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Drive Training Workshop

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Another great session with Steve, the information was great, and the pizzas even better!

Lots of fun things to go home and try.

Hey Chopper wasn't a problem (but I was at the other end of the training ground), and his special jacket looked great!

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Many many thanks to Bridget and Steve, and more again to Kamuzz for letting me take her place!! :D
Apologies to everyone else for Chopper's whinging :p In case anyone's wondering, he finally stopped about 10 mins before the end. Maybe I should've put his fancy orange jacket on him earlier :love:

I'm sorry, but Desmo's deafening squealing, wailing, howling and barking when poor Chopper was trying to have his turn was WITHOUT QUESTION the worst carry-on of the day :( He was not impressed at being left in the car while all the other dogs had their turns, but none of you would have been able to hear anything for the rest of the day (indeed the rest of the week once your eardrums had burst) if I'd kept him down on the field with me.

We had a wonderful time and I feel inspired!

Thanks again :laugh: Was lovely to catch up with "old" friends too ;)

Hey if Desmo's barking gets too much for you, I will give him a home. But I might be in line behind someone else!

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Guest PixieOfWrath
Hey if Desmo's barking gets too much for you, I will give him a home. But I might be in line behind someone else!

Not a chance! :mad I love the boy and will be training hard now to improve my skills, earn his respect and get him working to the best of his ability... what a fantastic opportunity I've been given to work with a dog like him. :cry:

Loved your Poodlie by the way. Can't wait until I can work with Desmo like that. :cry:

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Thx to everyone for coming, i hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did - and i think i may have proven to myself, finally that Mav really doesnt have much drive to be useful! i will still try to build it up a little but will work prodominently on Rogue and getting her ready to trial.

im hopig to have another workshop a bit later in the yr, either on agression or advanced drive work - depending on how many people would be interested in the advanced drive stuff

if i have your email, ill try to keep you informed as things as decided



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Thx to everyone for coming, i hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did - and i think i may have proven to myself, finally that Mav really doesnt have much drive to be useful! i will still try to build it up a little but will work prodominently on Rogue and getting her ready to trial.

im hopig to have another workshop a bit later in the yr, either on agression or advanced drive work - depending on how many people would be interested in the advanced drive stuff

if i have your email, ill try to keep you informed as things as decided



I'd be in for any other training events you do.

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R: Thanks AO and Steve for a great day :(

Apologies to everyone else for Chopper's whinging :p In case anyone's wondering, he finally stopped about 10 mins before the end. Maybe I should've put his fancy orange jacket on him earlier :cry:

K9: I actually really didnt notice him making any noise, all the dogs were very well behaved...

POW: I'm sorry, but Desmo's deafening squealing, wailing, howling and barking when poor Chopper was trying to have his turn was WITHOUT QUESTION the worst carry-on of the day :cry: He was not impressed at being left in the car while all the other dogs had their turns, but none of you would have been able to hear anything for the rest of the day (indeed the rest of the week once your eardrums had burst) if I'd kept him down on the field with me.

K9: well like I said, you ever get sick of him, I will take him, that boy has a lot of potential. I dont make those comments lightly.

We had a wonderful time and I feel inspired!

K9: power him up in drive & he will amaze you with what he can do...

PC: Big thanks to Steve and Bridget for an awesome day, I learnt a lot :mad

My apologies for his lordships barking, he really is a demanding so-and-so.

K9: very welcome, like I said there were no dogs that were badly behaved.

Edited by K9 Force
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L: On a more serious note I do have a question in regard to the differance between prey and food drive as the manifestation of both is very similar ie focusing on the object while displaying obvious arousal.

K9: yes the chemical reaction in the dogs are the same for all drives.

Is the differance purely the trigger/stimuli ie prey

K9: yes & it stimulates a alternate value system in the dog.

=simulated prey item / food= food item or, the drive satisfaction part ie food =eat something/ prey =catch something in your mouth without eating it or, in fact both the trigger and the satisfaction parts of the equation?

K9: drive satisfaction is the chemical reward, rather than the taste of the food etc.

Is there a chemical difference as to what happens within the dogs brain or purely the trigger and desired outcome? I promise I was listening if this was covered on the day but it is a thought that popped in to my head oin the way home.

K9: exactly the same & its fine to ask no one remembers everything. The arousal sequence in some dogs is just triggered by a different means, everything else is much the same.

Once again thanks to bridget, Steve and all that attended for making Bron, the dogs and me feel very welcome.

K9: Most welcome..

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JM: I echo everyone's words, my head was buzzing with ideas when I got back to the place we were staying.

I have just got back home from the weekend away and Jake must have been listening has he has gone and found his tug toy! Must have been inspired by Steve's game with him.

Thanks again Steve and Bridget.

PS hoping to find a way to video the skateboard obsession in case anyone feels they missed out on the "show".

K9: good to hear about him looking for his tug toy.

I am happy to video or have you video me doing the skateboard thing... Not with me riding it though... lol.


A: im hopig to have another workshop a bit later in the yr, either on agression or advanced drive work - depending on how many people would be interested in the advanced drive stuff

K9: yes we have another date reserved, so its just about the topic now...

L: I'd be in for any other training events you do.

PC: Yeah me too.

K9: Thank you all for your kind words, it is very hard to present the topic of training in drive because you never know what dogs you will get & how much drive there would be & that falls on top of the standard challenges running a workshop can bring, but there were so many good dogs there it made it a lot easier on me.

There were a few very high drive dogs there & many more with great potential it was obvious to see.

My advice to those who felt little drive was shown is try again to trigger drive in your dogs home territory, see what you get, you may be surprised.

What we coveed is the tip of the Iceburg when it comes to Training In drive, but I hope I got a good explaination out there & all questions were answered.

As always any questions about any topic covered, or those not covered email them onto me & I will answer them.


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I would definitely be interested in any more seminars.

On the subject of aggression, what would a seminar aggression cover?

I guess what I am trying to say is:

Apart from his intermittent dislike of German Shepherds which judging by Saturday seems to be improving, I don't consider Jake have aggression issues (skateboard issues yes :mad ).

However, I DO walk dogs from Staffy Rescue, some of whom exhibit signs of DA to varying degrees, I DO come across aggressive dogs in the dog park. I would like to understand strategies for dealing with aggression and also how different types of aggression arise, can be recognised and can be managed from my general dog person point of view rather than from a particular issue that might arise from my own dog.

I think the issue of aggression and how to deal with it is very important to the dog owner and I am very keen to learn more.

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JM: On the subject of aggression, what would a seminar aggression cover?

K9: things like the different types of aggression, what can be done about it, methods etc etc..

I guess what I am trying to say is:

Apart from his intermittent dislike of German Shepherds which judging by Saturday seems to be improving, I don't consider Jake have aggression issues (skateboard issues yes :mad ).

K9: aggression is another very complex task, to reach full rehab is possible but most think its not. If you didnt notice, I was extremly proud of a couple of dogs at te workshop whose owners have excelled themselves it rehabbing previously aggressive dogs.

However, I DO walk dogs from Staffy Rescue, some of whom exhibit signs of DA to varying degrees, I DO come across aggressive dogs in the dog park. I would like to understand strategies for dealing with aggression and also how different types of aggression arise, can be recognised and can be managed from my general dog person point of view rather than from a particular issue that might arise from my own dog.

I think the issue of aggression and how to deal with it is very important to the dog owner and I am very keen to learn more.

K9: I am happy to leave open some time for any topic people want to discuss....

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Yes I would be interested in aggression issues too. Darcy does not have severe aggression, but does give a growl if dogs crowd around him. I'd really like to nip it in the bud as some dogs will see this as threatening and him being only 10kg, might be willing to take him on and rip into him.

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Guest PixieOfWrath
K9: well like I said, you ever get sick of him, I will take him, that boy has a lot of potential. I dont make those comments lightly.
We had a wonderful time and I feel inspired!

K9: power him up in drive & he will amaze you with what he can do...

Thank you :hug: I won't get sick of him - all I was thinking at the time was that I didn't have enough control to keep him quiet and when everyone else there had paid to come and hear you talk, it would have been very unfair of me to keep him on the field drowning out everything you were saying.

We may have to come and see you another time about what I need to do to get more control and to make sure I'm getting the drive training right... would really kick myself if I stuffed him up by doing it wrong :D

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K9: There is stacks of stuff on drive training to read but what I teach is my own method through my own program, whilst on the surface some may look similar, there are significant differences.

There are some drive articles on my web site, & of course we have Distance learning packages which include training in drive that are comprehensive & are specifically designed for each individual case.

There is also quite an intensive thread I started on DOL a while ago that can help.

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Just wanted to say a belated thankyou for Saturday. My head was spinning a bit - so much information, but all makes perfect sense.

Steve, I'll definitely be doing some of your correspondence courses. I would love to get Jemima out for some one on ones if we can get some more spare time (which seems to be more of a luxury these days).

I feel like I just need more background/reading/info before I can confidently put it into practice.

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Thx for your thoughts but i didnt really do much - Steve did all the hard work :thumbsup:

i'll keep everyone informed of what we decide to run later in the year

now go a get 'drivin'!!!

Bridget one other thing that I forgot to mention as an area of interest was anxiety- not just fear related aggression, but also separation anxiety which Steve touched upon. In rescue often there are dogs that have some degree of separation anxiety and/or other anxiety related issues, such as storm phobias. Is this an area that might also be covered by a future workshop?

Edited by JakesMum
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