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Urinary Tract Infection


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I have a nearly 15 week old Mini Poodle pup who currently has her 2nd UTI in 3 weeks :love: The first one coincided with her first trip to the groomers and we are working on the assumption that she wasn't toileted and therefore held on too long. She had a 5 day course of antibiotics for that one. She started again last night - straight to the vets and this time for a 10 day course of antibiotics. If it happens again they will investigate more thoroughly.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Any tips on preventing any future infections?

Trish :mad

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I'm making an assumption here, but its more than likely that she hasn't had 2 U.T.I's in 3 weeks, but the first one never cleared up. You can also give Cranberry tablets (crush and put in her food) or capsules (break open over her food) daily. I would also consider giving Acidophillus to replenish the good bacteria.

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Depending on how long she was at the groomers i would be surprised if that was the cause

I agree the first one nevre cleared up & 5 days of meds wouldnt have done the trick.

I have a dog here who suffers badly from them & is permantly on cranberry with acidopholous 20,000.tabs(all in ones) & we have since managed to maintain the problem very well this way but when he does have an outbreak its a min of 3 weeks of meds

I also need to insure his penis is clean,

Some bitches when they squat just about sit in there pee at the same time & this can be a pain for re occurances,burning etc etc.

Also watch your diet

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I'm making an assumption here, but its more than likely that she hasn't had 2 U.T.I's in 3 weeks, but the first one never cleared up. You can also give Cranberry tablets (crush and put in her food) or capsules (break open over her food) daily. I would also consider giving Acidophillus to replenish the good bacteria.

Yep I think you may be right - and hopefully that is the case as one ongoing infection is preferable to 2 in short succesion I would think. I will look into the Cranberry tabs - chemist or health shop I guess? She does have some yoghurt but I could certainly step this up too.

Trish :love:

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Have the vets taken any cultures from a urine sample?

My girl is just about to finish a course of antibitics for UTI (last tablet with dinner tonight - YAY). They put her on some general AB's while the waited for the culture results, but had to change to stronger ones because the bug she has was more resiliant to the antibiotics she was on - they cleared up the symptoms a bit, but weren't enough to kill the bug.

So anyway, the point of that story is, maybe the antibiotics aren't strong enough to get rid of the bug causing the infection completely.

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I would be asking my vet to take a sterile urine sample to perform a culture and sensitivity - infections can be resistant to some drugs. Unfortunately she will need to be off antibiotics for about a week for a reliable result. A ph test would usually have been performed at diagnosis so I presume that was unremarkable?

Unfortuantely some dogs do have frequent UTI's, these can be caused or exacerbated by poor hygiene, conformation, obesity or diet. While some of these can't be avoided it can helpful to be aware of potential problems.

Try to encourage her to drink more water, it can help lessen symptoms and I agree with the Cranberry supplements, acidophillus (good bacteria) are likely to be wiped out by antibiotics but can help tremendously expecially when she has finished the course.

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I had the same thing happen to one of my bitch puppies a few years ago. She had 3 infections with blood. It started a little while after her vaccinations which we now know affected her immune response to the bacteria. The vet was going to do a catheter next time she got one which I didnt like the sound of so I did some research and put her onto cranberry capsules, and ascorbic acid (vit C) tablets crushed into her food; and added a good heaped tablespoon of a good quality yoghurt. It cleared it up and she never had another UTI ever again. The vet wanted to know what magic I had worked on her and didnt believe me that it was so simple to clear up with natural means.

The antibiotics would help until she went off them and then it all came back again x 3.

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No, they haven't taken a sample for micro - but will do a sterile collection if it happens again. They will also do an ultrasound to check for residuals. The pH was 7.5 - but she does have dog rocks in her water and I think this makes the urine more alkaline?

The cranberry sounds good - is there a dosage for small dogs or just a capsule? What dosage of Vit C would you recommend - she is currently 4kg. I will up the yoghurt too. If I can prevent them naturally I will do all I can.

Thanks for all he ideas and advice!

Trish :laugh:

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I always give my boys Inner Health Plus capsules after they have been in antiobotics - I just break one open into their food. I was told this was better then yoghurt to restore the gut. I use them myself...

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I always give my boys Inner Health Plus capsules after they have been in antiobotics - I just break one open into their food. I was told this was better then yoghurt to restore the gut. I use them myself...

Apparently only yoghurts set in the containers they are sold in are in any way useful, and obviously cultures have a shelf life...Yakult falls foul of my naturopaths temper also for the same reasons and she swears by the Inner Health. I have used Protexin but am ashamed to say it has not been stored correctly in the clinics I have worked in. There was a thread on Easi Yo yoghurt system recently, it is a product I have been a fan of for years and it was approved by a friends gastroenterologist.

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I always give my boys Inner Health Plus capsules after they have been in antiobotics - I just break one open into their food. I was told this was better then yoghurt to restore the gut. I use them myself...

Apparently only yoghurts set in the containers they are sold in are in any way useful, and obviously cultures have a shelf life...Yakult falls foul of my naturopaths temper also for the same reasons and she swears by the Inner Health. I have used Protexin but am ashamed to say it has not been stored correctly in the clinics I have worked in. There was a thread on Easi Yo yoghurt system recently, it is a product I have been a fan of for years and it was approved by a friends gastroenterologist.

That's good - because I dug my Easi Yo out on he weekend and we are all (dogs included) eating freshly made yoghurt!!

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Yep, when my young girl had a U.T.I at 10 weeks of age i gave her Inner Health Capsules and Cranberry (along with the antibiotics of course). She started to improve within 2 days - great stuff!

Well will you get off the natural remedies before you put me out of a job?!

*rushes off to find the careers page*

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LOL lucknow... notice that i did say 'along with the antibiotics!!' - I'm a human nurse so i hear where you're coming from!
Hehe - I am a human nurse too!!! So she will be getting her full course of ab's - just looking for hints to prevent this recurring again!!

Heh Heh Heh, are you two sure you don't know each other?

Does that mean my job is safe?

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