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Whining And Scratching Doors


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I used to ignore it and it was getting better but my sister is home more again so I need it fixed.

I can't ignore him anymore, my sister works late night (gets home at 4am most mornings) and if I leave this half of the house then Gizmo whines non-stop. He isn't allowed in the other half and I go in there to use the big PC and to cook and such.

One idea I was tossing around was perhaps getting a baby gate so that he can see in there but not entirely sure if that will work so just wanted some backup options.

I've been working on leadership a ton now and I THINK I am on top still. Since my last issue (food growling) I've had no troubles since I stepped it up a notch and he hasn't appeared to challenge me at all. He is still on my bed though till I put my room back together then I think I might be banishing him to a crate at night time. I don't acknowledge him when I leave the room or when I come back till he has settled down.

Also not sure if its relevant but we've been doing that Triangle of Temptation thing and its going really well. He won't look away from me! On walks and such if we stop and he is in a sit he is looking at me immediately waiting for the next command.

Another issue is when anyone other than me attempts to leave this side of the house he'll try to barge past them and they cant keep him in here without help as he'll put his muzzle in the door and be a pain. Could this be pack issues? He does it to mum and I am fairly certain Mum is above him. I used to keep a watergun at the door so people could just spray him when he does it and he backs off but is there a more permanent solution as if I forget to leave the watergun there then whoever is leaving has a 10 minute mission.

So, any ideas on what I can try that won't keep my sister awake for hours on end? He'll whine for up to 3 hours or so (usually 1-2hrs tho) then if anyone comes in he'll start again when they leave.

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LM: I can't ignore him anymore, my sister works late night (gets home at 4am most mornings) and if I leave this half of the house then Gizmo whines non-stop. He isn't allowed in the other half and I go in there to use the big PC and to cook and such.

One idea I was tossing around was perhaps getting a baby gate so that he can see in there but not entirely sure if that will work so just wanted some backup options.

K9: The first thing we need to establish is why the dog is whnning, is it because the dog thinks it will get let in if it whines? Is the dog suffereing possibly a mild case of separation anxiety? Some of these things can require completely different training procedures...

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In my not so expert opinion it is the first, he expects to be let in. This is because when my sister is home I have to shut up so I end up letting him in. I just found out she is staying at her boyfriends for 2 weeks so that gives me a little bit of time to work with :love:

Just before I did a little experiment. I put the base of my bed standing up across the hallway entrance so he couldn't get to the door. He whined for maybe 1-2 minutes then stopped. I stayed out there for 40 minutes and came back and he was just snoozing on my bed.

I could put a gate up if this works, but imo that is only really band aiding the situation and not actually fixing the undesirable behavior?

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The door is now blocked off so he doesn't scratch, he is whining again.

BUUUUUUUUUT he has taken to shitting on my table. When I am not in here he will climb on my table and take a dump! He'll also piss on the floor near my bed.

I've had to lock him outside now as I really can't be bothered cleaning up piss and poo every time I leave the room.

Could these two things be related?

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LM: In my not so expert opinion it is the first, he expects to be let in. This is because when my sister is home I have to shut up so I end up letting him in. I just found out she is staying at her boyfriends for 2 weeks so that gives me a little bit of time to work with :happydance2:

K9: your dog knows this, it will be a habit that will need to be broken.

LM: could put a gate up if this works, but imo that is only really band aiding the situation and not actually fixing the undesirable behavior?

K9: thats what I call making a deal with the devil... I would be cautious with that route... He will be looking to aquire more real estate soon enough...

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LM: The door is now blocked off so he doesn't scratch, he is whining again.

K9: give it time... :happydance2:

BUUUUUUUUUT he has taken to shitting on my table. When I am not in here he will climb on my table and take a dump! He'll also piss on the floor near my bed.

K9: these may be related, need more info, probbaly best if you see my friend up there, Jane Harper to help with these issues...

I've had to lock him outside now as I really can't be bothered cleaning up piss and poo every time I leave the room.

Could these two things be related?

K9: I hear you, its not on...

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