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Good luck with Sophie today and her oncologist appointment :rofl:

I look forward to the update!


Good to hear about Ollie's knee,

i really hope that he does hold out a lot longer with it and does not end up needing the procedure!

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Many thanks for thinking of us.

We won't have the liver test results until tomorrow. Her urine test was perfect. It was a bit dicey when she was first diagnosed so there's improvement there.

The tumour has grown. The onco still thinks it's growing slowly and I still think it's growing quickly :laugh: Sophie had more tests than usual today and all results were good. She was in high spirits and was so excited to be there. It seems she doesn't mind being a pin cushion and being poked and pummelled. Sophie is such a happy dog, nothing seems to put her off.

Onco paid me a huge compliment, she said if she is to be reincarnated she wants to come back as one of my dogs. She's happy with what she calls my home nursing.....so I'm at least doing something right. She's leaving the dosage of pain meds up to me because she and I both think Sophie's pain free. I've also been given the ok to dose her for nausea as needed. She doesn't want nausea putting Sophie off her food.

Sophie's stacking on the weight with this cancer diet. I've been so careful to keep her a slim 42kg and now she's 48kg. She looks better with the extra weight I think.

Her white BCC was within the normal range so she hasn't picked up any infection since I've been walking her. The onco said to do what I think is best for Sophie as I'm with her every day and know what she needs, so short walks have been ok'ed. She calls Sophie the miracle dog. No one expected her to still be alive and feeling well even though her cancer is progressing so to keep doing what I'm doing.

We won't know until the liver test results come through if Sophie can stay on the chemo tablet. The onco has doubled the dose of the diuretic to make sure the chemo drug is flushed out of Sophie's system within the 48 hours before she has the next tablet. If the levels have gone up we will ultasound her. I take it as a good sign that she didn't book the u/sound.

So now to wait until tomorrow for the liver test results.

eta: I just want to indulge myself here and say my dog is amazing...truly amazing.

Edited by cavNrott
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Thanks for the post!!

I ALMOST sent you a PM out of impatience :laugh:

i knew the results would be excellent but i still wanted to hear them :laugh:

Excellent news and you are an amazing team!!! You truly are!!!!

big hugs to all there!!!

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Thanks for the vote of confidence guys. It gives me a huge morale boost.

Sophie's the one who's doing the hard yards in fighting this disease with everything she's got. She loves life and just wants to get on with enjoying every minute. The part I play is minor in comparison to her effort. She's an exceptional dog and I'm blessed to have the honour of sharing my life with her. Can't tell you how proud I am of my girl and her compliance with all the nasties that are done to her.

The onco speaks often about how lovely Sophie is and how easy she is to treat. Sophie knows the drill now and when blood has to be taken from the jugular she lifts her head and turns it slightly to the side to make it easy for the onco to get that bloody big horse needle in. When a direct urine sample is taken she knows to lie very still while an equally bloody big needle is inserted in her abdomen.

Oonga: I was late today because all the extra tests today took ages. I don't go in with her because I can't bear watching my dogs have awful things done to them. I'm not needle phobic if I need an injection or have blood taken but I can't watch it happen to my dogs. So I sit out in the reception area and wait. I was getting quite worried today, they usually take about 1/2 an hour and today she was gone for well over an hour.

I am feeling rather optimistic about the liver test results. Hope I'm not living in a fools paradise. It's that Sophie seems so much better than she was a couple of weeks ago.

efs because it seems I can't spell.

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sorry if i was sounding pushy with my impatience!!

I didn't mean to and you certainly didn't owe me an explanation,

but thanks for sharing that anyway :offtopic:

Gosh that is a long wait for you!!!

I still stand by that you and Sophie are a great team TOGETHER!!!

I don't think she would be doing as well as she is if it was not for your commitment!!

That is why your oncologist wants to come back as your pet :cry:

keep up the amazing work you guys!!!

Now tomorrow i will look forward to the rest of the good news :mad

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Anne, can I come back as your dog too? I too bet her liver is okay. The milk thistle weed is brilliant stuff. You make sure you tell her how proud we all are of her. Pat yourself on the back too. We are all so very proud of the both of you. So pleased to read she is holding this horror at bay.

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You guys are great. You give me so much confidence in the way I'm handing Sophie's situation. I really appreciate your strong support. Thanks so much for thinking of us.

Sophie's liver enzymes are lower again than last time so that's a huge improvement. They're only just above the normal range now. The onco is happy and I'm happy. It must be the milk thistle doing its job. I think the coQ10 is doing it's thing too. This means she can now stay on the chemo tablet that's slowing down the progression of her cancer.

Now the kidney level is high, yet her urine test yesterday was perfect. The onco has doubled the dose of diuretic which I start Sophie on tomorrow. She's confident that will fix the kidney problem. Confident enough that she said we will only test every second visit from now on. I'm not sure if that means we will test next time and give the one after a miss or do we give then next one a miss :) She'll still have a CBC every time but the onco thinks a full FBE won't be necessary every visit. How good is that?

What I don't get is that the tumour is growing and Sophie's general health that was going downhill, is now greatly improving. The onco said the elevated levels are caused by all the drugs Sophie is taking.

This onco is something special, she's so interested in Sophie and so fond of her....but I really don't enjoy our telephone calls much. She speaks so quickly and has a beautiful but very broad Irish accent so I miss half of what she says. I'm a bit deaf too so that doesn't help.

Sophie and I went to the soccer oval today. She loves it there, don't know how I didn't discover this place ages ago. I'm glad we're going out again, Sophie is much happier.

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Many thanks for thinking of us.

We won't have the liver test results until tomorrow. Her urine test was perfect. It was a bit dicey when she was first diagnosed so there's improvement there.

The tumour has grown. The onco still thinks it's growing slowly and I still think it's growing quickly :) Sophie had more tests than usual today and all results were good. She was in high spirits and was so excited to be there. It seems she doesn't mind being a pin cushion and being poked and pummelled. Sophie is such a happy dog, nothing seems to put her off.

Onco paid me a huge compliment, she said if she is to be reincarnated she wants to come back as one of my dogs. She's happy with what she calls my home nursing.....so I'm at least doing something right. She's leaving the dosage of pain meds up to me because she and I both think Sophie's pain free. I've also been given the ok to dose her for nausea as needed. She doesn't want nausea putting Sophie off her food.

Sophie's stacking on the weight with this cancer diet. I've been so careful to keep her a slim 42kg and now she's 48kg. She looks better with the extra weight I think.

Her white BCC was within the normal range so she hasn't picked up any infection since I've been walking her. The onco said to do what I think is best for Sophie as I'm with her every day and know what she needs, so short walks have been ok'ed. She calls Sophie the miracle dog. No one expected her to still be alive and feeling well even though her cancer is progressing so to keep doing what I'm doing.

We won't know until the liver test results come through if Sophie can stay on the chemo tablet. The onco has doubled the dose of the diuretic to make sure the chemo drug is flushed out of Sophie's system within the 48 hours before she has the next tablet. If the levels have gone up we will ultasound her. I take it as a good sign that she didn't book the u/sound.

So now to wait until tomorrow for the liver test results.

eta: I just want to indulge myself here and say my dog is amazing...truly amazing.

She is truely amazing and secretly, I think they like all the extra attention they get when they go to the vets.

My boofhead thinks he owns the place - just walks straight behind the reception desk to say hi to the girls and then sits, oh so nicely, just in case there is a treat coming (and there always is).

It is so heartwarming to hear how much Sophie is loving her outings.

I am glad you two are having a good time.



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Thanks for the report!!!

I must say although I knew it would all be fine,

I am extra impressed that the results are better than last time :)

Go Team Sophie!!!!

Big hugs to you ALL!!

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:):):laugh: for you and Sophie, Cavnrott, those test results are just so good. Congratulations on doing a terrific job with her. May she continue to thrive. Wonderful that she loves her outings.
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Yahoo Sophie and CavnRott. :) :p :):laugh: :rolleyes: :)

I am so happy, relieved and proud. Well done guys, that is the best news I have heard. So so happy. Great to hear that Sophie is loving her walks, sniffing every blade of grass along the way.

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