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Spanky's In Pain


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On Feb 7th, Spanky was acting like he was in pain.

He wouldn't go up or down steps.

He cried when we'd pick him up to take him up and down.

It seemed his shoulders were sore. (I'm guessing.)

I squeezed and pulled all his legs and he didn't cry out.

He did however cry when I lifted him from under his armpits.

We took him to the vets, and they tested his range of movement.

He showed them no feelings of pain.

They told us to give him an 81mg aspirin, and another the following day.

They showed us a better way to pick him up. He didn't cry when we used this way.

The following day, he was still acting the same, so we took him back to the vets.

They did blood work and checked for Lyme Disease. Test came back OK.

Again, he showed them no sign of pain; but little resistance when extending his front legs.

He did go up and down their (full flight of) steps

They prescribed (orally) 25mg Toradol (Ketorolac or ketorolac tromethamine, an NSAID twice a day.

Also, (orally) 25mg Rimadyl (another NSAID) twice daily, to start the following day because he already had aspirin that day.

The Toradol slowed him down. The second dose at night knocked him out. I thought he was dead or dying

when I checked him a few hours later (3AM).

We stopped that Toradol.

The 5 days worth of Rimadyl fixed him up after a few days. He took to the Rimadyl OK.

We/they had no idea what caused his problems.

He is acting the same way again today.

I'm waiting for them to call back to see if I should pick up another 5 days worth

of Rimadyl.

I don't see any reason to take him back to the vets now, unless they call back & suggest

some other (logical) test/s.

Any ideas? Similar experiences?

Thanx in advance.


Edited by Bonzawani
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Spanky's 1 1/2 yrs.

They prodded his spine, first with fingers, then with a pin.

No negative responses.

I just had him out for a walk.

It snowed here today, so I wiped him down.

He whimpered a very little when I was gently rubbing his shoulders (both sides).



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I picked up some more Rimadyl.

Spanky's going up our steps today. :D

Gonna still give him the Rimadyl.

We will be discussing the next step with the vet on Monday.

I had already told Mrs. Bonzawani after Spanky's first painful experience we should plan on future ex-rays.



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Good that Spanky's feeling better. Let's hope it's all over.

If he has trouble again, you should consider asking for a referral to a board certified veterinary orthopedic specialist. Could be expensive - could need X-rays and maybe MRI.

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Yes Tassie. Let's hope!

Thanx. wub.gif

Spanky did take a tumble on our un-carpeted stairs the day before, or earlier that day.

I thought nothing of it because he only fell 1 step. He was following me down so I stopped his fall. Afterwards, he acted OK, going up and down the stairs and running around.

Then, much later he was acting like he was in pain. dunno2.gif

Let's hope it was from this, the injury was minor, and Spanky heals OK.

If not, the specialist & tests will have to follow.


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