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Eye Care


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Chloe seems to be getting a fair bit more discharge than usual from her eyes in this past week or so. It's yellow, sometimes greenish and I find I have to clean it off at least twice a day. The whites of her eyes are looking a little pink too.

Could there be something which is affecting her eyes or could she have picked up an infection from somewhere? Is there something I should be doing, or just wait and see if it clears up? She doesn't seem bothered by it.

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Take her to the vet tomorrow to make sure she hasn't got a scratch or injury. If she has no damage also ask the vet to test for dry eye and have a look to see if her eyelids are rolling in and causing her eyelashes to rub on her eyes causing irritation.

If she has none of that going on, no obvious cause for the discharge, then it's probably just an infection that some antibiotic eye drops will clear up.

How old is she? What breed is she?

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