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Dog Dominating? Any Tips?


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Hi all, I wondered if anyone could help? Ellie, (15 months) walks really well to heel when out with me alone. When my children are with me, she cries and barks if they are in front of her. When they fall in beside her or behind her, she struts along happy. It looks to me like she is anxious about wanting to lead them which I believe is a protective thing for her. Obviously, I dont want her to protect them as such because she is supposed to be at the bottom of the pack. In the house, she appears to be, as the boys feed her and train her and she responds well to them. Outside, however, she is displaying behaviour that indicates to me that i may be reading her wrong, is she feeling above them, therefore protecting them. If so, how do I rectify this, other than what i am doing which is :- both kids feed her, make her wait for dinner until they say so, they walk through doors before her, they tell her to get down off couch / bed and she does. They eat before her ( I have even got them to pretend to eat out of her bowl) Theyu spend time reinforcing sit stay etc. they teach her tricks. What am I missing?/ It is just outside the home, ie on walks on leash and off leash at the beach, she appears anxious if they wander too far from me. To others it may seem sweet that she wants to lok after them but for me I want her to know she is bottom of our pack at home and outdoors. PS Ellie is 38 kg. My boys are 5yrs and 10 yrs. So she is huge and heavier than both of them. Any help would be appreciated.

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