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Obedience Trials


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Helen: That is great to hear about Geelong, but sadly focus and drive take a back seat at most clubs.....If they get taught at all :laugh: The reason of course is that pet owners don't see the point of heeling (proper heeling) and they are the clubs bread and butter.

Unfortunately heeling with focus doesn't teach loose lead walking (but it does help)

Geelong is a good club from an outsiders point of view. They are always getting in top trainers for seminars etc, so you know they are open minded and are always looking to improve.

Croydon seems quite good too JulesP. Have not heard a negative word about it.

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Thanks very much everyone! :vomit:

I will go to a few local trials and discuss with the people where and how they've trained. The people in puppy class know that we want to do competitive obedience and they have the patience to wait until Quentin sits/drops/stands perfectly. :) I know he's still a puppy and in the moment playing with other dogs is more intersting than doing obedince training but I use everyday life to train him which makes the training heaps easier. I also do Rally-O with my old girl, so he learns a lot by just watching her.

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Currently I'm attenting Teamwork Dog Obedience for the puppy classes. But once we've finished with puppy school we'll change to the Pine Rivers Dog Obedience Club. I'm also a member of the Gundog and tracking Club which conducts trials as well.

I go to Teamwork too !!! havent been for a couple of weeks due to commitments, but sure I will see you in the next few weeks... I also attend Metro club on Monday nights, but have started going to Pine Rivers for some extra trialling, last night was my first night and after 10 years of obedience training I learnt a few things from Andrew that I never knew about, so would thoroughly recommend going there. Make sure that you let them know that you want to end up trialling and Im sure they will take you under their wing and give you any extra guidance you might need ! Metro of course is also a great club and I would definately recommend them ! Aldo the president, has shown me a wonderful heeling tip that Im hoping will make my boy into a heeling maniac :shrug::laugh:

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I go to Teamwork too !!! havent been for a couple of weeks due to commitments, but sure I will see you in the next few weeks... I also attend Metro club on Monday nights, but have started going to Pine Rivers for some extra trialling, last night was my first night and after 10 years of obedience training I learnt a few things from Andrew that I never knew about, so would thoroughly recommend going there. Make sure that you let them know that you want to end up trialling and Im sure they will take you under their wing and give you any extra guidance you might need ! Metro of course is also a great club and I would definately recommend them ! Aldo the president, has shown me a wonderful heeling tip that Im hoping will make my boy into a heeling maniac :laugh::laugh:

I'll train this week at Carseldine and next week in Caboolture. The weekend hours don't really suit us as we're at shows or trials. I'm in the flyball group with my Kelpie X at Pine Rivers and there a few people trialling and I like their training methods. That's why I've decided to go there.

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Reading this series of posts really brings it home to me.

Suzie (my Golden) is the first dog I have ever trained and I have done just about everything wrong.

I think I came very close to ruining her (well Jury still out) but I have learnt a huge amount.

There is hope for her (and me) yet.

I had stopped going to my local dog club (I won't say which one) because they refuse to use food and train for an hour

(which bores the dogs). My dogs were getting more and more 'bored' and my Golden was getting more and more anxious.

But I have since found the club has a triallers group with a great 'leader'.

The dogs don't do more than 10 minutes in the practice ring and the advice I am getting is awesome.

I also got a huge boost from going to the practice trials at FOO (Friends Of Obedience) at KCC Park,

where I got some great tips that had immediate benefits!

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Don't worry luckydog, dogs retrain quite easily most of the time.

You won't have long lasting effects if you go back to square one, with the heeling exercise in particular.

Each dog that you train from now on will learn faster, and will look sharper and happier in the ring as your learning curve progresses.

FOO is a great place to inhale ideas (and stalk trialling gurus) ! A number of us Melbourne DOLers attend. Pitty the current FOO season just finished :rofl:

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I go to Teamwork too !!! havent been for a couple of weeks due to commitments, but sure I will see you in the next few weeks... I also attend Metro club on Monday nights, but have started going to Pine Rivers for some extra trialling, last night was my first night and after 10 years of obedience training I learnt a few things from Andrew that I never knew about, so would thoroughly recommend going there. Make sure that you let them know that you want to end up trialling and Im sure they will take you under their wing and give you any extra guidance you might need ! Metro of course is also a great club and I would definately recommend them ! Aldo the president, has shown me a wonderful heeling tip that Im hoping will make my boy into a heeling maniac :p :)

I'll train this week at Carseldine and next week in Caboolture. The weekend hours don't really suit us as we're at shows or trials. I'm in the flyball group with my Kelpie X at Pine Rivers and there a few people trialling and I like their training methods. That's why I've decided to go there.

Hey !! were you there on tuesday night ?? I was there with my black kelpie Shamus.. will be there next week too :) We will have to try and meet up !

I know what you mean about training at Teamwork, I have alot of shows and obedience trials coming up which is why I may not be able to go again for a couple of weeks. I am doing a double OT at Gympie this saturday and the same at Maryborough next saturday :D

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Hey !! were you there on tuesday night ?? I was there with my black kelpie Shamus.. will be there next week too :p We will have to try and meet up !

I know what you mean about training at Teamwork, I have alot of shows and obedience trials coming up which is why I may not be able to go again for a couple of weeks. I am doing a double OT at Gympie this saturday and the same at Maryborough next saturday :)

Yes, we were! But we're in the beginners group. :) Hera is a Kelpie X GSD and we trained with Rick. Would be great to see you next week!

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