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Just A Question


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at my club last saturday, there was a woman there with a long haired german sheppard. we were doing agility training and she had one of thoes citrus spray collers, the one where you press the button and it sprays the dog. well anyway. we were waiting in line to go through the tunnel and her dog was looking over the padocks and she was calling it and it wasnt looking at her, so she sprayed it. in our club, if you are negitive in anyway to your dog then you have to sit out. i guess my question is, should i be telling someone about this collar or not? i dont know if any of the trainers have seen the collar, but it doesnt seem right to me. or is this something of the norm for agility? ( i have only just started agility as of last saturday)



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I agree with Tony, ask the lady about it if you're that curious, she may be willing to tell you all there is to know about said collar! But I personally wouldn't go "dobbing her in" to the club. If the club hasn't noticed, well it's their problem isn't it? Let her train her dog the way she wants to, so long as she's not hurting or abusing it.

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her dog was looking over the padocks and she was calling it and it wasnt looking at her, so she sprayed it.

Calling it, as in plural? As described, I would call this nagging the dog- bad - ie. dogs learn to ignore 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th command?.

Without focus, we as dog handlers/trainers have nothing.

Dog training clubs, don't we love them??????????

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thanks guys, i didnt really want to say anything on the day because we had alot of new people and alot to go through. Lablover: the dog was standing about half a meter away from her on the lead and she lept calling it name to pay attention to her.

i spose i can just sort of enquire to the lady and ask her what it is for and everything. thanks again everyone

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