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Getting A Good Brush


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Hi there, I have a little - VERY HAIRY dog. I keep buying brushes for him, I use the principal, if it doesn't hurt my hair to use it, it wont hurt him. My problem is that it doesn't really matter whether I pay $2.00 of $90.00 with in 4 weeks the bloody things start to loose their teeth. I buy bristle brushes. I can't seem to get one without a soft base, so with constant use, the pins sink into the base. I can't use a slicker, (although I am starting to think about it). Any ideas on what to use with him? I am now convinced that a pin brush without bobbles on the end is the way to go, thanks to some one on this chat room, I just really would like a brush that lasted at least 6 months. Appreciate any advise. :D

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pin brushes with bobbles that cost $90 is :) plus :thumbsup:

Mine last until a dog chews it. If you are paying that kind of money and its breaking so quickly send it back to where you bought it from. they should last longer than that and I would be asking for a refund

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