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Clickers, Is One Better Than The Other?


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Guest Tess32

I have no idea how people can still use the 'older' style ones, they are so annoying to click.

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Thank you so much. I have just bought both of them.

Have you had a chance to read any of the e-book yet? I have a paper copy of the book and love it. The other book must be new and I haven't seen it but it looks worth the money to me

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Thank you so much. I have just bought both of them.

Have you had a chance to read any of the e-book yet? I have a paper copy of the book and love it. The other book must be new and I haven't seen it but it looks worth the money to me

I had a quick look at the e-book last night and will have a good read on the weekend. It looks like it is going to be a good tool. I ordered the other one as well. I hope it doesn't take too long to get here. :rolleyes:

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I ordered from them and it arrived quickly, but it was a few years ago. The new book looks great, might invest it in myself.

I hope so. I am really looking forward to starting some clicker training with Angel, my youngest girl. I am going to start this weekend, probably with an old box clicker because I doubt that the new ones will arrive today.

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I ventured into the training thread for the first time in ages today. I have never trained with a clicker...and I know by now you're saying what planet have I been on. (But that is a whole other story).

I have two 12 week old vizsla siblings (that I bred myself) and would like to try clicker training with them. I have been reading this thread and will order 2 i-clickers (in case I lose one).

Which book is the best for a novice clicker trainer but not novice trainer. We had a vizsla with a CD back in the mid 90's that I trained & trialed also my OH and had the first two field trial champ vizslas (not non-slip).

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I didn't learn from a book so can't say from personal experience, but there are books and DVDs

This website has recommended books and has several clicker training books under the 'general' category - http://www.clickersolutions.com/reading.htm - Complete Idiots Guide To Positive Dog Training is a great book which does cover clicker training and is very good on the theory behind the training as well as for practical training

Books also on this website - http://www.clickertraining.com/

Are you going back to obedience aranyoz?

Edited by helen
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I didn't learn from a book so can't say from personal experience, but there are books and DVDs

This website has recommended books and has several clicker training books under the 'general' category - http://www.clickersolutions.com/reading.htm - Complete Idiots Guide To Positive Dog Training is a great book which does cover clicker training and is very good on the theory behind the training as well as for practical training

Books also on this website - http://www.clickertraining.com/

Are you going back to obedience aranyoz?

Thanks for the info

I would like to start the pups off for show training initially and move on to some obedience after that.

Edited to say that I have now ordered the 2 X i-clickers. MOH insists one is for him but I have my doubts that he could be bothered using it unless it has some thing to do with hunting!!!!

Edited by aranyoz
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I also like Clicker training :eek: I don't use it a whole lot, but last night I was determined to get my 1 year old dog to walk next to me on a loose lead (he is a shocking puller) I have tried a few methods before but he just didn't 'get it' (no doubt my fault more than his :) ). So I thought I'd try bringing the clicker in as a marker.

I put him on the lead and started clicking & treating for him being beside me on a loose lead. I just love seeing the look on his face "ohhhh I get it now" and by the end of the session he wasn't pulling at all :) A few more sessions (this on was just in the front yard) and he should be right (I hope :D :laugh: )

It got me all enthused about clicker training again :hug:

Edited by amypie
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I didn't learn from a book so can't say from personal experience, but there are books and DVDs

This website has recommended books and has several clicker training books under the 'general' category - http://www.clickersolutions.com/reading.htm - Complete Idiots Guide To Positive Dog Training is a great book which does cover clicker training and is very good on the theory behind the training as well as for practical training

Books also on this website - http://www.clickertraining.com/

Are you going back to obedience aranyoz?

Thanks for the info

I would like to start the pups off for show training initially and move on to some obedience after that.

Edited to say that I have now ordered the 2 X i-clickers. MOH insists one is for him but I have my doubts that he could be bothered using it unless it has some thing to do with hunting!!!!

I am becoming increasingly impatient for my clickers to arrive.

I can't wait to get started with the pups now. I know that they have been shipped as I got an email from blackdog yesterday. I really hope that they turn up before the weekend. I have read a couple of articles by Karen Pryor and now am also buying her book.

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They should do aranyoz, Blackdog are very prompt. :laugh:

:eek: They arrived this morning and I am pleasantly surprised at how small & light they are. I will definately be doing some puppy training today. Just have to go and cook the sausages to use as the reward for the first few lessons...

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OMG!! :mad I am sooo in love with my clicker! :D The pups are responding already in one session and were starting to realise that the click meant a reward. and to stand still.

But it was there mother who has amazed me she had had some clicker training as a puppy with her previous owner and had resisted my best attemps to get her to keep her feet still when stacking for show training. I have not yet shown her yet and thought it was still along way off. Well 2 sessions later she is standing still with all four feet on the ground and allowing me to adjust her rear legs without moving her front feet. :shrug:

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