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Agility Question


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Just filling in some entry forms earlier on today for a very full-on trial and thinking I can't possibly do all the runs I want to.

Just curious, whats the most runs you would enter in a day for one dog? Given a fit dog and a reasonable day of course - hot or wet weather changes everything! :)

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Just filling in some entry forms earlier on today for a very full-on trial and thinking I can't possibly do all the runs I want to.

Just curious, whats the most runs you would enter in a day for one dog? Given a fit dog and a reasonable day of course - hot or wet weather changes everything! :)

I've only recently begun trialling with my girl and so am only doing 2 or 3 runs in a day because they are the only classes I feel we are good enough to run in.

That said when she and I are a bit better at this I will use how many runs I think I am capable of doing rather than how many she can do as a yardstick. eg: Last night at training we did 4 different courses (only about 9 elements) 2 or 3 times each, plus some contact work in between and she was still super keen at the end of 1.5 hours. I'm pretty fit, but know that she can out do me any day of the week.

Recently in Canberra at the flyball nationals (27/28 deg) Xena did up to about 25 runs on a single day and wanted to know why we were heading home. Over the 3 days I reckon she did about 60 runs (start dog) and her times were the same on Sunday a/noon as on Friday morning.

She is a fit high drive dog and I have to pull her up sometimes because if I ask her to do something she will to the best of her ability, no matter how she feels, but I can't see even 10 or 12 x 1 minute runs giving her any grief.

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Depends on the dog.

With my current girl she does agility because I ask her not because she really wants to. Since she isn't that motivated I only do 2 runs in a day.

I have just taken over the handling of an Aussie Shepherd though who would have no problems doing 4 runs on a day.

I don't think I would ever enter a dog in all eligible classes at a double header though!

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It would depend on a lot of things as to how many runs I would put Gambit through.

At present I'm only entering him in 1 Jumpers trial on a day. He is not quite ready for agility yet and when he is then I would enter him tunnels and Agility or Jumping and tunnels. He is only three years of age so I don't want to push him too far too quickly.

It is up to the handler who is the only person who can decide what is the best for their own dog.

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For me it really depends on how keen the dog is and how fit you are - both mentally and physically :) Given great weather and your dog is keen, fit and ready to go why not.

In double trials I entered Kira in lots of events but with Blush it's 4 maximum and with the other 2 it's a maximum of 2 events each.

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Depends how much money I feel like blowing when I enter a trial :thumbsup: . Today we did 6 runs and it was scorching out there 38 by the end of it (well and the start of it). We had a single agility/jumpers and then a jumpers trial. Usually our trials are double agility/jumping so agility/jumping in the morning and again in the afternoon. If I entered everything I am eligible for it would be 8 runs. Sometime we would have a double weekend so that would be 16 runs in a weekend. I have done 7 runs a day - 1 normal agility/jumping trial and then games when I was away and I entered everything at nationals (something like 16 runs including a finals run).

Mostly I enter what I am still trying to get quallies for titles so for us its JDM/ADM/ADO. I started with her JDO title and finished that and then moved onto her ADO title. I now only do JDO runs at special events (for example Autumn International and we bombed both LOL).

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oiy - feral - did you enter the mt G trial? :laugh:

err - I tend to enter stuff and then if we are buggered or want to save up for a later run I will pull out...

I suppose 4 is nice - 6 is ok... 8 is a lot... and expensive :rolleyes:

eta - and thats not even thinking if games are on offer!!! :thumbsup:

Edited by bridgie_cat
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BC - nup fraid not this year. My 2 fellow Blue Lake trialling friends from last year have deserted me (pretty much retired their dogs) and I didn't want to be a neddy-no-friends :laugh: so I'm going to ADCV for easter instead with another group of triallers. Pity - I had a ball at Blue Lake last year! Such a great little trial! Will see if I can convert a few of the group to come next year :D

Thats kind of what I'm thinking - I'm tossing up between entering the lot and dropping a few depending on courses and time, or following Ness' suggestion and trying to get her JDO (3 passes left) before worrying about entering for Open Agility. There's one I'm fairly sure I'll pull out before I even send the entries as I've entered under that judge before and it was a sh*t course in Novice - hate to see what it will be like in Excellent :rolleyes:

Also depends on how well its organised and if you end up running from ring to ring like a mad thing! :thumbsup: That's when you need to be fit!

Edited by feralpup
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For me its not the fitness of the dog but rather the handler.....both dogs can run all day something they have done in flyball.

If i was fitter, understood games rules and was organised enough to be where i am supposed to be i would enter all classes available to me but alas at the moment i only do 2 runs in a trial.

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At the moment I am usually entering Rogan in everything he is eligble for which is usually 6 to 8 runs in a day. Flynn does a maximum of 3 runs a day. If Flynn was at his peak in trialing and could cope well with as many runs as I could throw at him (he's 10 and I have cut back a lot) then I would limit each dogs runs to probably no more than 6 each a day. That would be for financial and human fitness (lack of!!!!) reasons :thumbsup:

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All your replies are giving me so much to look forward to :thumbsup:

Having never had a young dog as my sole responsibility, the amount of sleep Ziggy needs never ceases to amaze me :rolleyes: Today he had a 30 minute on-lead walk (including 10 minutes of training at the park) and an hour road-trip when OH took me to Uni. Zig hasn't stopped snoring all day and has gone to bed early :laugh:

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There's one I'm fairly sure I'll pull out before I even send the entries as I've entered under that judge before and it was a sh*t course in Novice -

Are you talking ADCV?

I'm intrigued as IMO 3 out of the 4 judges listed for Excellent jumping set the nicest flowing courses 9 times out of 10, so you either copped one of their crappy ones (which are not frequent so don't stress) or it's the 4th person who I have never run under except in games.

I have 4 judges that I don't bother entering under any more, mainly because the style of course they usually set does not sit well with my handling system and slows my dog down, which I don't want - and none of these are judging at Easter, yay!

So go on FP - enter everything you want , you can always pull out of any that you don't want to run on the day. :thumbsup:

Getting back to the thread, most I have ever run on one day is 6. Dog was fine with it, but I was 'brain dead' by the last run.

Have entered 8 at Moorabbin, but doubt that I will run them all. I'm good at 'donating' my entry fee to clubs - have donated to Knox (twisted ankle) and Warrnambool (weather forecast) so far! I might actually get to trial in 2008 one of these days.

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The hardest thing for me if I enter too many is walking the courses - they all happen at once. At the local trial I even forgot I had entered a particular event (snooker) and they called me as I walked past, I said I hadn't entered but I had, needless to say when I stopped looking for another red obstacle Bella just said well I am going to keep going so failed pretty quickly

Even more fun if you have 2 dogs running in pairs, trying to remember which parts of the couse you are running with the different dogs. I have decided that only one dog per strategic pairs event is ample LOL

Edited by helen
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There's one I'm fairly sure I'll pull out before I even send the entries as I've entered under that judge before and it was a sh*t course in Novice -

Are you talking ADCV?

I'm intrigued as IMO 3 out of the 4 judges listed for Excellent jumping set the nicest flowing courses 9 times out of 10, so you either copped one of their crappy ones (which are not frequent so don't stress) or it's the 4th person who I have never run under except in games.

I have 4 judges that I don't bother entering under any more, mainly because the style of course they usually set does not sit well with my handling system and slows my dog down, which I don't want - and none of these are judging at Easter, yay!

Just quickly, will reply to the rest later but its not ADCV. Did my entries for Easter last week :thumbsup:

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Even more fun if you have 2 dogs running in pairs, trying to remember which parts of the couse you are running with the different dogs. I have decided that only one dog per strategic pairs event is ample LOL

You just make sure that you are running both dogs on the same parts of the course! :thumbsup: Although I have had to remember different courses for the two different dogs, it certainly makes you familiar with the course if something goes wrong.... :rolleyes:

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I'm lucky to have a girl who loves to do agility, so I usually enter everything in standard trials - ADM/JDM/JDO/ADO - so in a double/double, that's 8 runs a day - like last Saturday - although I did pull out of one ADO run half way through as it was going to hell in a handbasket :love: . I do 16 in a back to back standard weekend. My fitness is certainly not what it could be - but I'm working on it, and luckily my girl handles well at a distance, if Ikeep my brain engaged. :eek:

Like others, I find having to remember more than one course at a time tricky - though I guess that would get better with more practice. Our trials are so small down here, we normally don't have to walk more than one at a time.

In games, I run SPDX and Novice Gamblers - my handling and course analysis is not up to Snooker, and I end up confusing the dog - last thing I need to do!

Now, if I ever get enough impulse control on my mad Fergus to run him as well ...... OK, I'll need to get to the gym more often.

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I'm good at 'donating' my entry fee to clubs - have donated to Knox (twisted ankle) and Warrnambool (weather forecast) so far! I might actually get to trial in 2008 one of these days.

Warrnambool got shut down Sunday PM due to heat policy so didn't even start the PM trial - forecast was 33 and it was 39C at 1.30 :thumbsup: Sat PM wasn't too bad because the cloud cover never really cleared thankfully.

Thanks for the comments people - I've entered all I'm eligible for, even the one I thought I'd drop, with the plan to pick and chose as I go. :rofl:

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Warrnambool got shut down Sunday PM due to heat policy so didn't even start the PM trial - forecast was 33 and it was 39C at 1.30 :rofl: Sat PM wasn't too bad because the cloud cover never really cleared thankfully.

39 ? Are your serious???? Well you can't say that you don't go to extremes down there.

And I was only entered on Sunday afternoon as I couldn't get accomodation so I made the right call and didn't drive close to 4 hours for nothing - yay :thumbsup: (I did sulk most of Sunday tho'!)

I usually enter Bairnsdale (another of my favourite trials after Wangaratta and Warrnambool) but didn't this time as Easter came earlier and I didn't want to run a full weekend 2 days in a row.

Looking at the forecast, that may get shut down too as I think the 'cut off' is now 35.

Let's hope Easter brings some cooler weather for all the runs we are now going to have!!!!!

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Warrnambool got shut down Sunday PM due to heat policy so didn't even start the PM trial - forecast was 33 and it was 39C at 1.30 :rofl: Sat PM wasn't too bad because the cloud cover never really cleared thankfully.

39 ? Are your serious???? Well you can't say that you don't go to extremes down there.

And I was only entered on Sunday afternoon as I couldn't get accomodation so I made the right call and didn't drive close to 4 hours for nothing - yay :thumbsup: (I did sulk most of Sunday tho'!)

I usually enter Bairnsdale (another of my favourite trials after Wangaratta and Warrnambool) but didn't this time as Easter came earlier and I didn't want to run a full weekend 2 days in a row.

Looking at the forecast, that may get shut down too as I think the 'cut off' is now 35.

Let's hope Easter brings some cooler weather for all the runs we are now going to have!!!!!

The forecast for Bairsndale is supposed to be 29 for saturday and 32 for sunday but it keeps changing, hopefully it doesn't go up

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