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Tonight was my dog's first trial ever and my first trial in about 4 years. We managed a qualify and 4th place! The bit that's special about all this is Ella has been trained in drive (k9force's way), a method that I've never used before and to say I am pleased with how she worked would be an understatement!!! Thanks K9force for all your help getting Miss Ella ready for this!! :cheer:

Edited by Seita
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congratulations!! was this for obedience CCD? at redlands?

Whoops, yes it was for CCD and yes at Redlands. I think (work permitting) we'll be trialling at Brisbane next weekend and then either logan or southside (I can't remember which) the following weekend.

Congrats Seita! I will be monitoring your progress with interest as I have a pup that I want to train in prey drive for trialling.

Thanks Dogdude, I'll keep you posted. If you've got a pup which high drive I would soo recommend this style of training. It's taken me almost 18months to get her to the level I wanted (much longer than if I'd trained her in a more conventional method) but her work is soo much more focussed than any dog I ever trained in another method. I started her in drive at around 6 months old and she's 22 months now so it's been a slow process but that's been my fault probably more than the dog's! :laugh: Goodluck with your puppy when you start training! :cheer:

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Well we had our second trial last night and managed another qualify! We improved over the week and got 90/100 last night and 2nd place!! Last one is (hopefully) next week. :rofl:

Edited by Seita
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Wow Seita......You guys are on fire!!!!!!!

My advice to keep improving is to jot down the scores off the score sheet to help you focus on your homework. Spend a few seconds after completing the trial to interrorgate the judge on what he would like to see in your dog. You won't always aggree with what they say, but no harm asking!

Hopefully the ring win will come next week!!! Good luck!!

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Dogdude, thanks for that. I actually keep a fairly detailed spreadsheet of all her competition results. It includes the breakdown of scores for each exercise and comments on what I think she needs improvement on plus any comments from the judge. I've had the same judge the last 2 trials and he's been very friendly and offering lots of comments. For example after the first trial he said when she calmed down a little (she was a bit over the top) she would be a great working dog... well in the second trial she was calmed down significantly and well he gave her 28/30 for the heelwork! Different judge next week so we'll see what happens. She lost the majority of her points on silly little things in the second trial - moved 2 feet on the stand and sat crooked on the recall - I reckon that those are just about ironed out now so we should be looking at a pretty nice score this coming weekend! :rolleyes:

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Well, last night we had our third trial in CCD and got our third qualify! Ella worked fantastic despite it being 3pm in the afternoon and fairly muggy. We ended up with a score of 97/100 and also finally managed to win the ring! She lost 1 point per exercise, so I'm pretty stoked with that! We'll be taking a month off while we wait for the next novice sweepstakes to enter and do some polishing on novice and open work during that time. If anyone's interested here is the link to the video of her trial:

and here's a photo of her with her prizes and qual cards.
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Thanks K9!

Missmaddy - I hope you enjoy the workshop, but be warned training in drive is very physical... it's taken me about 18months to get Ella to this level and it's probably only been the last maybe 4-6 months where the bruises have finally started disappearing! Up until then I was regularly getting jumped at and nipped and launched into!!! :rolleyes: It hurts but when you have a dog that lives to work like mine does the bruises are kind of worth it! :sleep:

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Completely agree Seita, I often have a collection of bruises - especially up the inside of my arms as my dog loves to chase and wrestle my hands/arms if I don't have a toy on me. A few people are a bit horrified that I let her "get away" with such behaviour, but the work she gives me is far worth the occasional set of bruises :sleep:

Congrats on your title! :rolleyes:

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I don't mind a few (or a lot) bruises along the way! I want to get into competitive obedience myself, and my girl is already a good worker, so I want that extra edge that you obviously have! I just don't know how to actually do it, or I would have had her working in drive from puppy age.

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