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Glad to hear that Sophie is still doing so well your vet obviously knows how in tune with Sophie you are..

She is a true inspiration in the way that she is fighting this disease with such dignity and strength..

hugs to you both.. xox

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Sophie is still doing quite well. Her appetite is excellent, she's in good spirits and she's still fighting the good fight. Whata girl!!

I've introduced a number of new herbs and natural supplements, hopefully they will help. It takes time for naturals to take effect. I'm discovering that as we go along. This poor girl of mine takes so many pills and potions without fuss.

Since I decided to stop the chemo tablet we will no longer see the oncologist and Sophie's care will be taken over by her regular vet. He has assured me he will work with me in whatever treatment I choose for Sophie. The oncologist isn't interested in natural meds and offers no option for Sophie other than the current treatment and the interminable mention of surgery. Unfortunately that regime is no longer working, I think Sophie is now resistant to the chemo tablet but she will stay on the antibiotics, bone strength building drug and pain meds.

All that's been happening at the oncologists in the last 4 months is the blood tests and biochem, our vet can do those. Sophie is at ease with the vet who's cared for her all her life. She trusts him and likes him. He's also fond of her and calls her his special girl.

The reason I've decided to go this way is the vet wants me involved in everything that happens with Sophie whereas oncology appears to be a fairly rigid regime in Sophie's case and I don't have the opportunity for any input. It was becoming rather awkward with me going there and keeping information about the naturals I had Sophie on to myself rather than being able to discuss it with the oncologist.

It was the natural meds that brought down her liver and kidney enzymes. The vet is a little concerned about two liver enzymes still being higher than normal but he is confident we can, as he says "Take good care of her liver".

Isn't she amazing CnR - Ollie is the same, he takes all his pills and powders without fuss too.

Our oncologist was OK with the holistic stuff but we only had contact with him via phone and email because he is located in Brisbane and we are in Canberra - our wonderful vet used to send all the test results to the oncologist and the holistic vet (I don't think he ever once charged us for all those faxes).

Sophie is such a special girl and her determination to hang on is a credit to you.

I agree with stopping the chemo (Ol's was cut short by a few weeks) when you can't see a difference. The holistic treatment will hold her in good stead - it is amazing what it can do.

Give her a big hug from me (and one for you too).

Always in our thoughts

Jodie and Ollie

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Sophie is still doing quite well. Her appetite is excellent, she's in good spirits and she's still fighting the good fight. Whata girl!!

I've introduced a number of new herbs and natural supplements, hopefully they will help. It takes time for naturals to take effect. I'm discovering that as we go along. This poor girl of mine takes so many pills and potions without fuss.

Since I decided to stop the chemo tablet we will no longer see the oncologist and Sophie's care will be taken over by her regular vet. He has assured me he will work with me in whatever treatment I choose for Sophie. The oncologist isn't interested in natural meds and offers no option for Sophie other than the current treatment and the interminable mention of surgery. Unfortunately that regime is no longer working, I think Sophie is now resistant to the chemo tablet but she will stay on the antibiotics, bone strength building drug and pain meds.

All that's been happening at the oncologists in the last 4 months is the blood tests and biochem, our vet can do those. Sophie is at ease with the vet who's cared for her all her life. She trusts him and likes him. He's also fond of her and calls her his special girl.

The reason I've decided to go this way is the vet wants me involved in everything that happens with Sophie whereas oncology appears to be a fairly rigid regime in Sophie's case and I don't have the opportunity for any input. It was becoming rather awkward with me going there and keeping information about the naturals I had Sophie on to myself rather than being able to discuss it with the oncologist.

It was the natural meds that brought down her liver and kidney enzymes. The vet is a little concerned about two liver enzymes still being higher than normal but he is confident we can, as he says "Take good care of her liver".

Rather intersesting Anne. I was reading on the weekend about doctor who got a brain tumour and she went against the medical advise. I think she has written a book. She was in the UK and has now come back to Sydney. Alos mentioned the Neourologist from Sydney who was on RPA and how he went against advice.

The lady doc could not belive what happened to her. probably sad that she will die before ant change happens to doctors treatment of terminal illness.

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That's great to hear cavNrott ... you do what you believe is best!! I'm so glad your vet is supportive and is giving her a prolonged chance. Thats why I stay out of specialist centres :eek:

Diesel seems to be on a downhill slide again. He has grown muscle on his hindquarters but he has a permanent straight legged walk. Even his front legs are stiffening. Between supplements and therapies I think we've exhausted his options - at least the little bugger doesnt cry his pain is still low but its creeping back. The canine garbage disposal is not really interested in his foor either :rolleyes: the gusto has gone (he even left fresh chicken carcass yesterday) he just eats because I tell him :rofl:

At least he manages a rotty wiggle for me every morning then goes for his little walk around the yard, then suns himself under the Camelia tree. Bloody hell ...

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Nekhbet, I am sorry to read about Diesel, hopefully he will bounce back again. Rotts are very strong minded when it comes to pain. Hugs to you and Diesel.

CavNrott, so happy to read that Sophie is holding her own. She really is an amazing girl.

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That's great to hear cavNrott ... you do what you believe is best!! I'm so glad your vet is supportive and is giving her a prolonged chance. Thats why I stay out of specialist centres :rofl:

Diesel seems to be on a downhill slide again. He has grown muscle on his hindquarters but he has a permanent straight legged walk. Even his front legs are stiffening. Between supplements and therapies I think we've exhausted his options - at least the little bugger doesnt cry his pain is still low but its creeping back. The canine garbage disposal is not really interested in his foor either :D the gusto has gone (he even left fresh chicken carcass yesterday) he just eats because I tell him :(

At least he manages a rotty wiggle for me every morning then goes for his little walk around the yard, then suns himself under the Camelia tree. Bloody hell ...

Nekhbet I replied to your post a couple of days ago and must have forgotten to hit the reply button. I distinctly remember typing it out :D

Do you see any improvement? Poor sweet boy, he's so young. Do the vets actually know what his health problem is? Can you take him for swimming in the heated pool at Doveton or is he not up to it?

Oonga and Sue, thanks for your continued well wishes and support. I needed it today, it was one of those days when reality hits hard. I've been sad and fearful all day and managed to make all the dogs feel dreary because they picked up on my mood. I look at beautiful Sophie and can't believe I'm going to lose her.

I don't know whether the herbs, pills and potions are working or whether my insincts were right - that the chemo pill was doing more harm than good. Sophie had her blood test and full biochem profile done at the vet last Tuesday and they're best result we've had all year. I'm glad I stopped that chemo tablet.

Her high ALT level has dropped from 119 to 48 (normal is 16-90). Her ALP has dropped from 297 to 127 (normal is 10-120). All other levels are normal. That's an amazing result considering the previous test was done less than 4 weeks ago by the oncologist. Soph is slightly anaemic, not surprising since the tumour has been bleeding for weeks. I almost have it under control. It hasn't stopped completely but at least it's not bleeding 24/7.

The mouth tumour is growing still. I have Sophie on quite a few supplements that are supposed to stop it growing and do things such as shrink tumours. Whether or not they'll work remains to be seen. She still has clear lungs and normal lymph nodes so it seems the supplements are at least keeping metastasis at bay.

Five weeks ago the vet said Soph had about 8 weeks. That would leave us now with only 3 weeks left. He said not to get my hopes up but since her tests were so good we might have a few extra weeks. She is still happy, seems to feel well and has a good appetite. We see the vet again on 9th September.

edited for stupid grammar

Edited by cavNrott
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Oh Anne, she is simply amazing isn't she? There really is something very very special about Sophie. You have definately done the right thing taking her off her chemo drug. She looks lovely in her photo. Yes lost a bit in her face but what does one expect. She is too alive right now and I think you will have her longer than another 3 weeks. Keep up the great work and cheer up, your fur babies need you.

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So glad you listened to your gut instinct with that Chemo drug and that someone was kind hearted enough to give you some of their chinese herbs.

Those results are just simply amazing!!!! :D

hopefully over the next week or two the herbs will kick in and that tumour will stop growing as well :(

BIG hugs to you :D

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So glad you listened to your gut instinct with that Chemo drug and that someone was kind hearted enough to give you some of their chinese herbs.

Those results are just simply amazing!!!! :D

hopefully over the next week or two the herbs will kick in and that tumour will stop growing as well :(

BIG hugs to you :D

Oonga: hugs gratefully received :rofl: Thanks to my kind friend the chinese herbs are doing the job of slowing the bleeding. She has a couple of short bleeds a day now which is a big improvement.

I have Sophie on a product that was trialed on humans in Hungary and it's shown to prevent metastasis and induce apoptosis (kills cancer cells) and doesn't harm normal cells. She's been taking it for 10 days. She's such a sweetie, she doesn't like the taste but drinks it under sufferance. It's an orange flavoured powder and has to be mixed with water. I add in a small amount of goats milk. A couple of us have started our dogs on it. We hope it works with dogs as it does with humans.

Laneka, there sure is something special about Sophie. I hope the mountains of stuff she takes every day extend her life and keep her happy and pain free. I'm so glad you see life in her face, so do I. She's always up for a short game of fetch and a run and roll in the park. It's about quality of life.

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That is great news Anne.

I think Sophie will do an Ollie and show them that they just can't put a time frame on it. She is amazing and I don't doubt for a single second that she will continue to amaze you and her vets. Give her a big hug for me.

Ollies test results went back to 'normal' levels after a few weeks off chemo too (but sadly we have enlarged lymph nodes but we knew his was systemic already). Fortunately his remission continues to hold fast and we are just thankful for every day that it continues.

Wishing you and her all the very best

Jodie and Ollie

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Kadbury, thanks. Sophie and I do have a close bond. I'm very lucky she totally trusts me. I have complete trust in her too. She never lets me down.

Staffyluv: Unfortunately for Sophie there will be no remission, it's not on the cards. With Osteo, chemo isn't effective so I didn't go that way. The only brush she had with chemo was the tablet she took every second day. It did contain the rate of growth of the tumour for a very short time. All I can hope for is that these medications she's having will keep her pain free and she can continue to have quality of life for whatever time she has left.

I think stopping the chemo tablet has a lot to do with her levels improving as well as the new alternative meds I have her on. She's doing much better without the chemo tablet.

This awful orange tasting supplement has made a big difference to her energy level. I hope it does what it's supposed to do and causes the death of tumour cells. It seems to have prevented metastasis. If we could stop the tumour from growing or better, to shrink it somewhat would be ideal. It's early days, it may work towards that. Right now she feels well, she's play bowing to the Cavaliers hoping for a session of chase around the yard.

Ollie is amazing, he's been in remission against the odds. That's some boy you have there and you've done a great job with him. Give him a gentle cuddle from us.

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Kadbury, thanks. Sophie and I do have a close bond. I'm very lucky she totally trusts me. I have complete trust in her too. She never lets me down.

Staffyluv: Unfortunately for Sophie there will be no remission, it's not on the cards. With Osteo, chemo isn't effective so I didn't go that way. The only brush she had with chemo was the tablet she took every second day. It did contain the rate of growth of the tumour for a very short time. All I can hope for is that these medications she's having will keep her pain free and she can continue to have quality of life for whatever time she has left.

I think stopping the chemo tablet has a lot to do with her levels improving as well as the new alternative meds I have her on. She's doing much better without the chemo tablet.

This awful orange tasting supplement has made a big difference to her energy level. I hope it does what it's supposed to do and causes the death of tumour cells. It seems to have prevented metastasis. If we could stop the tumour from growing or better, to shrink it somewhat would be ideal. It's early days, it may work towards that. Right now she feels well, she's play bowing to the Cavaliers hoping for a session of chase around the yard.

Ollie is amazing, he's been in remission against the odds. That's some boy you have there and you've done a great job with him. Give him a gentle cuddle from us.


I came in here with my heart in my throat!

I am so glad that Sophie is doing so well considering the circumstances.

YOu are an amazing woman for doing so much for your companion.

:laugh: to both you and Sophie.

I think you have more than 3 weeks left also.

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