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Unwell Rotties


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He looks like he needs a lot of muscle build up. Swimming will do that without pain. A fantastic non weight bearing exercise. You might find he will find life a bit easier with more muscle that will hold the hip joints better.

Totally agree Kiash - the dogs that I know that have done well with rotten hips have all had good muscle build up in the area and that was what 'held' it all together. Swimming is a great way to do that. Looking at the photos - he has little to no muscle at all - which would definitely be contributing the problem and making it worse.

Before making any major decisions, why don't you try building the muscle up and see if it helps at all?

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Sophie is looking and feeling much better today so I won't make the dreaded decision today. She slept well last night and ate her breakfast with enthusiasm so today is not her day. She hasn't given me 'the' look.

It will be only a matter of days but today isn't the day unless she goes into rapid decline as the day wears on. I got up very early this morning and I've been watching her very closely for hours...she's not ready to go yet.

I'm about to ring the oncologist and ask if I should bring her in for their assessment. I'd feel much better if a specialist took a good look at her. There may be some slim chance they can give her something to make her feel a little better and stop the bleeding.

I'll update tonight.

Thank you for thinking of us and please send pain free, gentle vibes to Sophie.

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Thank goodness for the good news this morning.

I think ringing the oncologist is a great idea. I hope they can help :o

Gentle, healing, strengthening and loving vibes and hugs being sent to Sophie.

comforting hugs to you and the other puppies there


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I'll see how she is in the morning and keep her on heavy pain relief tonight. If she is like this or worse tomorrow then I'll call the vet who treated Dana to come to the house and put Sophie to rest. I don't want to rob her of her life but I also don't want her to suffer. I'd rather be one day early than one day late and cause her to her suffer for an extra day.

It's so hard to see my happy, fun loving dog so sick and tired.

Oh Anne,

Hugs to both you and Sophie.

Nothing oi can say will make this any easier, but know that Sophie knows you are doing your best.

Thinking of you

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Hey cavNrott, sorry that sophie has had another bad day ... hope she stays comfortable for a little longer and you have more time with her while she's peaceful.


This being my first Rotty (and no guarentee he's pure he was from a rescue) he's long backed and very gangly which I thought a Rottie shoudlnt be?! He has found it hard to gain fat since his extreme bout of parvo a few months ago (he actually has a decent coating on him at the mo) but he's not too poorly muscled - in fact only in the past week have we noticed a gradual reduction in the muscle in his right hind. I dont know could he have something else in him like Dobermann? Or is he just a really poorly bred rotty?

Been looking for a dog pool/water treadmill in geelong but looks like Kepala might be the closest I have.



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I'm so glad to hear Sophie is doing much better today! :love:

Nekhbet, how old is he? If he's just a puppy they often go all gangly...even the well bred ones. Many Rottweilers are long in the back, it's just a fault, it doesn't mean he's not pure.

ETA: I've just seen he's 10 months old...goodness me still a BABY!

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yeah a real baby! Only had him for about 6 months, and I was nearly convinced I had gotten a black and tan coonhound because thats what he looked like. He has never bulked out (well his boofhead has) and his elbows have that wide stance pitty look to them but he remains a gangle! One of my friends calls him Seabiscuit because he's sooooo long. Even a 70cm coat is not long enough

Flava his hock has actually started to bend inwards because he wont use the other leg. I'm getting a splint made for it that will allow him to use that leg and maintain some flex in the joint. Beleive it or not that leg doesnt bother him in the slightest, its the other one. Vets so far have not been worried (huh ... ) hence me finding new vets ... The hock is bending inwards because its carrying all his weight, and his front elbows have arthritic changes so he really uses that leg a lot.

Dont worry, I carry him everywhere when he looks sore ... now who's going to fix my back :love:

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I am sorry to disagree with you, there is not much muscle tone around the hip area going on those photos. If he were mine I would be swimming him a couple of times a week. You will be amazed at the results you will get. By making him stronger, he will stand better on his hock and probably not so wide in front. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose.

He looks like a badly bred one to me. Not a cross.

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Sophie is looking and feeling much better today so I won't make the dreaded decision today. She slept well last night and ate her breakfast with enthusiasm so today is not her day. She hasn't given me 'the' look.

It will be only a matter of days but today isn't the day unless she goes into rapid decline as the day wears on. I got up very early this morning and I've been watching her very closely for hours...she's not ready to go yet.

I'm about to ring the oncologist and ask if I should bring her in for their assessment. I'd feel much better if a specialist took a good look at her. There may be some slim chance they can give her something to make her feel a little better and stop the bleeding.

I'll update tonight.

Thank you for thinking of us and please send pain free, gentle vibes to Sophie.

I hope Sophie is doing well.

Only you can know when the time is right for you and Sophie - I hope you get more time with her.

Ollie still amazes me with his tenacity to continue to do well, against all the odds - I wish the same for you and Sophie.

Give her a hug for me (you can have one too :love: )...

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Thanks Jodi. I think we experienced our first REALLY bad day. I remember you saying on bad days you think 'this is it'. That's exactly what I thought and now I know what you mean. There is no way I expected Sophie to feel better today. She's tired after yesterday but is her usual happy self.

I rang the oncologist this morning and she said Sophie probably had 'break through pain'. Evidently this isn't unusual with cancer patients. I wish she'd warned me before it happened.

The pain meds are working well today and the bleeding is intermittent instead of constant. In fact I think the tumour looks a bit smaller after expelling all that blood.

eta: Thanks for the hugs...we need them.

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Thanks Jodi. I think we experienced our first REALLY bad day. I remember you saying on bad days you think 'this is it'. That's exactly what I thought and now I know what you mean. There is no way I expected Sophie to feel better today. She's tired after yesterday but is her usual happy self.

I rang the oncologist this morning and she said Sophie probably had 'break through pain'. Evidently this isn't unusual with cancer patients. I wish she'd warned me before it happened.

The pain meds are working well today and the bleeding is intermittent instead of constant. In fact I think the tumour looks a bit smaller after expelling all that blood.

eta: Thanks for the hugs...we need them.

It is very hard to live with a terminal patient of any kind - there are good and bad days and then there is the occasional really bad day, where you do believe that you will be calling the vet for that last visit. I take heaps of rescue remedy on those days and wait.

If he was to have a couple of really bad days in a row, then I would be making that call. Lucky for us, he usually only has one at a time but it scares the hell out of me and then rebounds the next day. I seriously don't know how many times in the beginning that I thought this is it, only for our wonderful vet and holistic vets tell us that this is to be expected and they often bounce back after a day or two.

I think with pain management and while they are happy, we just continue to do what we can to make their time with us as wonderful as it can be. It is a long road with two steps forward and one step back...

Chin up and some more cyber hugs for the both of you.


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