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Dislocated Hip


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Hi guys!

I have a three year old Border Collie :D Bailee who has dislocated her hip. We heard her yelping in the back yard on Friday afternoon. Not sure what she's done but she couldn't use her rear left leg & was in quite a bit of pain. We took her straight to the vets & they said she'd dislocated it. They gave her some sedatives & popped it back in & we left her there overnight. I got a call this afternoon & apparently it's popped back out again....

They have re-set it, but does anyone know what kind of chance there is that it will stay in place after dislocating twice? ;)

And does anyone know what the cost would be for a Hip Replacement? :o

Thanks heaps,



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Oh dear the poor baby. Not sure if dogs are like humans but:

If it is anything like a human joint that has come out a couple of times, she will need surgery to pin it. My son had to have his shoulder joint pinned a couple of years ago after dislocating it a few times - it used to come out when he was asleep sometimes and was painful until put back in.

I hope she is better soon...

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A hip replacement can cost up to $5,000, sometimes more. Does this dog have normal hips? Have you had her x-rayed at all? I'm only asking because this sort of injury sometimes occurs in dogs that have abnormal hips where the ball is too small and doesn't fit fully into the socket.

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Thanks guys,

Bailee has been at the vets for two days now, last I heard earlier this morning everything was going well & staying in place. But I have my doubts that it will stay stable for very long. She's had X-rays & it looks like the affected joint is smaller than the other one, which is not great news.

Any advise or stories from people who have experienced this would be appreciated.

Thanks again,


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Sorry to hear the bad news. Time for a talk with the vet and work out where to go to from here.

A $5000 op is huge and hip surgery is major surgery with crate rest and rehabilitation afterwards.

Not every owner or dog is suitable for this. There will be no guarantees.

Best wishes whatever you decide.

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