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Eating Bones


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I freeze all bones - can't swallow then! :) Also maybe try turkey necks (can get from woolies), chicken frames and soup bones from a good butcher!

But freezing not only is nice and soothing during teething but also you could try freezing chicken necks in a ice cream container that has dilute stock instead of just water - fantastic for hot summer days!

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freezing seems to work for many owners

the act of chewing is important for safety as well as recreation, digestion and dental grounds. Some as a rule stick to meaty bones that are larger than the dog's head if they are dealing with a gulper.

the late Jess (dal) had a naughty knack of juggling a linear bone in her mouth so it would slide straight down then singing her special song to ask for another one straight away. The fact that she never got into strife didn't mean I could bear this so she was given more complex meaty bones.

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Our vet has told us to stop giving our 7 month old Ridgeback bones because some pups tend not to break them down enough and their developing insides can be torn apart by sharp edges etc.

Bakari was pooing out 1cm triangles of bone! She told us to give him the rawhide things to chew until he's a bit older :)

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I give all my food frozen (bones and meat) and my dogs love it. It stops them from gulping, teaching them to chew properly. I know that I can now feed them a thawed bone and they will chew it properly if I need to.

With puppies I always feed them frozen bones. When they have puppy teeth it takes them forever to chew through things so they cheat and swallow them whole. Frozen bones are too cold to swallow whole, plus it is great for numbing their gums while teething.

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Our vet has told us to stop giving our 7 month old Ridgeback bones because some pups tend not to break them down enough and their developing insides can be torn apart by sharp edges etc.

Bakari was pooing out 1cm triangles of bone! She told us to give him the rawhide things to chew until he's a bit older :)

I'd really like to see evidence of that - many vets are against bones because they are still promoting kibble.

Personally I think bones are LOT healthier than rawhide - have a google of rawhide and see just what it is capable of.

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