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Ticks In Brisbane


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This thread is mainly for other DOLers in and around Brisbane. Do you use a tick preventative on your dog/s?

I haven't been since it was never brought up by my vet (our last visit was months ago before I started actively participating on here) but after reading on the internet that we are prone to ticks up here in QLD, I am considering switching my two over from Advantage to Advantix. I live on the southside in a suburban area and my dogs are kept as indoor dogs and are only allowed outside under supervision.

Is it better for me to be safe than sorry? Look forward to hearing your replies :(

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Yes, I'm in a north-western suburb of Brisbane & make sure my dogs have Advantix. It's usually advised that you don't rely 100% on chemical tick control.....but do a visual search of your dog, as well.

It helps to know, too, what are the signs of tick toxicity to look out for. I'd always thought it was just paralysis in the legs.

But one Tibbie we know, kept throwing up.....& the owners thought it might be somthing he'd eaten & decided to take him to the vet in a day or two if it didn't clear up. Too late, it turned out to be from a paralysis tick & the vet couldn't save him.

Also a friend's cat started making strange strangled noises. Rushed it to the vet. Also turned out to be from a paralysis tick.

There are also ways you can organise your own garden to reduce tick risk. In fact, there's just been a thread in theOff Topic section of DOL, talking about how you do this.

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JTW, we moved here from NZ in 2005, that first summer we used both Advantix and Preventic collars as Paralysis ticks were alien to us as are cane toads, big bugs, snakes etc etc

For the last two years we have used just Advantix, in the summer every two weeks and in the winter monthly :eek:

Touch wood, none on the dogs YET :laugh:

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I am in Northern Brizzy and both of my dogs are treated with advantix fortnightly. I was previously using another brand fortnightly and found a tick in my girls ear in September last year. No probs since switching to Advantix though even though they are avid swimmers. I also check them over daily as a back up.

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Never used to be a problem here at my place (inner western suburbs) but then I came home one day and all the dogs were covered in scrub ticks. I had never seen one here, and then bang! literally hundreds of them :o ...I have never seen anything like it in my life. It took my OH and I over an hour to get them all off. As far as we can figure and after chatting with some helpful CSIRO folks, they probably came from the bats. So, now it's advantix monthly and occasional permoxin sprayings. I still find one occasionally, but not very often.

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