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Dog Chewing His Legs


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Just after some advice about a dog who chews his front legs. This is a behaviour he has developed when bored and become a habit. He chews the coat off his front legs in little patches. Vets have not been much help. He runs with other dogs so can't leave him food toys as they could fight over it. Have tried new toys, he gets a new toy each week. Also tried spraying a variety of things on his legs like; apple cider vinegar, bitter apple spray, a spray designed to keep dogs from weeing on plants, tea tree oil i think that is all. He seems worse when we put these on as he becomes fascinated with liking it off. I'm wondering if anyone has any other suggestions. We have also tried wrapping his legs and then he goes stupid and won't walk and just limps around and then chews them off anyway. My only other idea is a bucket, but was hoping someone may have a more brilliant idea.

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  Tess32 said:
Could it be that he's itchy and irritated from a food allergy? What is he fed?

Thanks for reply

He is fed Eukanuba and supplemented with BARF. He has always been fed this and the leg thing hasn't been an issue for that long so hadn't really considered allergies. There is no discolouration where he licks and I had been told by a vet that the coat would stain if it was an allergy!! Not sure how reliable that info was though.

What would you suggest to check if it is a food allergy?

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Guest Tess32

How old? I believe some food allergies only appear at 2 years old onwards.

I'd find a vet who is would consider it could be that and look into working out a plan to at least try.

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Have you had/our have bitches due in season.

We have male here that in the last year has decided to eat his frontleg hair off at this time & then decided the others needed pruning,luckiliy the other are retirees.He never does it any other time

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Acral lick dermaititis? It is a condition where dogs will constantly lick or chew at their legs often bought on by boredom, stress etc. One of the problems from memory is secondary bacterial and fungal infections from the constant moisture that make the licking worse.

An elizabethan collar could help to prevent the licking and break the habit and something like curash can dry the area out. If it is this a behaviouralist could help.

ETA I have notes on iot somewhere from courses I have done so will see if they are handy.

Edited by Janba
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that the coat would stain if it was an allergy!! Not sure how reliable that info was though.

Haven't heard this one...

have you considered acupuncture/chiro?

My old Mitchell used to do this...the (my) chiro found that if he worked some spots around his shoulders/chest it helped enormously!!

Mitchell's was stress related.

Edited by persephone
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Again some great answers.

Only have 1 entire bitch and he seems to lick regardless of her seasons but that was a great suggestion. Never thought of that.

We do give our dogs fish oil capsules with their dinner and have given them sardines at times, might give this a go.

I thought it could be fungal related especially when he is in the full lick mode and seems to chew it each day. The legs can be damp. Someone told me that Tea Tree Oil will kill fungal stuff which is why we were trying rubbing that in. Have only tried this for the last couple of days and he does seem to have left them alone but it could be a fluke too. Curash might be an idea.

Chiro was my first instinct too. all my dogs see bone therapists and chiros regularly just to check all is good. Both have said they saw no structural, muscular reason he does it. They suggested the tea tree oil.

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Angel does this too. I'm not sure what sets her off, but I think she continues cause it gets uncomfortable and licking soothes it. We wash her paws with Pyohex and leave for 10 mins and apply Neocort twice a day. It generally clears up really fast if we catch her early enough. The first time when it got really bad, she needed anti biotics. If you find out the cause I'd love to know? Thanks :laugh:

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I would do the elizabethan collar for a week or so to give the legs time to heal and for him to try and break the cycle. Would probably wash the legs in Physohex or something similar daily and maybe apply a cream or ointment. And maybe give him an antihistamine.

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