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How Did You Teach Your Dog To Hold 2o/2o?


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Clear criteria, lots of successful repetitions, and proofing in different places/contexts. You have a travel plank?

I do have a travel plank. My problem is that she is too fast and the second she targets she also swings her back legs. Not always but often enough that she is still confused about what to do.

Hmmm maybe I should put the target on the plank first and only slowly move it on the ground...?

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I have trained my most recent dog the 1RTO (which is actually two rear feet on) behaviour, as that is a "hind end" behaviour. She understands that the back feet have to make and keep contact.

My older two I trained with a nose target and feel that this is a front end behaviour and that the dog does not necessarily understand that the rear end needs to stay on.

As she does sometimes keep her rear feet on, you can choose to only reinforce behaviours where the rear feet stay on. If it's the speed swinging her, this may mean that you release her to the target from very close, and only gradually build up the distance, so that you keep up the rate of reinforcement. Allow her to make errors, this helps her to learn, but keep the success rate at about 80%.

Did you do stair work? This could help too. Harder to swing off stairs.

Is it possible that at some stage you have inadvertently reinforced the hind end coming off?

How high is your plank? SG recommends 4" - a bit of height helps distinguish for the dog between "on" and "off". How wide is it? Mine is too narrow ... I need to make one that is 12" wide, as it's too easy for my dogs to come off the side.

Edited by sidoney
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I have trained my most recent dog the 1RTO (which is actually two rear feet on) behaviour, as that is a "hind end" behaviour. She understands that the back feet have to make and keep contact.

My older two I trained with a nose target and feel that this is a front end behaviour and that the dog does not necessarily understand that the rear end needs to stay on.

As she does sometimes keep her rear feet on, you can choose to only reinforce behaviours where the rear feet stay on. If it's the speed swinging her, this may mean that you release her to the target from very close, and only gradually build up the distance, so that you keep up the rate of reinforcement. Allow her to make errors, this helps her to learn, but keep the success rate at about 80%.

Did you do stair work? This could help too. Harder to swing off stairs.

Is it possible that at some stage you have inadvertently reinforced the hind end coming off?

How high is your plank? SG recommends 4" - a bit of height helps distinguish for the dog between "on" and "off". How wide is it? Mine is too narrow ... I need to make one that is 12" wide, as it's too easy for my dogs to come off the side.

Thanks heaps. :rofl::rofl:

The plank is around 4" high. Not sure how wide.

I think you are totally right that she understands the front behavior but not the rear one. We have been doing a lot of rear end awareness exercises where she stands with her front paws on the brick and just moves her back legs. I didn't think about it until you mentionned it but I think you are totally right. I think she is trying to connect the two and I didn't even realize LOL!!!!!!!

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Laffi, Stop with the abbreviations. I thought the topic title was H2O so wondered why you would want to dog to hold on. I think I need new glasses.

Due to the heat currently watching Ted Turner. Thanks to you, no housework being done again.

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I had problems in the beginning as Kaos was just very enthusiastic and wouldn't stay still for a second! :rofl:

I had done rear end awareness previously but I think that confused him to start with as he thought that's what we were doing and he would swing around to face me.

What worked was mostly patience, perserverence and slowly making it harder. sidoney suggested first I aim for all 4 feet on, then three feet, then the hind feet, which has worked and he is pretty good now. I am now making it a ramp to make it more realistic.

After reading other responses, I should have raised it off the ground more to make it easier. Oh well :rofl:

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Laffi, Stop with the abbreviations. I thought the topic title was H2O so wondered why you would want to dog to hold on. I think I need new glasses.

Due to the heat currently watching Ted Turner. Thanks to you, no housework being done again.

:rolleyes: :sleep::(

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I had trouble with Scoota having no idea where his back end was, so i turned 2 broad jumps on their side and had them either side of the plank and that was enough to help him through that phase.

I taught Beans using a contact trainer and I used the a-frame side - so didn't have this issue with her. To begin with I lured, but she was smart and learnt really quickly where she had to be to get the rewards.

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