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Whats The Difference Btn Pal & More Expensive Brands


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I was feeding my 7 month old Shar Pei on either advance puppy or Eukunuba puppy (i have to avoid any dry foods with Beef) she gets about 3 cups in the morning, and gets chicken necks, chicken mince or tuna at night with rice and vege's.

Lately she hardly touches her dry food, so I switched to Pal, as I was sick of spending a fortune only to bin most of her dry food. I have heard from some people that Pal Puppy (i am feeding the All Natural Puppy one) is just as good as the more expensive brands.

I am happy to pay more for the food if its better quality, but if there isnt much difference, I cant see the value.

She doesnt prefer one over the other, her favourite dry food seems to be Supercoat- which she cant have anyway because it has beef & causes her to get skin allergies !

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Dogs can live without dry food at all

Mine do alot of the time

They only time they have dry is when I have not mixed up their BARF mix

Have you thought about putting her onto a purely BARF diet?

PS I hate PAL

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Don't confuse palatability with nutritional value. The fact that I prefer Krispy Kremes to brussell sprouts doesn't mean I should be fed Krispy Kremes does it? One of the ways to make kibble palatible is to spray the outside of it with fat.. it doesn't make the inside any better though.

The best way to judge the nutritional value of the kibble you're feeding is to read the side of the pack.

There are some threads here about how to judge the value of dog food but if the top ingredients in what you're feeding are cereal, cereal byproduct, soy and meat byproduct, and if the food contains artificial colours and flavours, how good do you think it is for your dog.?

The best kibbles are not found in the supermarket, despite what you've been told.

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If you have to feed a dry food, you would probably have more joy feeding one that has no grain, wheat, cereal, rice, pasta or anything like this whatsoever. These things can cause bad skin, and ear infections. Unfortunately most commercial products contain them , also dyes & preservatives can cause bad skin too :thumbsup:

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She doesnt prefer one over the other, her favourite dry food seems to be Supercoat- which she cant have anyway because it has beef & causes her to get skin allergies !

Supercoat does make a dry for sensative dogs that is chicken and rice and has no beef or gluten. One of my BC gets it an I find it better than the other low allergy dry I have tried. I give as less than half the daily ratio, the rest is barf.

As peibe said have you thought about barf or a raw diet.

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Dogs can live without dry food at all

Mine do alot of the time

They only time they have dry is when I have not mixed up their BARF mix

Have you thought about putting her onto a purely BARF diet?

PS I hate PAL

Excuse my ignorance... but what is a BARF diet? :angel:

Currently, the only reason I feed dry food is because I was of the beleive that it contains the vitimins & minerals that help puppies develop???

I beleive in giving dogs variety and much prefer feeding her raw foods like chicken necks, chicken mince and tuna. (although in saying that, I went to three butchers on the weekend and none had any chicken necks... its very frusterating because I work full time and can only shop on weekends, butchers open after I leave for work and close before I get home, it seems they seem to sell out of chicken necks very quickly)

If I stopped feeding the dry food, would it effect growth at all, or can i buy a suppliment or something?

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Dogs can live without dry food at all

Mine do alot of the time

They only time they have dry is when I have not mixed up their BARF mix

Have you thought about putting her onto a purely BARF diet?

PS I hate PAL

Excuse my ignorance... but what is a BARF diet? :angel:

Currently, the only reason I feed dry food is because I was of the beleive that it contains the vitimins & minerals that help puppies develop???

I beleive in giving dogs variety and much prefer feeding her raw foods like chicken necks, chicken mince and tuna. (although in saying that, I went to three butchers on the weekend and none had any chicken necks... its very frusterating because I work full time and can only shop on weekends, butchers open after I leave for work and close before I get home, it seems they seem to sell out of chicken necks very quickly)

If I stopped feeding the dry food, would it effect growth at all, or can i buy a suppliment or something?

Our local Coles has chicken necks.

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Dogs can live without dry food at all

Mine do alot of the time

They only time they have dry is when I have not mixed up their BARF mix

Have you thought about putting her onto a purely BARF diet?

PS I hate PAL

Excuse my ignorance... but what is a BARF diet? :D

Currently, the only reason I feed dry food is because I was of the beleive that it contains the vitimins & minerals that help puppies develop???

I beleive in giving dogs variety and much prefer feeding her raw foods like chicken necks, chicken mince and tuna. (although in saying that, I went to three butchers on the weekend and none had any chicken necks... its very frusterating because I work full time and can only shop on weekends, butchers open after I leave for work and close before I get home, it seems they seem to sell out of chicken necks very quickly)

If I stopped feeding the dry food, would it effect growth at all, or can i buy a suppliment or something?

Our local Coles has chicken necks.

mine too and wings!! :angel:

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There's lots of foods around which have better nutritional value than Pal (even if it's the all natural Pal). Have you tried the Eagle Pack holistic range?

3 cups of dry food in one go seems like a LOT of food! Perhaps it's not that your pup doesn't like dry food, perhaps it's just not hungry because you're overfeeding? You could try moistening the dry food with some warm water to make it slightly softer and also more smelly which will encourage your pup to eat.

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Hi Pei

IN my opinion only 3 cups is way too much dry in one go.

When our Akita's were pups we fed in Morning supervised 2 necks and 1 cup of dry and then at night 1 and half cups of dry and 200 to 300 of raw chicken organic mince.

All mixed up like a making a cake.

We lessen this amount if not eating all.

2 eggs once a week separately and a tin of sardines sans soy oil as well.

We add a few supplements as well.

The dry we feed is is Eagle PAC power but you will find a variety that suits your puppy.

But adjust this to your needs our Male Mason is 51 kgs now at nearly 3 years and Bella is 46 kg in great condition toned but Craig walks them as well.

We fed our Bella on another premium dry food and she did not do as near as well as Mason on the Eagle PAC.

Although we had run out recently and Eukanubra (large breed puppy) was bought as alternative and the dogs loved it no problems what so ever.

But Eagle Pac in stock and at home now :(

Hope this helps :D

Kind Regards


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Pei not sure where in Brisbane you are - but I get most of my dogs' raw meat and bones from www.bigdogpetfoods.com/. It would be well worth the trip on a Saturday morning to stock up for a month - if you have the freezer space.

None of pups are raised specifically on puppy foods - pei do not need them and at 7mths she definately doesn't.

Edited by badboyz
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We always got chicken necks from our local supermarket when I was in Victoria- even on my trip back to Vic over Xmas I was usually able to pick them up from Coles there.

I think it might just be because I can only get to the supermarket in the evening (6.30 onward) because I travel over an hour to and from work each day- everything is closed when I leave for work, and most things are closed when I get home, or, in the case of chicken necks at coles... all sold out !

I have tried my girl with chicken frames- she wont touch them, and also with wings when I havent been able to get necks- she only will eat the wings if I break them in half first. Same with any bones, she wont touch them, only afte the other dogs have chewed them lots will she even put them in her mouth... shes a strange girl !

I am actually in the process of looking for a house to rent closer to work, so hopefully this wont be an issue soon.

I might try the eagle farm dry food,- can i purchase it from a Petwise or similar store? it sounds good.

I think I am just being an worrying mother. (i got the 3 cups thing from the guide on the pack of my advance, I could never get her to eat more than 2 cups a day) I guess the three cups is only if you are giving them nothing else!

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I've been buying chicken necks from Lennards - smell good and fresh but best of all 2.00 a kg. (Occasionally there seems to be a turkey neck in the bag - but I just cut them up before freezing them for my westies). But you have to ask for them - they aren't on display.

BTW my local Woolworths has started charging 5.99 a kg for chicken necks :thumbsup::laugh: - more expensive than chicken wings - outrageous for what is essentially a waste product they would otherwise bin and we just use as treats or breakky for our dogs. - so I don't go near them anymore for this stuff - greedy you know whats!! No idea what Coles are charging - but I wouldn't be surprised if its something similar.

I freeze then individually the moment I get home and give them to my guys frozen and in the side of their mouths - stops them hoovering them, slows them down, makes them chew and lessens the chance of them trying to swallow them whole - and I always watch them eat them and haven't had any problems.


Westiemum :laugh:

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