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My 9 Year Old Rottie Girl Has Had A Stroke


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Oh :thumbsup:

She is obviously getting very good care :thumbsup:

One thing..if she has only partial control over her tongue..check she isn't getting a bit dehydrated ..the extra effort in drinking, and the lack of fine motor control to make the tongue curl to hold water may make for a bit of difficulty in drinking enough?

I would be feeding her more wet food and checking urine..if it is darker and smellier..she may not be drinking quite enough.

She WILL be tired..her body /brain has been altered and everything has now to be done in a different way.

She has very caring people around her..I'm sure she will bounce back.

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We had a collie bitch who had a stroke at 13 it definantly slowed her down. Time helped and massage but she was never quite the same. However she was perfectly happy for the next two and a half years until I had to make the decision to pts. They look akward but with a little help they manage. We raised our girls dish and put it on rubber mat and put a rubber bath mat down for her to stand on. Made sure the water bucket was always full so she didn't have to reach too far. Dogs manage much better than people and they can improve a surprising amount.

Here's some pictures for you the first one is a few months after her stroke, the second is 18 months after. She did continue to straighten up by the tiniest degrees over along period of time. It was so slow that I really didn't notice until the vet pointed it out to me.

It's very worrying I know but just love her well and be patient. :thumbsup: Good luck.



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Thanks for all the ideas, sorry we just whelped a litter overnight so have not been able to reply. She is regulating her water intake herself, just taking twice as long to get enough in, but I will check her urine to make sure.

We have noticed an improvement the last day, so not sure if the cortisone is helping or just improving herself. She has a little spark back, has started a game with one of the other dogs, and is getting a better appetite.

I'm very happy to see her eyes sparky again.

Between her and her neice's 12 puppies we are very busy.

I have her bowl raised anyhow, but the rubber mats are a good idea.

I really appreciate everyone's posts, from people who know me and those who don't. DOL can be a very good place!

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I'm so glad she's brightening up!

I had a think about this for you and have remembered a few other things we did for our girl. Ours lost the sensation in one hind foot to the first knuckle joint. She found it hard to get up and down off of her bed (she had a bean bag bed she just loved) so I rolled up a blanket and put it under one side of the bed so it was raised and slightly tilted to make it easier for her to get up and down off of it. We also gave her apple cider vinegar and green lipped muscle extract as well. Also due to her lip and tongue being a bit clumsy we had to change the bowl we used. I tried a few things but eventually got a plastic plate and put it in the bottom of the bowl the bottom facing up just to make life easier for her because she'd end up whacking her nose on the side of the dish trying to slurp out every last morsel. Not sure if it's much help but do let us know how she's going. Congrats on the pups too!

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