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First Season, How Can I Make It Easier For Her?


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I took Angel to show training last night and she was not herself. She was very skittish and more sooky than normal. She would jump at the slightest sound. The trainer said that she acts like she is coming into season and I have been expecting it for a couple of months.

Is there anything I can give her to make her feel like her old self? I am giving her Evening Primrose Oil.

We have the Sydney Royal coming up soon and I have already withdrawn 2 dogs, I would hate to have to withdraw Angel as well.

Edited by Norskgra
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Some bitches just go to pieces when they are in season and all you can do is leave them at home, I'm afraid.

That is what I was afraid of. It will be her first season and I know it is common for the first. kari was like that for her first one but has been fine for her others. I will take her to show training again tonight and next week and see how she goes.

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Personally if my bitch was acting skittish i wouldnt be taking her to training/show.

Bad experiences like this can last a long time on a bitch.i would be leaving her home until she has resettled just isnt worth ruining them for life

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Personally if my bitch was acting skittish i wouldnt be taking her to training/show.

Bad experiences like this can last a long time on a bitch.i would be leaving her home until she has resettled just isnt worth ruining them for life

I agree, if something bad happens to her during this fear period she could be ruined for life.

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Thanks everyone. So far she isn't showing any other signs of coming into season. It may also have been because the class was a lot bigger than normal because of the Royal. She was her normal self when we first arrived but when all of the others got there she went really quiet. By the time the class had finished she was almost back to her normal self again. I think I might just take her for a walk to the shops tonight and see how she goes. I will just give her some training at home.

Edited by Norskgra
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