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Unwell Rotties


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Cavnrot - my heart goes out to you. This is harder for you than for Sophie as you take such good care of her.

I love to hear of her adventures day to day. and always visit this thread even if I don't post. I am so glad you are standing your ground and giving Sophie the quality of life she deserves.

Thanks again to all who are wishing Sophie well.

We haven't been out today yet. Been waiting for a call to say it's ok to go and pick up more Maxolon for her, she's really suffering nausea now from these drugs. I'll ask the onco next Wednesday if there is a better/stronger anti nausea medication I can give her....providing her tests show she can stay on this drug therapy. As nauseous as she obviously is, she's always in good spirits and up for a walk or a short game of fetch.

At times I feel sorry for myself and then I look at what my brave dog is bearing with. It gives me a huge dose of reality. When I feel miserable all I have to do is interact with her and talk to her and I feel so grateful that she's still with me against all odds. Sophie is a happy dog and nothing seems to dampen her spirits. It's impossible for me to stay down in the dumps with Sophie around.

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I haven't been posting much Anne, but you and Sophie are very much in my thoughts.

The rollercoater of emotions is exhausting, isn't it? It is hard not to get paranoid about every little thing, but I am so happy to hear that Sophie is being 'Dora the Explorer' :) Who wouldn't get joy from finding a nice squishy patch of grass to roll on?! :(

Please add my hugs to Sophie's already crowded roster of hugs and also give yourself one :rofl:

You are doing an amazing job, these are very special days for your beloved girl and yourself. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that hearing your happy stories brings a smile to my face and heart.

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Must admit I sure suffer from paranoia with Sophie. The least little sign of her declining sends me into a state of panic. Though I'm getting better at hiding it from Sophie. She stresses when she sees me upset.

I bought a CD today called Animal Healing. It has very relaxing and calming music and my dogs all just lay there and listened to it. Sophie loved it, she was the first one in the room when it started playing. They were really calm and relaxed for the whole 45 minutes. It was put together by an animal healer who evidently knows what she's doing because this music works. I felt better for listening to it too.

Thanks for the confidence in how I'm caring for Sophie. She deserves the best I can do. I'm lucky I stumbled across the people who go all out to help me care for her with good advice and heaps of encouragement. Her oncologist is really great too. She listens to me instead of talking at me.

The hugs and encouragement on this forum are so appreciated. It is hard to care for a dog you love so much and yet knowing full well that our time together is limited. Sophie is teaching me to live in the day and enjoy rather than worry and stress about the future.

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How are you and Sophie going today, CavnRot? :)

We're doing well thanks Kaz. Sophie has picked up in the last day or so. No more nausea so she's back to her normal, happy self.

That's Great to hear :)

Don't forget to look after yourself, though :)

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Excellent cavNrott!!!!

Did you end up getting stronger anti nausea stuff for her?

We're still using Maxolon but I give it more frequently. Will have a chat with the onco on Wednesday to see if we should keep going or change to a different medication.

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Excellent cavNrott!!!!

Did you end up getting stronger anti nausea stuff for her?

We're still using Maxolon but I give it more frequently. Will have a chat with the onco on Wednesday to see if we should keep going or change to a different medication.

Ollie takes it twice a day (morning and night). He also has a gingernut or two when he is really off his tucker - the sugar is good and the ginger helps with nausea.

Glad to hear she is still doing well, give her a big hug from Ollie and I.

Still thinking of you too.


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Sophie has 3 Maxolon and 2 peppermint capsules a day. She feels much better. She takes medication 5 times a day so she gets either a Maxolon or a peppermint capsule with each dose.

We took a drive to the leash free park today and she had a great time playing with an old Boxer boy. Though I said I wouldn't take her to areas where dogs congregate I think the antibiotics she takes will protect her from anything she's likely to pick up.

To see the joy on her face and to watch her running around having fun is worth it. I don't know if it's because she's now having fun but her coat has improved over the last week. It was getting quite dull looking and now it's very shiny again.

I wonder what the onco will say on Wednesday. She can't help but notice Sophie's a lot happier. She doesn't look at all like a sick dog. I'm anxious to see the results of her FBE and her liver test. I'm hoping her liver enzymes are lower again.

Jodie I've been thinking about you and Ollie too. How is his knee?

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beautiful update on Sophie :rolleyes:

any chance of an updated photo of her frolicking?

If you would prefer not to i understand :laugh:

I also am eager to hear the results, not anxious though, Just eager for some more good news :laugh:

big hugs to you all!

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Thanks for thinking of Sophie and sending her your well wishes. I'm sure the positive thoughts and good vibes help.

Oonga, I never remember to take the camera when we go out. I seem to carry around so much stuff that I'd lose the camera for sure.

I take latex gloves. One drug is cytotoxic so I have to glove up to pick up poop. Poop bags, the lunge lead, the short lead, a water bottle, bag of treats. That plus she runs around quickly, she's all over the place and I'm a really bad photographer.

I'd love to get one of her rolling in the grass because the joy of it all is written on her face but by the time I get the camera ready she'd be off doing something else. She's rather suspicious of the camera too which doesn't help my lack of photography skills.

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no worries about the photo,

i remember you saying a while ago that Sophie is a but suspicious of the camera, understandably too!!!!

i have a pretty cool image of her frolicking and rolling around in the park in my head :laugh:

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Sophie has 3 Maxolon and 2 peppermint capsules a day. She feels much better. She takes medication 5 times a day so she gets either a Maxolon or a peppermint capsule with each dose.

We took a drive to the leash free park today and she had a great time playing with an old Boxer boy. Though I said I wouldn't take her to areas where dogs congregate I think the antibiotics she takes will protect her from anything she's likely to pick up.

To see the joy on her face and to watch her running around having fun is worth it. I don't know if it's because she's now having fun but her coat has improved over the last week. It was getting quite dull looking and now it's very shiny again.

I wonder what the onco will say on Wednesday. She can't help but notice Sophie's a lot happier. She doesn't look at all like a sick dog. I'm anxious to see the results of her FBE and her liver test. I'm hoping her liver enzymes are lower again.

Jodie I've been thinking about you and Ollie too. How is his knee?

Bless her, it sounds like she is having a ball. Isn't it amazing, when they are happy, they look so well - we always get comments about Ollie and how well he looks. Seeing them so happy makes it all worth it.

Thanks for asking - his knee is much better than it was but I fear it is only a short while and it will have to be fixed (bugger it). We will cross that bridge when we come to it. For the moment, he is only going for a walk every second day and it is only for about 15 minutes (not nearly enough for him, as he does not want to get back in the car) but it will have to do for now. He is pretty bright though and still makes a game out of climbing up on the lounge to steal OHs beanie (it is bloody cold in Canberra now) - then it is a game to get it back.

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