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2008 Brags Thread


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Put Brydee in a runthrough (Novice) for the first time at club on Sunday. She worked fantastically, and I am tempted to steal her from her mum to enter into a trial, but will wait till mums ready. Very mature for a 6 month old pup!

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I'm wrapped after the weekend's frisbee results at Dogmania. Xena won the comp on Saturday night and got her FDA title with two qualis to add to the one she had previously.

CK got his first quali on Saturday night with 13 points, but was let down by his handler in his second round to fade out of contention.

Sunday night was the qualifier for the nationals final on Monday (top 6 went through). CK qualified second, just .5 of a point behind first place and finished the night with his FDA title as well.

Xena qualified fifth, but still with one more point than on Saturday night when the 'guns' weren't running.

Yesterday's final was also great for both dogs with the two of them tying for third place on 18.5 points across the 2 rounds. The winner scored 22 points and the runner up 21 across the two rounds.

All in all we surpassed all expectations and achieved more than the goals I had set before the weekend. CK's best round of the weekend is what the link is for. 16 points from one round and his first quali for his FDE title.

Still smiling today, but have to put the head down and get some work done for now!

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You and your dogs did really well Reddii, well done. :(

Thanks ML.

Even better than the results was the fact the CK came through really well and didn't get freaked out by the crowd after the first throw yesterday - I thought the cheering might scare him. He's just getting more and more confident every week at the moment. The more confident he gets the more he wants to work and the easier he is to train.

Can't wait for the next event now!!

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Its Mother's Day and just home from a double agility trial - 4 masters runs and 4 passes from Miss Beans :)

Emmy, the rent a GSP I run came 3rd in Masters agility :)

Also managed to fit in a show with Sexy Lexi who got BOB both yesterday and today - alright she was the only dog being shown - but hey only 39 more points to go...... :)

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Well done guys.

We had Xena's first double header over the weekend.

Saturday was really good with 2 quali cards from 4 runs, one E xcellent run where we went the wrong way and one with a contact fault.

I'm off to the disaster thread now to talk about yesterday.........

Left her collar on for one. Got totally lost on another, had 1 and 2 faults on both the other runs, but still managed to 'win' our classes.

One refusal where I pulled her out of a jump by mistake and one contact plus weavers on the other. it was a really hot day and I think I had a bit of brain fade, but Miss X ran perfectly as per usual (given she is a very green dog, even the weavers and contact were my mistakes when I watched the video).

That's my last trial with one dog - Mr CK will be making his debut at the end of June - going to have to work on a bit more fitness between now and then. I now know why so few people have two green dogs - I must be a lunatic, but you live and learn.

As for Xena I think a week off might do her the world of good and get her hyped up for flyball this weekend coming.

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Whisper got her HIC on Saturday at the BCCQ herding trial, Jarrah stuffed up his A Course run & was a shit :hug: . I couldnt go back on Sunday because I came down with the flu, I wasn't feeling the best on Saturday & by Saturday night I was well & truly under the weather. So Jarrah still has one leg to get his HSAs title *sigh* .

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Guest Clover

Well done everyone :). MrsD i hope you get better asap, and Jarrah does better at the next trial.

Harri kicked butt at Flyball again, and we got him going over 1 jump, box/ball and coming back over the 1 jump... i am so proud of him. He knows what to do now so it wont take too much longer for him to learn full runs. He loves it aswell, especially jumping... he has springs in his feet :cool:.

He is such a good boy, the improvement in him in the last few months has been amazing training/ tricks/ home life wise ;).

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Whisper got her HIC on Saturday at the BCCQ herding trial, Jarrah stuffed up his A Course run & was a shit ;) . I couldnt go back on Sunday because I came down with the flu, I wasn't feeling the best on Saturday & by Saturday night I was well & truly under the weather. So Jarrah still has one leg to get his HSAs title *sigh* .

:) I love Whisper, she is a beautiful girl - well done.

:cool: @ Jarrah. Someone has to keep you on your toes! At least he doesn't try to eat sheep!

Hope you are feeling better soon.


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Thanx Clover, finally have got to a stage where I don't feel like Im going to die, boy it was pretty unpleasant. How old is Harri now, he must be all grown up finally :laugh: .

Reddii, you are just biased cos Whisper has that same black & white coat as Xena & CK ;) . As for Jarrah, I'd rather he kept me on my toes in other ways, little shit he is :rolleyes: :confused: .

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Guest Clover
Thanx Clover, finally have got to a stage where I don't feel like Im going to die, boy it was pretty unpleasant. How old is Harri now, he must be all grown up finally .

Glad to hear you are starting to feel a little better :rofl:. And hey Jarrah is a Kelpie, they are suppose to be full on and a bit cheeky... gotta love working dogs :). Harri is about 19 months old now, he has grown into a lovely boy.. very switched on.

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Leopuppy has a very special brag when she finally gets back from the trial :thumbsup: . Tutt tutt where are you we are waiting (even though I no doubt got the news hot off the press :thumbsup: ).

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Leopuppy has a very special brag when she finally gets back from the trial :) . Tutt tutt where are you we are waiting (even though I no doubt got the news hot off the press :( ).

I'm here, I'm here :)

Kinta had her first Obedience trial today, and we almost considered staying in bed due to the inclement weather!!! The rain was not kind and wouldn't stay away (except when we were out of the ring!)

I am pleased to announce that she gained her first pass in CCD - with a lovely score of 92, particularly considering the conditions :) :D.

And for icing on the cake - it was topped off with a first place ;).

Lots of passes today - I believe Goldieboy (?!) has a BIIIIIG brag to tell!

I was also very pleased with Mr Leo's stint in the ring... he scored really well.... until he forgot what stand meant and that drop on a DOR means drop, not come to me :) *sigh*!

Edited by leopuppy04
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Leopuppy has a very special brag when she finally gets back from the trial :) . Tutt tutt where are you we are waiting (even though I no doubt got the news hot off the press :( ).

I'm here, I'm here :)

Kinta had her first Obedience trial today, and we almost considered staying in bed due to the inclement weather!!! The rain was not kind and wouldn't stay away (except when we were out of the ring!)

I am pleased to announce that she gained her first pass in CCD - with a lovely score of 92, particularly considering the conditions :) :D.

And for icing on the cake - it was topped off with a first place ;).

Lots of passes today - I believe Goldieboy (?!) has a BIIIIIG pass to tell!

I was also very pleased with Mr Leo's stint in the ring... he scored really well.... until he forgot what stand meant and that drop on a DOR means drop, not come to me :) *sigh*!

Congratulations to you and Kinta on your first pass in CCD. What a lovely score too.

Leo must of taken some lessons off Tux for DOR, cause that is what he did at Croydon's trial...

I missed out on being there today due to having the flu... Not a happy camper

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