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What Can Be Used For Dogs Working In The Field.....


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I was hoping that someone can help my dad and his pointer Buck. When dad takes Buck out to the field for training he tends to work very hard and when he comes home his urine is quite dark almost like blood, even though he is given plenty of water during the training and he is a not stressed or upset by the work. Dad was told by a greyhound breeder that they would normally give their dogs a product called Nutradex??

What my dad would like to know is there other products that can help and does anyone know anything about "Nutradex" (not sure if that is the right spelling). Any help would be great.

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Doing a bit of an internet search, I came up with the following link


(Can't you tell I've nothing better to do :coffee: )

I believe Vetsearch make Neutradex - they also make all sorts of electrolyte supplements for greys and working dogs for dehydration.

Hopefully someone with working or racing dogs who knows about this may be able to help you more..

Cheers :coffee:

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Hello, we have dogs that work hard and was given a recommendation by our Vet. to use a product called "Vytrate".

We give it to them before, during and after a hard workout. The dogs drink it readily and we have never had problems with our dogs dehydrating.

If you check out the website below, it tells you a bit about it. It is primarily made for scouring lambs and piglets, but came highly recommended by our Vet. for use in dogs as well.

Interestingly, I went to a lecture by Alex Hawler some time ago. He was a Vet. right into greyhounds and he also recommended this same product.

It is not expensive and you can make up whatever quantity you need, and I keep the undiluted solution in the fridge, ready for whenever we need to make some up.

I also use it if I have a dog or pup that may be scouring. Very good for that as well.



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My greyhound gets Beta Cell in the morning and Neutral XP (cheap version of Neutradex) in the evening. She also has methionine tablets every second day. If I remember correctly these are to keep the kidneys healthy. She gets Recharge after racing in a bowl of water with a touch of milk added. If she is offered it in just water she wont touch it and she wont drink enough water on its own but she love the milk.

The only time she ever had a problem was when she stepped up in distance and wasnt quite fit enough to go that far. She went immediately to the vet for a check over as I did not want acidosis setting in.

Edited by shantiah
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:coffee: thank you everyone for getting back so fast to me. I will give dad the information and mum will more than likely go get some of the Neutradex for Buck and check out the other things you all have recommended. Twogrs I'm glad you don't have anything better to do,lol :wink: it gives us a starting point.
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I was hoping that someone can help my dad and his pointer Buck. When dad takes Buck out to the field for training he tends to work very hard and when he comes home his urine is quite dark almost like blood, even though he is given plenty of water during the training and he is a not stressed or upset by the work. Dad was told by a greyhound breeder that they would normally give their dogs a product called Nutradex??

What my dad would like to know is there other products that can help and does anyone know anything about "Nutradex" (not sure if that is the right spelling). Any help would be great.

The fact that the urine is almost blood colour probably goes to the dog not being quite as fit as is needed for the amount of work being undertaken. I am strectching my brain back into the 1980's for a case of young GSP that presented these symptoms and it was a dog that just couldn't seem to learn to pace itself in the field and quite simply rain itself into the ground. The vet explained that the colour was coming from the muscles which were starting to break down a little. :champagne: I wish I could remember the correct terminiology for it all. Certainly those products already mentioned would be of benefit as would a regular exercise regime for fitness if they don't already have one.

Edited to add this was more noticable in the hot weather and this dog had to be tethered or held on lead to be forced to take a rest break as it did not want to stop hunting.

Edited by aranyoz
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Dad want to say thanks for the information. Aranyoz, the pointer is 2yrs old and has a fitness regeme, dad walks him a couple of kilometres every couple of nights and on the other nights he runs in an oval that has fencing where he retrieves a dummy from a distance. He also is taken to a nearby fields for training. Like you said about the GSP, he is one very keen boy and just doesn't know when to stop :) , which will probably come with experience :cool: He is one of those dogs that is just full on in whatever he does.

Thank you Shmoo - will check out that as well. by the way, love the avatar shmoo.

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