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Dogs Ageing Before Being Really Old


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I am guessing that dogs like people can get old before their time?

Carlin is not yet 8 but has slowed down a lot, is very grey now, gets a bit put out by Clancy wanting to play, has 'senior moments' when it is clear his mind has gone awol for a few seconds/minutes (I know the feeling well)

His eyesight is badly affected and getting worse and he does not seem to be taking it that well....

I would like to hear from others who have middle aged dogs that seem to be old before their time.



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Yeah both of my two are starting to show their age a bit, although it's not necessarily 'before their time'. They are both over eight now, which isn't too bad a term for a Rotti and with Loki's anxiety issues I've always been aware that he will likely have a reduced life span.

In their case it's all physical symptoms, a little stiffness, less activity, more trouble seeing at night and going down the stairs. It makes me a bit sad sometimes but I try not to dwell on it, I may have many more years with them both yet and I don't want to waste the time I have with them today worrying about what tomorrow might bring.

There are links between diet, exercise and cognition. If you are concerned about your dog having 'senior moments' you might want to check it out. Here is one link I had handy that you might find of interest: article

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I am guessing that dogs like people can get old before their time?

Carlin is not yet 8 but has slowed down a lot, is very grey now, gets a bit put out by Clancy wanting to play, has 'senior moments' when it is clear his mind has gone awol for a few seconds/minutes (I know the feeling well)

His eyesight is badly affected and getting worse and he does not seem to be taking it that well....

I would like to hear from others who have middle aged dogs that seem to be old before their time.



Is Carlin a rescue? What sort of diet is he on? What is wrong with his eyes? Could they be operated on?

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Nicky, my Cavalier, started getting very old when he was around 7. By the time he was 8 he was affected with arthritis in his neck, back and legs and was so stiff and slow. He was also going blind, had lost a lot of hearing and showed the beginnings of Cushings Disease. He slept all day and his walks that used to be for many blocks, were reduced to up the road a bit at a snails pace and back.

Then everything changed when I brought 4 month old Hope (Koolie) home - Nicky came alive and that afternoon on the walk with Hope, he practically galloped, head and tail held high around an entire block trying his best to impress her.

We also added Apple Cider Vinegar to his meals which practically ended the stiffness and pain of his arthritis within a week, and changed his diet totally over to raw. By his ninth birthday he was acting as young as when he was 2 or 3!

He'll be 15 this year and still going great! It's hard to believe I was contemplating his burial when he was only 8!

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Carlin is not a rescue and I have owned him since he was an 8 week old pup.

He has always been on a good quality healthy diet, as are all my dogs, with an occasional "junk doggy food' meal so as he will still eat that sort of stuff when in Kennels.

Because I mostly live alone and my mate could not care for the dogs if I were in Hospital or anything like that they are always kept up to date with vaccinations as they would have to go into Kennels if anything like that happened.

He went night blind fairly early on, but did have a rather strange episode about 3 years ago, in a person I would have said he had a stroke. I do not think he has been quite the same since.

Have to say though that carlin has always had some strange ways about him, don't get me wrong as I love him dearly but have to say he is a bit odd! I do not think he read the book about Labradors!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep same here hopenfox - since my old boy (8.5 years and arthritic) has been on a barf diet and ACV he is a different boy - pain appears much less and he's much more mobile and less stiff - bounces around like a puppy! Although he still hates stairs of any kind... and I think he always will. ACD is certainly marvellous stuff!


Westiemum :cheers:

Nicky, my Cavalier, started getting very old when he was around 7. By the time he was 8 he was affected with arthritis in his neck, back and legs and was so stiff and slow. He was also going blind, had lost a lot of hearing and showed the beginnings of Cushings Disease. He slept all day and his walks that used to be for many blocks, were reduced to up the road a bit at a snails pace and back.

Then everything changed when I brought 4 month old Hope (Koolie) home - Nicky came alive and that afternoon on the walk with Hope, he practically galloped, head and tail held high around an entire block trying his best to impress her.

We also added Apple Cider Vinegar to his meals which practically ended the stiffness and pain of his arthritis within a week, and changed his diet totally over to raw. By his ninth birthday he was acting as young as when he was 2 or 3!

He'll be 15 this year and still going great! It's hard to believe I was contemplating his burial when he was only 8!

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My 8 year old mini poodle is really slowing down he has a bad hip, back and shoulder although on a good day if you didn't know him you might not notice but on a bad day he can't even lift his tail.

Can anyone please give me some info on the apple cider vinegar, thanks.

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My 8 year old mini poodle is really slowing down he has a bad hip, back and shoulder although on a good day if you didn't know him you might not notice but on a bad day he can't even lift his tail.

Can anyone please give me some info on the apple cider vinegar, thanks.

There's definitely an apple cider vinegar article on this page somewhere, I remember reading it. Are you patient enough to scan the index? :rolleyes:

*Site Index Link Here*

edited to add: an antioxidant article although I still can't find the apple cider one.

Edited by Powerlegs
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My male GWP has just turned 11 and has been slowing down over the past few months. Mind you, in the last 18 months he's had a cruciate op and a pancreas op so I suppose it's not surprising, plus he's had mild arthritis for a few years. At 11 I don't think he's old before his time, and I think he's doing pretty well for his age, bless him.

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My American Staff cross Zeus (RIP) got 'old' at 8 years. He really slowed dfown, had bad arthritis, and just was not the playful dog he used to be. When he was 9 years old, we really did not think he would make it Christmas. But that August we decided to get a second dog as company for him. We got a 3 months old Kelpie female and I tell you, its like a miracle! He became a new dog, he got a new lease on lease on life. It was like he was 4 years old again! Zeus made it to that Christmas, and his arthritis was always an issue, but he died in my arm one morning 5 years later at 14 years of age, riddled with arthritis and cancer. But he lived and he had a second lease on life, and he was my boy. So I guess we never really know if we are doing all we can already or not. If you already have two or more dogs, then a companion is not needed like it obviously was for our Zeus. We can only do what we can do, and we can remember that every second of joy they bring us now is worth all the pain of loss and sorrow when they leave us.

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