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Video: - Training Terminology Literacy Exercise


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So what you're saying is, it's possible to work a dog in just prey drive, but that properly training in prey drive naturally tends to increase pack drive as well? That sounds pretty plausible to me. smile.gif

And perhaps that is just what Dennis meant, and I misunderstood him when I thought he said he only worked his dogs in pack drive?


I actually meant that although a dog is in prey drive chasing, running, grabbing sleeve etc those behaviours are prey drive, but running paralel and active is the pack drive, prey drive behaviours are not pack drive behaviours although they interact sometimes in varying degree.

I did an elementary over view on drives and stim thresholds at the link below - in short & simple - different stimuli stimulate different drives, balls, tugs etc are all secondary prey drive stims -

I develop the pack drive and consequently OB through primary pack drive stim which is my entire interaction with them - the link to the vid below is a primary pack drive stim, if I gave a ball or treat that would stimulate a very high % of the prey drive and a very low % of pack drive, in the vid its 100% primary pack drive stimulation - I never try and reinforce OB with treats - most people do it but I emphasis the pack drive stimulus, after a few secs when I give the "break" I might toss a treat to them on rare ocassions and I also ignore them immediatly after

The vids go some way to explaning it combined with the text but in more simple terms - if your dogs running after this or that and it stops the chase to comply to a command - the prey drive is chasing behaviours but pack drive is the drive which is responsible for obedience behaviours - not sure thats explained so well - see if the vids make a bit more sense of it COMBIMED with the text at the link -


Primary pack drive positive reinforcer stimulation demo - note, no treats, no toys


Pack drive stops prey drive behaviour (the brake) - pack drive behaviour (recall) takes over the dogs behavioural responses.


Text - the drives



Edited by Denis Carthy
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Beautiful explanation Rom!!

I wasn't looking at it in that sense.

Thanks for that :cry:

Thinking on this subject some more and I have just realised that this ties in with the ABC of behaviour = antecedent stimulus> behaviour> consequence.

Don't ya just love those 'Eureka' moments in learning :laugh:

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Thanks Denis, I'll have a look at the link, and try to find a place I can watch the videos with sound


Hi AM - I think this vid explains it better, its around 4 mins of nothing but running after and hunting squirels, all prey drive behaviour, she's also a high drive dog with good working genes so its pronounced - the recall is random and totally unpredictable by the dog, the recall whistle is a pack drive conditioned stim as soon as its used it deactivates all prey drive behaviour and she returns to me -

When she returns and stays close around me pack drive is the drive behaviour which keeps her close, prey drive is active but confined to behaviours of looking around and picking up scents and sounds etc but they are low level prey drive behaviours and hanging around near me is high level (intensity) pack drive behaviour cancelling out higher prey drive behaviours such as running of after prey.

Random, Recall -Pack Drive Stimulus Overideing High Prey Drive Behaviour

Click arrow at botton right to enlarge


Edited by Denis Carthy
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I have been away......dog training ..........of course, for a week.

I have yet to review the added links, but if I can ask, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, how do you rate your dogs prey drive, as shown on your original video?

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