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Maturing Dogs


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Cooper is 4 in April and in the last few months he has become more switched on in regards to training and more wanting to be with me and willing to please. We had a good 10 minutes training outside today (mostly tricks with some formal work thrown in) and even when other dogs were barking at him under the front gates he had a quick glace then continued to be all up in my face wanting to work.

He has always been a really good boy, and pretty good to train, but he always had a bit of a silly streak and could be quite easily distracted for a couple of seconds :)

I am thinking he is starting to mature more and his working brains are starting to fully function :(

Is there an age where you would say your dog was fully matured or there was a stage where all of a sudden they seem more switched on ?

Erny, Tonymc or someone else may also have some insight into his sudden willingness ?

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Maybe he heard that you are getting a new puppy soon and he is trying to be top dog :)

Sorry I cant help :rofl:

:( Yes, maybe he is trying to suck up my bum now before she comes !!!

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A little OT but anyways: Kira was (and sometimes still can be) a complete dick when it came to obedience - always train well but give me the middle claw at trials :) When she was 2 I got Narmi and boy did her results improve - title in one weekend. I think a little bit of competition for my attention work wonders (although that was not my intention when I got Narm).

I think the maturity thing is a part of his willingness. Kiz has only (in last 4-6mths) just started not to be a spaz all the time in the agility ring. She is a lot more consistant and WAAAAY calmer. She's now almost 5 (only took 3 years for her to grow a brain)

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Ohhh lucky you, i am still waiting for my 4 year old Border Collies to grow brains.

Elvis was totally switched on when at Flyball, but anything else he is still a bit loopy. I am hoping he behaves at Agility, switches on and concentrates.. but knowing him probably not :).

Tinny is just nutty, i swear that dog will never mature. Clover did not start to settle down until she was 2 - 3 years old, and just got better at obedience as the years went by. She is pretty good now but at 9 years old still has her 'moments'.

Harri has come along in leaps and bounds the last 6 weeks or so, he is only 14 months old... so i am pleasantly suprised with him.

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Mine turned 3 last week and I'm still waiting patiently for the brain fairy to turn up :thumbsup: Slack cow.

That said he's much better than he used to be. He had a particularly stupid day yesterday (couldn't focus, heel, sit, stay, or anything else) which really highlighted how far we've come from when he was a silly puppy, thankfully he was back to normal after a walk wore him out.

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Cooper is 4 in April and in the last few months he has become more switched on in regards to training and more wanting to be with me and willing to please. We had a good 10 minutes training outside today (mostly tricks with some formal work thrown in) and even when other dogs were barking at him under the front gates he had a quick glace then continued to be all up in my face wanting to work.

He has always been a really good boy, and pretty good to train, but he always had a bit of a silly streak and could be quite easily distracted for a couple of seconds :clap:

I am thinking he is starting to mature more and his working brains are starting to fully function :love:

Is there an age where you would say your dog was fully matured or there was a stage where all of a sudden they seem more switched on ?

Erny, Tonymc or someone else may also have some insight into his sudden willingness ?

I am someone else LOL.

Have you changed your expectations? More consistent, more experienced, more time focusing on this particular dog?

We often blame our dogs, when often we need to change OUR behaviour/methods.

Edited by Lablover
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Cooper is 4 in April and in the last few months he has become more switched on in regards to training and more wanting to be with me and willing to please. We had a good 10 minutes training outside today (mostly tricks with some formal work thrown in) and even when other dogs were barking at him under the front gates he had a quick glace then continued to be all up in my face wanting to work.

He has always been a really good boy, and pretty good to train, but he always had a bit of a silly streak and could be quite easily distracted for a couple of seconds :clap:

I am thinking he is starting to mature more and his working brains are starting to fully function :love:

Is there an age where you would say your dog was fully matured or there was a stage where all of a sudden they seem more switched on ?

Erny, Tonymc or someone else may also have some insight into his sudden willingness ?

I am someone else LOL.

Have you changed your expectations? More consistent, more experienced, more time focusing on this particular dog?

We often blame our dogs, when often we need to change OUR behaviour/methods.

I haven't changed my methods that I know of LOL, but we have had a break from training for a while and only been doing stuff at home. Maybe this could be it ??

I am also starting to teach him more tricks so maybe he is starting to have more fun ?? I really dont know but I'm liking it :)

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In the past I have debuted my dogs in the ring at around 2 years of age.

So far the dogs that I have trained have all of a sudden exhibited a distinct "lifting of the fog" moment. From that moment on they seem to be so much more mature, with a seemingly clearer understanding of whats required.

My current new pup may be an early starter. Showing great potential. Mrs dogdude"s learning curve will be her ball and chain. :rolleyes:

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I've got no real experience to draw on other than my current two.

Xena - 21 month old BC bitch. Totally focussed, nothing distracts her from the job she is doing until she is nearly dead on her feet. Has been that way since about 15 months. until then she was awesome for about 40 minutes of a class and would then go 'walk about'.

CK - 16 month old BC dog. Totally focussed on what he is totally focussed on. This might be me, it might be the duck poo or one of his friends on the other side of the oval :rofl: . Generally he is pretty good and is steadily improving, but the 'switch' definitely hasn't been thrown yet. It has been suggested to me that boys from this breeder can be a little slow to mature. He's so goofy you can't help but love him though so I'll have a few laughs and probably a few tears while I wait for him to grow up. :rolleyes:

Would be interesting to hear others experiences.

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IMO depends on the dog. Shaula won three novice ob. classes at 12-14 months old. She was just ready! Easy to train, focused. Her sister and her sister's owner were training with us, and Adele (the sister) was not as focused at that age.

Xia has become more drivey somewhere around the 2 - 2 1/2 mark.

Edited by sidoney
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I have one dog going on 6 this year and sometimes i really wonder what happened to his brain. He still acts 2 years old, the only area that he has actually calmed a bit and understood what is really required is flyball. Everything else is nearly a lost cause because of my nerves and his silliness but i am hoping that will change this year!

My other boy is 3 and is very airy fairy! Attention span of a gold fish but gives incredible work when focused. I am very happy to wait till he settles because i know what he has in store when he does :)

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Cooper is 4 in April and in the last few months he has become more switched on in regards to training and more wanting to be with me and willing to please. We had a good 10 minutes training outside today (mostly tricks with some formal work thrown in) and even when other dogs were barking at him under the front gates he had a quick glace then continued to be all up in my face wanting to work.

He has always been a really good boy, and pretty good to train, but he always had a bit of a silly streak and could be quite easily distracted for a couple of seconds :)

I am thinking he is starting to mature more and his working brains are starting to fully function :rofl:

Is there an age where you would say your dog was fully matured or there was a stage where all of a sudden they seem more switched on ?

Erny, Tonymc or someone else may also have some insight into his sudden willingness ?

I am someone else LOL.

Have you changed your expectations? More consistent, more experienced, more time focusing on this particular dog?

We often blame our dogs, when often we need to change OUR behaviour/methods.

I haven't changed my methods that I know of LOL, but we have had a break from training for a while and only been doing stuff at home. Maybe this could be it ??

I am also starting to teach him more tricks so maybe he is starting to have more fun ?? I really dont know but I'm liking it :rofl:

A break from formal training and making it fun for the dog could be beneficial. If your dog lives in the house and is with you many hours of the day and night, there are many opportunities to train. If we see the chances. Generalisation and consistency are the key. O, and fun, for both owner and dog!!!!

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