us campinga and put mats on the ground and Noodle had her own area when she was not playing on the beach ... worked well and she was crated at night in the tent ... not a peep. I aim to use the pen again if I need to for the back fence being replaced and also should Noodle decide the washing is good fun .... ;) to pen the washing!! The pens can be joined together to make a larger one.

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Yay for crate training!!! :rofl:

Although I don't really do crate training (more like a "confined" area) but I have to agree with and thank youse NoodleNut and DOLers for the advice and support. Touche, persistence do give success in return. I still remember clearly how I was so stressed with my new pup making my living room a toilet for his own during his first and second week in my place that I almost gave up. However, after listening to the inputs, Hiro hasn't had any accidents inside the house and would go out to his loo box. Another 3 weeks to go, if he has had 0 accidents in 4 weeks, he's fully toilet trained!!!


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Yay for crate training!!! :rofl:

Although I don't really do crate training (more like a "confined" area) but I have to agree with and thank youse NoodleNut and DOLers for the advice and support. Touche, persistence do give success in return. I still remember clearly how I was so stressed with my new pup making my living room a toilet for his own during his first and second week in my place that I almost gave up. However, after listening to the inputs, Hiro hasn't had any accidents inside the house and would go out to his loo box. Another 3 weeks to go, if he has had 0 accidents in 4 weeks, he's fully toilet trained!!!


yay!! No more pooping on the rugs Lostboy!!! :cheer:

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Another 3 weeks to go, if he has had 0 accidents in 4 weeks, he's fully toilet trained!!!


;) Great news that you've made headway! Just a cautionary note though ..... the rule of thumb is that if there are not accidents inside for 4 weeks you can begin thinking housetraining is completed, but relax only slightly .... bit by bit, in the time following that period. Remain watchful and do things such as not yet allowing your pup access to the whole house where you can't be vigilant, but allow your trust in your pup's learning to gradually build. :cheer:

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