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2008 Brags Thread


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Just had a great day at Knox with Maili (mutt of unknown parentage) and Suzie (my Golden).

Suzie came second in the AM CCD bitches trial (91/100) which completed her CCD Title

She then came first in the PM trial with 94/100!

The PM trial in CCD bitches was a great ring with lots of great scores.

Maili lost all focus in the morning trial (her first ever trial)

but she pulled it all together in the PM trial and came second (behind Suzie) with 92/100!

Great what some food and clicker can achieve.

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Lots of great results guys!

A little brag for my puppy! 1. she loves having things in her mouth!!! Playing hold the dumbell is one of her fav games, she thinks it is ace so thank goodness for that, after her brother refuses to retrieve!!! 2. After a week off from dog school and umm I trained her twice in 2 weeks, she was a little star! I was told I must have been doing heaps with her after she did a couple of lovely stays!! Umm no, first time I had tried! Good little dog!

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Luckydog, thats awesome!!! Well done, those FOO nights have helped us too!!!

Any other results from Knox???

Jules, go the dumbell work!!

Ptolomy, great stuff!

Today we had a flyball comp and Molly did the best comp she's had, so proud of my little girl!

Also we had Ed in as a 6th dog, and he did lots of recalls and runs at the start, and he even RACED in his first heat!! And he did fantastic! Very very proud

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:o Ptolomy and you forgot to mention then went on to win Open with a 195. Go Scoota!!!!

Not to be out classed baby Lexi won novice with a 194 on countback with 3 other dogs.

Go the duck dogs :) .

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Today we had a flyball comp and Molly did the best comp she's had, so proud of my little girl!

Also we had Ed in as a 6th dog, and he did lots of recalls and runs at the start, and he even RACED in his first heat!! And he did fantastic! Very very proud

Well done SM :o

Just wait till they start running properly and have them both running.......its so tiring (especially if in different teams!) :)

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I will also add she had another of her red dogs sitting on an open pass but elected not to do stays as the score wasn't over 190 so wouldn't be of any benefit in collecting qualifications towards Western Classic participation in 2009 - oops done it now :o .

ETA. Just to clarify the risk of something happening for very little gain wasn't worth it especially with the dog in question.

Arggggghhh its sounding all wrong but Ptolomy knows what I mean and a few others probably do as well. The risk of OTHER dogs not the risk of this particular dog breaking a stay.

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On the weekend I tried the pups on their first track with me as the handler rather than the track layer. Jazz took the transition immediately! :vomit: Started on a small, straight track but she was all over that so then jumped to a 160m track, with corner and she still just motored through.

Logan not so good but still showed he could track someone else.

I'm so proud of my pups and it is much more fun handling than hiding! :)

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Great work everyone. Seems to be the time of year when it is all coming together.

ML, I still love your dogs - they are beautiful!

My brag was Xena's first title leg towards her FDA. She was brilliant, even managing to catch one I threw into the trees on the end of the short field (didn't see it because I had to turn my back thinking she was gonig to hit a tree!).

I am so proud of her - 3 months ago for some reason she wouldn't (as opposed to couldn't) catch a frisbee, but has turned it all around and is loving it.

Mr CK went pretty well too, but didn't get a lot of help from his handler - he's not as driven to catch as Xena so needs better throws to begin with. Just missed his Quali as well.

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She was only 2 points off the qualifying score for the second level title! Fantastic work Reddii, thanks for the compliments of my darlings, see you on Sunday. :)

:vomit: I know, so close, yet so far away! One step at a time though - she just seems to take such big steps for such a little dog, I really am spoiled with that one. (gush)

I always wanted a chocolate dog, but it just didn't end up that way, that's why I just love watching your 'family'. I may come knocking in 5 or 6 years time!

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We had our obedience club's graduation trial on Sunday. Denny was such a little supa troopa!

In Intermediate class (basically old encouragement) he passed with a score of 197/200. In CCD he passed with a score of 95/100 - I was such a proud mumma!

I had one of my other dog, Narmi, in Novice and she passed with a score of 185/200 - so again another good result for my dogs.

Now all I need to do is actually train regularly and they should be super super dogs :vomit:

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We had our obedience club's graduation trial on Sunday. Denny was such a little supa troopa!

In Intermediate class (basically old encouragement) he passed with a score of 197/200. In CCD he passed with a score of 95/100 - I was such a proud mumma!

I had one of my other dog, Narmi, in Novice and she passed with a score of 185/200 - so again another good result for my dogs.

Now all I need to do is actually train regularly and they should be super super dogs ;)

Woo hoo - go Narmi & Denny!!!! Don't you have more brags :vomit::)

Well done SW clan.

Congrats Reddii also - 2 points - what a bummer!!!

Leo's evicted me from the 'brag' thread and put me in the 'disaster' thread SW :p

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Have a little brag its not a competition one but anyway....

Today i took my two dogs and my sisters little dog, Buzz, for a walk together with the intention of letting them all off lead to run around, i have never walked Buzz off lead before let alone with my two dogs as well. Sister warned me he doesnt have the best (if any) recall but that he wouldnt stray far.

I wore him out a little, knocked the 'OMG i am going for a walk' excitement out of him, did a little bit of recall training with promising results and then let him off.....and he did so well, he followed my two around for most of the time and was always the first one to turn when i called (poor boy is too little to beat my dogs back)

They all even had a little play with each other, something they cant really do at home without running into walls.

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Guest Clover
Today we had a flyball comp and Molly did the best comp she's had, so proud of my little girl!

Also we had Ed in as a 6th dog, and he did lots of recalls and runs at the start, and he even RACED in his first heat!! And he did fantastic! Very very proud

Awsome stuff shoeey, both Molly and Ed did fantastic :rofl:. Eddie sure is enthuasiastic isn't he? :laugh:

Elvis ran all day (Flyball) fault free and managed to pull a 4.2 or 3 second run over 10" jumps & he didn't clip a single jump all day :rofl:. I feel so guilty about being to lazy to run Tinny though, i am a bad Mum ;).

Well done Natasha, your Sisters dog sounds like a smart little guy.

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