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Changing A Puppies Food


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Hi everyone,

I am picking up my brand new Australian Terrier puppy on the weekend & the breeder has advised me that they have been feeding her Eukanuba dry food. I'm not really a big fan of the Eukanuba & prefer the Eagle pack puppy food.

Would it be safe to feed her the Eagle pack straight away? Or should I buy the Eukanuba & change her over to the Eagle pack slowly? :)

I really don't wan't her to have any tummy upset. :D

Thanks in advance :rofl:

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ask the breeder if you can have some food when you collect the pup, that way you dont have to buy any and can slowly change over

I always send my rescue dogs with a enough food for a few days when they are rehomed.

Cant hurt to ask

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ask the breeder if you can have some food when you collect the pup, that way you dont have to buy any and can slowly change over

I always send my rescue dogs with a enough food for a few days when they are rehomed.

Cant hurt to ask

Good idea - don't most breeders do this anyway? Thought I might have read something to that effect but I am easily confused...

I also agree completely with changing to a food that you are confident in, but doing it slowly. Pups so often get an upset tummy just with the stresses of leaving home, mum, siblings and adjusting to a new environment. A new food too soon is just going to confuse the issue (but I think I am preaching to someone who already knows this, sorry can't help myself sometimes :rolleyes: ).

Congratulations on the new puppy!

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I doubt any breeder would supply enough food to do a switch over process.

All our pup owners receive there diet chart 2 weeks before pup goes home so they have everything ready pre pup..

I would inform the breeder of what you would like to feed it so there well aware.Many breeders puppy guarantee is given in relation to the diet being feed & continued with will ensure the pups health & well being.

We have had a few who have wanted to change for various reasons but some have not beed suitable for our breed.

Given you already have the breed there should be no issues but as a breeder its nice to be informed that you would like to alter the diet chart.

Personally for the first week i would just feed Euk .This will give the pup a chance to have something normal during its change of home .assit with toilet training,overnight sleeping etc etc & then start mixing slowly.

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