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Goodbye Chessy Boy

Pug Hugger

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This is a post that has taken a while to do.

We lost Chess, Chessy Boy or 'Old Fella' last month three days before his 18th birthday. Up until he was 14 he was so happy and healthy and could still go for long walks and chase the ball. Even at Christmas time he was happy - although arthritic and very old.

Chess was a very special dog - he was not a pedigree, he was probably not even purebred, he chose to come home with us when my grandparents wanted to get rid of him him when I was just four, I literally grew up with him and for that reason he was my true heartdog who can never be replaced.

I grew up with him - we jumped on the trampoline together - and the day I got stuck in the corner he sat there and snuggled with me until my mother managed to get me out!

We did backyard agility together, we jumped on him, we pulled his ears, we dressed him in stupid clothes and he still gave us all of his love and devotion. Chessy Boy, sometimes we did not treat you as well as we should have, sometimes we neglected you for a new barbie, or video game or boyfriend. But You never neglected us and You were always there with a lick and a wag of the tail whenever we needed You.

Chess you were one of the things I missed the most when I moved from my home town to study - every-time I came and went I said Goodbye to you, just in case it was the last time. At Christmas time this year it was and you left for the Bridge not long after - now you a young again, playing in the waves for six or seven hours and no-one is making you come home 'too early' you can chase your ball again like you used to do for hours and hours until everyone was sick of it but you.

Have a good time Old Man! I miss you heaps but would not want you back as you were for those last few months.




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  • 4 weeks later...

What a wonderful long life it sounds like he had. He looks like he was a wonderful, loving pet. Wishing you all the best.. he will always be alive in your memory. RIP.

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