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How To Stop My Dog Reacting To A Little Dog


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I have one person who regularly walks past my house with a three wheeler pram, a child and a little skinny dog (sort of like an italian greyhound). Every day they walk past my house, Bella barks at them and I call her back. My front verandah is about 2 m from the front fence and the footpath is 1m wide. 99% of people walk past on the road, this person walks on my little 1m of nature strip.

The person has once rang the council to complain about bella barking at her when she walks past (one to three times a day) and I've had a threatening letter from someone who could be her.

I have stopped bella from barking at nearly every dog that walks past by training her and recalling her and this is the only one she still reacts to. This one is much harder because:

- the owner insists on walking directly on my fence (every day).

- this morning she stopped to chat with someone on my fence.

- I'm assuming little dog is a dominant bitch without training - this is where I need help with.

I already have an electric fence inside the fence and I call bella back as soon as I hear her. I also have an ecollar on her most of the day but not always by the time this woman walks past.

I would like to talk to the woman about how to fix the problem but don't know how to work out whether it is the little dog being dominant. How do you tell this from a dog walking on the lead? Little dog walks on a lead tied to the pram.

Thank you

Edited by BellasPerson
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Bella,obvisouly the factor here is distance.As you said this little dog is closer than other Dogs have been.You have got a result with dogs at a greater distance,so possibly the same approach will work but may take longer.

Bella,I do not follow your logic as to why this little Dog has to be a dominant bitch? Tony

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The person has once rang the council to complain about bella barking at her when she walks past (one to three times a day) and I've had a threatening letter from someone who could be her.

What on earth? Surely the council won't take that kind of complaint seriously? It's normal for dogs to bark at people walking past the house, especially when they come by that close!

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The person has once rang the council to complain about bella barking at her when she walks past (one to three times a day) and I've had a threatening letter from someone who could be her.

What on earth? Surely the council won't take that kind of complaint seriously? It's normal for dogs to bark at people walking past the house, especially when they come by that close!

Unfortunately, in brisbane all you have to do to get the council to visit is have one person complain that your dogs made them feel uncomfortable. The council guy came over to check us out and was very sympathetic. We've met before because I had complaints at my last house from people in a block of units that my dogs run around the backyard! I had just moved to the new house to get away from the block of units. Once council guy realised we had met before he said "I'll tell them you are working on it".

Bella learns much faster than this woman :D

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I think the dominant bitch is that woman!! (ha ha, :) too obvious??)

We have a cranky little maltese dog that lives next door to us and an aloof doberman that lives down the end of the road, both dogs drive Eve spare- she used to throw herself at our security grill to get to them. I started using a water bottle to squirt at her when it happened and now the maltese gets little response and we are still working on the dobe but expecting to get there. Since you have the ecollar (which i hope is MUCH better than a water bottle!! :wink: ) can you keep it on until the bitch, sorry, woman, comes past? Is she regular?

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The woman comes past everyday, sometimes twice a day. It's usually in the morning while I'm inside having breakfast. Problem is that I'm not there and I haven't been using the ecollar till morning tea time. Will put it on as soon as I let the dogs out tomorrow. I thought about moving my electric fence outside to stop her from walking past :laugh: but I think that's illegal.

I will also put my water soaker near the front door so I'm ready for her.

I might tell the woman to look out for the snake I saw on Saturday. That might make her hot foot to the other side of the road and make her stop having her parent meeting at my front gate. She's definitely stubborn :)

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I might tell the woman to look out for the snake I saw on Saturday. That might make her hot foot to the other side of the road and make her stop having her parent meeting at my front gate. She's definitely stubborn :thumbsup:

Or tell her there's broken glass on the front nature strip! You could also grow the grass longer as a deterrant :thumbsup:

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We had a similar problem with the postman using our footpath as his private moto cross circuit - nothing to do with the dogs, but someone using the footpath and causing a nuisance.

We planted grass plants at either end of our nature strip and no more problem. If you put trees or hedging plants along the front it might just discourage her from walking along there as well as proving a bit of a screen????

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why not try renting a bark collar and leaving it on - that way you dont have to be there for the stim... it would only take a few days of her wearing it for her to stop.

i agree with Tony i dont think this has anything to do with the other dog - its your dog barking at another....

there is a house near me with 2 swf that go berzerk everytime someone walks by - doesnt mean im not going to walk past that house....and i have actually used it to get my 'scared of the world' foster comfortable with that kind of environment - i dont stop outside by i still walk past everyday with 1 dog or another...

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I'll see how I go with her training first as its a good opportunity to work on that. She has improved heaps from me calling her back everytime she barks.

Might try the rental in a few weeks if I still have a problem.

We have neighbours who have a pitbull that barks all day. On the weekend they got him a staffy to keep him company, now they have two dogs that bark all day :( . Bella doesn't bark with them or with the neighbourhood dogs (after a bit of training) so I'm hoping all my good work means I will not get any more complaints.

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A man walks his enormous dog/people aggressive Rotti past my house every morning. He stops at my fence and puts his dog through a repertoire of training :laugh: It used to reeeeally piss me off and certainly tested my control of my own dogs. Now that deaf old Victoria has passed George only gives a loud wuff then comes back inside. I'd like to think he's that angelic when I'm out too :) I don't understand why he's chosen my property I suppose because when he started I had three varying dogs :)

On the up side at least he's trying to deal with his dogs issues.

I wish you luck, but personally I'd go out and introduce myself and ask her to work with you on this. Perhaps you can introduce your dog to hers. But while you're at it tell her how dangerous it is to tether dog to pram :laugh:

Edited by Clyde
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A man walks his enormous dog/people aggressive Rotti past my house every morning. He stops at my fence and puts his dog through a repertoire of training :) It used to reeeeally piss me off and certainly tested my control of my own dogs. Now that deaf old Victoria has passed George only gives a loud wuff then comes back inside. I'd like to think he's that angelic when I'm out too :o I don't understand why he's chosen my property I suppose because when he started I had three varying dogs :)

On the up side at least he's trying to deal with his dogs issues.

That would have been a big pain :rofl: . He probably thought your dogs were less likely to kill his :D .

I was abused one day while walking bella past a house, she was pulling so I stopped and made her sit. A dog from the house where I stopped barked and a guy leaned out the window and swore himself black and blue. How dare you train your dog on my yard and upset my dogs ."I'm on the nature strip". Don't you ever walk past my house again!!! rolls eyes - Of course, I had to make a point of walking past very slowly every day just ot annoy him.

I wish you luck, but personally I'd go out and introduce myself and ask her to work with you on this. Perhaps you can introduce your dog to hers. But while you're at it tell her how dangerous it is to tether dog to pram :laugh:

I've have tried to start conversations before. I will try and catch her and get the dogs to meet and I will tell her its dangerous to tether the dog to the pram.

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