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Unwell Rotties


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Thanks for the good wishes guys.

I'm not giving up on Sophie. I'm going to try another couple of things that may contain her her mouth tumour and stop it from growing...or at best even shrink it a little then Sophie will be more comfortable.

What I'm going to try can't harm her or make her worse so we have nothing to lose by trying something rather unconventional that might improve things a little for her. Her cancer can't be cured nor will she go into remission, I accept that but I'd like her to be comfortable for the time she has left.

I've been assured this new stuff is not contraindicated with her current medication and if by any chance there is an improvement after a while on the new preparations then I will stop the chemo tablet she takes on alternate days...it's not working for her anyway. It also has the side effect of causing liver and kidney probs. I'd really like to stop that drug.

The oncologist has nothing else to offer and isn't really prepared to discuss alternative therapies so I guess I'll just keep this under my hat when we see her next Thursday and wait to see what happens with Sophie on these new preparations.

edited because the gremlins removed some words and it didn't make sense

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Kiash I don't think she will. She is winding down. I doubt she'll make the two months because the tumour is so large and growing....and bleeding daily.

:confused: and a few :)

You and Sophie have fought so very very hard.

You have done the best that you can and could do for her and i am sure she knows that.

I hope this new treatment helps her.

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Just popping my head to see how you and Sophie are, Anne?

I am glad to hear that she is still doing so well and in very little if any pain. I am sure that it is making your job easier.

You are such a wonderful mum to her and she is just as blessed to have you and you are to have her!

Thoughts are with you!!

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Thanks for the good thoughts and for caring about us. We're seeing the oncologist later on today and I want to stop one of the drugs I think is doing more harm than good. It's no longer working for Sophie. I guess I won't win any popularity polls there.

I should be able to see by next week if this new natural product is working for Sophie so hoping for the best. She's been really well over the last few days. We're not giving up yet.

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good on you for standing up for what you think is right for Sophie. The vets should be accepting and willing to discuss not sulk like spoilt children at times.

Hopefully you have her for a longer time then they think!

ETA Guess who's on half meds!!!!!! YAY Little Diesel is now only on 50mg a day and we're weaning him off in a couple of weeks if things progress this well! Acupuncture, physical therapy, electric muscle stimulation and chiropractic have done him a world of good, we're going to start wading at the beach this week too. I am amazed how quickly this vet is progressing when everyone else just gave up on him :( I could have pretty much killed my own dog if I had listened to everyone else because it doesnt spew out of their MIMS ... Stick you your guns cavNrott

D is currently sunning himself on a patch of dirt and was bouncing like a REAL rotty yesterday too ... its lovely! Looks like years instead of weeks :confused:

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good on you for standing up for what you think is right for Sophie. The vets should be accepting and willing to discuss not sulk like spoilt children at times.

Hopefully you have her for a longer time then they think!

ETA Guess who's on half meds!!!!!! YAY Little Diesel is now only on 50mg a day and we're weaning him off in a couple of weeks if things progress this well! Acupuncture, physical therapy, electric muscle stimulation and chiropractic have done him a world of good, we're going to start wading at the beach this week too. I am amazed how quickly this vet is progressing when everyone else just gave up on him :D I could have pretty much killed my own dog if I had listened to everyone else because it doesnt spew out of their MIMS ... Stick you your guns cavNrott

D is currently sunning himself on a patch of dirt and was bouncing like a REAL rotty yesterday too ... its lovely! Looks like years instead of weeks :p

Thanks for the vote of confidence Nekhbet. I need it because I know today will not be pleasant and I feel that the treatement I want for Sophie is what she needs. You've given me resolve to stick to my guns. It's not easy arguing with two oncolgists and trying to explain to them why I want to alter the treatment. I've done it before and copped a 'what would you know' attitude....guess I'm in for some more of that today. I'm leaving in 5 minutes and feeling nervous is putting it mildly.

I'll update this evening.

I'm going to make an appointment with a holistic vet so assess Sophie and we'll go from there.

Glad to hear the Diesel is doing so well. Good for you.

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Always thinking or you and Sophie Anne...

I hope all goes well this afternoon.

Luckily our wonderful vet learned ages ago that I often do know what is best for Ollie and even if he does not necessarily agree, he still supports me. He was never a big supporter of the holistic path but came to accept it and now I believe has even suggested it to a few others because he has seen what it has done for Ollie.

I believe it holds them in good stead for the nasty medicine that they do have to take from conventional vets. But I don't think it was either or with Ollie, I believe it was the combination that has kept him going for so long (and still going strong, bless him).

Good luck and I look forward to your update.

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It is blatantly obvious that more than anything it is the way you are in tune with Sophie and her needs that has kept her here,

so I hope the oncologists did not push you too much or try to bully you!!!


great news about your Diesel!!! :D

Hope he continues to improve like this!! :p

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It is blatantly obvious that more than anything it is the way you are in tune with Sophie and her needs that has kept her here,

so I hope the oncologists did not push you too much or try to bully you!!!

Well I'll be! The oncologist said the same thing today, Oonga. She said Sophie and I are 'so in tune with eachother' that if I feel strongly that she should go onto a natural therapy regime, that's probably what Sophie needs. She wants to continue the other drugs Sophie takes. I'm ok with that.

I want to stop the chemo tablet she has every 48 hours. The onco doesn't know if it's controlling the rate of growth and whether the tumour will grow out of control without the chemo drug. She did an FBE and sent out some bloods for a complete biochemistry profile. She said if Sophie's levels are high then I can stop the chemo drug. We can always go back on it but if the tumour does grow out of control we can't back track and shrink it. I think the tumour is already out of control.

I didn't mention I put Sophie on a herbal therapy last Monday that is known to sometimes shrink tumours. Whether it will work for Sophie is a wait and see situation.

Onco needed a urine specimen to send away. They usually take a direct draw from her bladder but for some reason the onco wanted a natural specimen. I'm glad I taught Soph to pee on command. She had a big pee before we went in so I wasn't sure. I took her outside and she was squeezing out as much as she could to obey my 'toilet' command. I managed to collect enough for testing. The onco was impressed.LOL.

I was so nervous and it went straight down the lead to Sophie. She was really shaking and she never does that. It was all for nothing because the onco didn't give me a hard time and was in total agreement with me doing what I think is best for Sophie.

Now we await the chemistry profile. Should be in tomorrow morning. The onco will phone me and email me a copy of the profile.

Thanks to the caring people in this thread who are supportive and encouraging. It helps more than you know.


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What excellent news that the onco was supportive of your decisions! It is so clear from how well Sophie is doing that you are very much in tune with what is working for her!

Sending more thoughts of strength and happiness to you and to Sophie. Please give her cuddles from me, I do think of her and you often. :whip: :whip:

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:whip: :whip: :whip: EXCELLENT news!!!

You have enough to think about and decisions to make,

so i am pleased the Oncologist agree with you and could see what is crystal clear about the bond you and Sophie share :cheer:

Look forward to hearing of the results tomorrow,

i really hope they come tomorrow and you don't have to wait until monday!

BIG hugs to you, Sophie and all your other puppies :cheer:

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Anne, that is so wonderful the Onco listened to you.

Well done.

Good luck and i hope that all the natural treatments work for Sophie and you get many more weeks or months together.

Hugs to you both

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I'm glad to hear the onco was more supportive than you thought she would be, what a relief that must have been for you. You know you're doing the right thing and so does Sophie, that is all that matters.

I hope the tests come back all good and the natural therapy works well for her :rofl:

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I just typed out a long post whinging about the onco not phoning and keeping me stuck inside the house all day. She just phoned and although Sophie's levels are at the high end of normal she's not concerned because the drugs she takes can often cause elevated enzymes. She thought Sophie looked very well and happy yesterday.

I had a bit of a win too. When Sophie had that bad day I phoned them to suggest a human drug that deals with break through pain or if the body becomes resistant to a pain relief drug. Both oncolgists gave me a definite NO as they said this particular drug isn't used in veterinary medicine and in any case they didn't know the correct dosage for dogs.

I knew darn well vets in the USA have been using it for at least 4 years so I took up a print out of the results of the clinical trials that have been conducted on dogs and the correct dosage rates and handed it to them yesterday. I wasn't about to mention it again but she just offered me a script for the drug to use if Sophie has another break through day. Evidently she knows a couple of the vet scientists who conducted the trials and had a CD of the conference on this drug but hadn't looked at it until last night. She's left the script and biochem results at the desk for me to collect in the morning.

I would only use this drug if Sophie has another break through day but we achieved something at least. Now they might be willing to offer relief to cancer dogs who do suffer a lot of break through pain.

edited because the spacing looked all wrong

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