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Nappy Rash Without The Nappies


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Nala has been getting a rash on her belly, under her arms and inner back legs

I have been applying curash which helps but is a solution only a relief to the itch.

is it just the wet weather or could it be something else?

apart from the rash she seems well, she is flea free, but vey bored as it is too wet for playing in the yard

her bordom is leading to so destructive behavour, we had snow the othe morning (she had destruyed 2 pillows that were on the outside couch)


chewing shoes and anything else that doesn't run away, this is not her usual behaviour but maybe at 4 months she is just getting to that stage.

could the new dog (Mega 9yr old St Bernardx female) be causing her any stress and setting off this behaviour? They get on really well. Mega doesn't play but she is happy for Nala to climb all over her without any reaction.

I hate that it is so wet even if we do need the rain.

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Is it inside her ears as well? My two have both had contact allergy from a plant. It made their ears red inside as well.

If she hasn't had it before I would take her to the vet for diagnosis.

Also, if you do a search on contact allergy you'll see that you're not alone and there is some great advice I got earlier.

Hope it clears up and your furniture survives :) We all walk in the rain :(

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Hi Ceasar's Mum

When we first got akita's we were warned that when we bathed them or they got wet that under arm areas must be dried thoroughly other wise a type of nappy rash would develop.

And also to add a little cornstarch or potato powder to help dry up excess if not sure.

We have always followed this rule and have not ever had a heat rash on the Akita's.

Hope this helps


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thanks Malisa1, I'm sure it was just that everything was so wet and humid with all the rain here. the grass had grown long and I'm sure she was staying damp on her underside from going out in the rain.

It has clared up since the rain stop and I have mowed the yard. so I'm sure your breeder is right about trying to keep these areas dry.

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Thank you!!! I think I have finally figured out what is causing my baby's red irritated skin! I initially thought it was diet related (and it was as a change in diet that fixed it) but nothing has changed recently apart from the wet weather and she is really irritated under the armpits and back of the legs. I will buy some corn flour to try today.

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This sounds like a contact allergy and my suspicion is Wandering Jew - growing PROFUSELY in many places right now - in my garden and in neighbour's gardens, right where I walk my dogs so I'm having to walk on the road to be sure to avoid it.

Dogs like to lie in it so can get the rash exactly where you are finding it. Most vets have a picture of it, it has shiny green leaves and grows quickly on funny stalks! I had no idea what it was until my dog started getting a rash and the vet showed me.

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Hi dogmad and goldieneale

Happy to help any time after nearly 5 years with Akita's we have learned thru trial and error.

Just make sure area is dry and clean before applying powder.

Our Akita's sleep in the house at night as well.

So this probably helps a lot.

Out in the kennel runs in day time.........Oh but this hot rainy weather is conductive to heat rash.

We have had a lot of rain of late in South East Queensland.

But if rash continues seek vetinary advice ASAP.

Kind Regards Malisa

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