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Loving my smugmug account too! I am a website retard so can't figure out how to make it not look like smugmug, but it doesn't irk me.

I have a pro account.

I don't see an issue with orders going through smugmug.... I haven't bought any of my own stuff yet but I will just to see the quality. I have a reallly good photographic printer but I may still end up using a professional print lab for pics.

There is no issue with orders going through Smugmug, I know people here have ordered and been pleased with the result and quick service to Australia. The real problem if we relied on the Pro account to generate orders, is that they would not happen. Australians aren't confident putting in an order to overseas, not interested in thinking about Exchange Rates, and have a concern about how well photographs (especially the bigger enlargements) are packed for overseas posting. So - very few orders.

We took off the shopping-cart facility 3-4 years ago, and replaced it with our own email and phone contact Nos. Works fine for us.

We do have all of our printing done at a Pro-lab though, there are too many horror stories of home-printing jobs, especially ink-jet, not lasting as well as their press claims, particularly bubbling or rippling a few years after they are (professionally) framed. Having said that, we do have a sub-dye printer for small prints, but still prefer to use a Pro-lab for orders.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Deviant Art is a good website too... Got everyone there..

Well, not everyone. Yes agree DA is good to visit, but like Red Bubble it is geared more to the arty stuff than standing as a photography platform. And those pop-ups drive me nuts, no I do not want to win whatever scammy thing is being flashed at me, click to be rich, go away. (Smugmug's D-grin takes beating as a support forum).

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Deviant Art is a good website too... Got everyone there.. Although it is more about posting up images. The forums/chat rooms can be a great source of information.

used to belong to the community. Some really nice stuff posted and some really really nice people


I'm on dA as well, great site, but the problem is, there are lots of art stealer's, and i mean lots

I would say if you are realy interested in photography make you own website, some people on dA have both, but for real professional things i would say a website

I have a few websites about things, i use spruz, its free but very good, and its getting new ad ons every second, to get some optional things you need to pay but just for a starter site it's very good and easy to use.

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