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Unwell Rotties


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Checking in to see how the beautiful Sophie is doing.

Sending lots of healing vibes and good thoughts to her and Anne.You are both amazing.

Sending love and hugs to all the sick/recovering beautiful furkids. You are all an inspiration !!!

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Hey Anne,

Just dropped by to see how things are going - you have been on my mind for the last few days. I will also drop you a line.

Can I also make a suggestion about beautiful Sophie (if you are not already doing it) - that you record everything that you are giving her and that you are doing because it could very well go to helping other people being about to access herbs etc for their pets under similar circumstances!

We need to be able to start records all this stuff so that practioners can get more involued!

It is one of the areas that I am looking into studying myself!

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Thank you all for your lovely comments and encouragement. Very much appreciated.

Ci, I'm documenting everything Sophie is taking and when. The vet wants to know too because we have a rather unusual situation with Sophie being in such an advanced state of her cancer but still functioning as usual and enjoying life. It's the mouth tumour that's the problem.

I type the info for the vet on the day we go there and list Sophie's progress and note any changes. It saves answering a lot of the usual questions about diet, elimination etc., The vet can enter it into his computer when he has the time to spare and it gives us time to talk about the important stuff. We skim over the general stuff and discuss any changes.

I list every product, drug, herb and alternative medication I'm giving Sophie and things I've stopped using. Not the dose rate, I'm still messing around with it. The list of the things I use is long and I'd rather talk about how Sophie's doing than about meds. There are a few new things since our last visit. I take in a copy of the research or clinical trials of anything I think is working well and he reads it later on. If he has questions or suggestions he rings me.

Something is working for Sophie but she takes so much stuff that it isn't easy to work out what's of benefit to her and what isn't but there are a few things I think are working for her. I also think the cancer starving diet is good. She's getting as few carbs and sugars as possible because cancer needs those two things to thrive. I cook all her food now.

She is still pain free, happy and energetic so we live a day at a time, the way she's teaching me to live. It's probably the only way I could handle the situation. Dogs are pretty smart aren't they?

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Thanks for the encouragement Storm. We're still battling on and Soph is doing OK. We are off to the vet for a check up tomorrow. I think she's as well as she was at the last visit 2 weeks ago. The vet will notice if there are any changes I haven't picked up on, being that I'm with Sophie all the time.

I posted the latest pics I have of Sophie in the Rotty thread about a week ago. They're on page 411 if you'd like to see how she's looking these days. I think under the circumstances she still looks pretty good though she's lost muscle in her face and head.

It's probably better I don't post pics in here, I think those with terminally ill dogs really need supportive and encouraging messages. That's what lifts our spirits, it certainly lifts mine to know that people care and are thinking of us.

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It's great the Sophie is doing so well - you are doing a wonderful job there, so I am pleased she is hanging on without any big problems.

Take a bow, you are both champions.

Keeping up the good vibes for you both.

The record you are keeping will be good for someone else in the same situation, so everyone should be grateful for the detailed records.

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Sophie is still looking fantastic Anne! I know with Jaida she lost SO much muscle tone all over her body and her coat went very dry and dull. I didn't realise how much she had changed until I went back and looked at her older photos, it was really sad :confused:

I hope the appointment goes well tomorrow, I'm sure she's still doing great :p

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I'm more than happy to share info on the supplements, herbs and prescribed drugs I'm giving Sophie because I've learned there are things we can do to keep our cancer dogs feeling well, pain free and happy and extend their lives, in some cases.

My most important job is keep her pain free so she wants to keep going and cooperates by taking all the stuff she has to take every couple of hours. If she's in pain she'll shut down. Pain control tops the list. I wouldn't let her suffer and I have the meds to counteract it if she suffers any breakthrough pain.

There are a few things she's taking that I'm fairly sure are helping and a lot of other things that I can only hope are helping.

As soon as the shock of her diagnosis and the 'about 3 weeks' prognosis hit me I knew Sophie and I would fight this cancer hard, for as long as she wants to. She's showing no sign that she's had enough. I'm not blind to the fact that her cancer is progressing. I don't want to see the signs but they're obvious.

We're a year on from her first biopsy now. Now to see what the vet says tomorrow.

eta: Reply to Shek. I gave Sophie a bath on Friday and her coat is beautiful, soft and shiny. She looks so fit and healthy.

Edited by cavNrott
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I'm more than happy to share info on the supplements, herbs and prescribed drugs I'm giving Sophie because I've learned there are things we can do to keep our cancer dogs feeling well, pain free and happy and extend their lives, in some cases.

My most important job is keep her pain free so she wants to keep going and cooperates by taking all the stuff she has to take every couple of hours. If she's in pain she'll shut down. Pain control tops the list. I wouldn't let her suffer and I have the meds to counteract it if she suffers any breakthrough pain.

There are a few things she's taking that I'm fairly sure are helping and a lot of other things that I can only hope are helping.

As soon as the shock of her diagnosis and the 'about 3 weeks' prognosis hit me I knew Sophie and I would fight this cancer hard, for as long as she wants to. She's showing no sign that she's had enough. I'm not blind to the fact that her cancer is progressing. I don't want to see the signs but they're obvious.

We're a year on from her first biopsy now. Now to see what the vet says tomorrow.

eta: Reply to Shek. I gave Sophie a bath on Friday and her coat is beautiful, soft and shiny. She looks so fit and healthy.

I am so happy to hear that the girl is doing so well.

We were fortunate to have a really good result from our check up last week - to the point that we can now reduce one of his meds. We will be 3 years from diagnosis in November (and they gave us 18 months).

It is just the day to day stuff that keeps us going. As long as they are pain free and still loving life, that is ALL that matters now.

Wishing you and Sophie a really good result (just like us) at your vet visit.

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YAY Sophie. Rotties sure are tough aren't they ... I was thinking I should have called Diesel Tonka instead :rofl:

just a little picture of Deedle


I cant believe him. He went through that period of absolute suffering and yesterday he was bunny hopping like a mad thing. I think he does it to stress me out I really do :thumbsup: His hind leg wobbles about I dont think its in the socket anymore (not that he has one) but he gets about fine. He can trot around which is the main thing :)

He has been swimming at the beach which I think has helped dramatically. He has nice solid muscle tone and I dont let him get fat at all. He looks more like a coon hound then a rottweiler but at least he can walk :thumbsup: I think the summer weather will help him too :thumbsup:

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Didnt realize there was a photo of Sophie on the rotti thread will have a look.

Didnt mean to cause any upset by asking to anyone, sorry if I did

Oh Storm, you would be the last person to cause upset :eek: Of course you didn't. I'm pleased you're interested in seeing a pic of Sophie. There are two of them on page 411 in the Rotty thread.

I think we should leave this thread strictly for palliative care treatment and discussion. It's such a hard, frightening and painful road to travel and this is a a safe place for those of us with dying dogs to update about them and discuss their treatment.

There was opposition to having the thread from a few people. I fear if it becomes a chat thread then we risk losing it because it won't be serving it's purpose. We need it to serve the purpose it was set up for.

We have a Rotty thread and a photo thread so on the rare occasion I post a sample of my lack of photographic skills that don't do Sophie justice, I post in the rotty thread.

I'll post later about the results of today's vet visit with Sophie.

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At our vet visit today Sophie was her usual happy self and her general condition is good. BUT the cancer has spread to a lymph node. I check her glands only once a week because I don't want to bother her by poking around her neck and jaw. I checked a week ago and that hard lump wasn't there so it's come up in the last few days. I massage her every day so I know if there's anything new happening but I don't touch the area of the cancer in case it hurts her.

The vet said two weeks ago that her lymph nodes were good. He was surprised it had come on so quickly too. It's clear that her cancer is now progressing rapidly. Another very stark hit of reality for me today. Sophie will not be with me for much longer and I feel helpless and hopeless :) Her tumour has continued to grow as it was bound to do but we are no longer dealing with localised cancer.

I feel there's something else I should be doing but I don't know what it is. Chemo is out of the question because it works with some cancers but not with osteosarcoma.

My poor little girl. At best, we're able to keep her free of pain and the alternative stuff she takes keeps her feeling well.

On the way back from the vet I took her to the off leash park and she did the usuall rolling, sniffing and piddling. She's sleeping now and tired from the activities of the day. I need to wake her up now to give her more meds and pain relief with her goat milk with yoghurt. She loves that.

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Please don't feel helpless and hopeless although you can't help feeling sad.

Dogs live in the now and beautiful Sophie is happy because of you.

I found this code of ethics for Angelgate, an American organisation that cares for the terminally ill as well as disabled animals.

When I read it I thought of you because I can't believe anyone else has so exhaustively adhered to this moral code

. It perfectly decribes your love and care fo Sophie.

Animal Hospice Guidelines

1.Be present and be in the moment with me. In the moment of now we will write the final chapter of my life.

Your presence is everything. Listen to me with your heart.

2.I have a right to compassionate, considerate, respectful care. Choose for me a veterinarian who will honor me physically, emotionally and spiritually. One who will listen to you because you are my advocate and no one loves me as you do.

Choose a veterinarian who will offer her or his wisdom so that you can make informed decisions regarding my care.

3.Keep me free from pain and symptoms so that I may enjoy my day and the precious time I have left with you.

Seek to understand the different types of pain I may have. Look for enthusiasm in my eyes as a gage.

Celebrate my life with me till the very end!

4.Keep me well nourished so that my body will have the fortitude that it needs to fight disease and energy to function.

Offer me my favorite foods to entice me to eat but honor my decision, should I choose not to eat.

5.Keep me well hydrated; for this will keep me in balance with the universe.

6.Keep me warm and comfortable. I will need to be bathed more frequently-maybe several times a day. My favorite bed and blanket gives me security and lets me feel safe. I want to smell fresh air and to feel the warmth of the sun on my face.

I want to hear the softness of your voice reassuring me of my importance in your life.

7.Let me stay active and continue to be a part of the family I love so dearly. I want to go for rides in the car, and long walks on the beach, and snuggle with you on the couch while we watch TV. Keep fun in our day. the couch while we watch TV. Keep fun in our day.

8. Touch me. Your loving hands have fed me, played with me, comforted me and now give me strength. Linger just a little longer as you scratch my ear. Your touch lets me know you are there and gives me assurance that you care.

9. Give me permission to leave- I need to hear those words from you- I need to know you will be OK. Let me go.

Know it is my time even if it seems like it is too soon. Support me as I take my final breath.

10. If there comes a time when you know that I am suffering please euthanize me. I trust that you will always make the right decision for me for I am the blood of your heart. Be with me- I want you to be my last vision.

11.As there has been great joy in our life together now let there be joy in my passing. Cherish and be thankful for our happy moments together. Promise to keep my memory alive in all you do everyday.

Love you guys, you are an inspiration :)

Please be happy together. The now is all we have so please enjoy your time, Anne, because Sophie certainly is.

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cavNrott you have done above and beyond for your dog so don't feel upset for her. As long as she is happy and not in extreme pain then enjoy the time you have and cross the final bridge when you come to it. I have with D, sometimes I have sat there and thought today was the day because he was so miserable but I waited and he pulled through several times.

At least you have had some good years with Sophie, so many times I was counting days ... both when he went through severe parvo attack and now his legs. Poor little blighter is 1 now and still hobbling about the best he can. I dont think he's upset though he knows no different and never will. He doesnt look at the other dogs and think 'why aren't I like that' he keeps up as best he can, rolls around the backyard and hunts imginary dog biscuits in the tall grass. And he's got a special order allowing him to dig holes and then look at you with a face covered in dirt like "what .. I didnt bury anything ... what you looking at"

I have to be cruel to be kind. He should be a stocky, broad rotty and he's a skinny stick insect (still reckon he's a coon hound :)) Its hard handing over a carrot instead of a massive treat to a puppy but he is walking so much better being thin. You just want to spoil them but thats no good either.

Give her what she wants and spend quality time together. I've still entered Diesel into the Therapy Dog program and hope he passes he deserves to share his special personality with other people.

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so sorry and sad to read about Sophie's lymph nodes :)

however she sounds very happy which is the most important thing at the moment.

BIG BIG hugs to you all!!!


I love the thereapy dogs idea for Diesel :)

He will be like a VIP :thanks:

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