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Unwell Rotties


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Ollie tried to get me to play with his rope earlier and he tossed it across the room - when I did not get up, he went to run for it and has hurt his leg more - it must be so touchy (cruciate). One minute he looks like he is bearing some weight and the next he is not...

Can you crate him Staffyluv or confine him to an indoor pen. Each time he pulls up sore he may have torn it just that little bit more and any scar tissue he has built up will break down. He probably needs to be strictly confined to help build scar tissue.

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Ollie tried to get me to play with his rope earlier and he tossed it across the room - when I did not get up, he went to run for it and has hurt his leg more - it must be so touchy (cruciate). One minute he looks like he is bearing some weight and the next he is not...

Can you crate him Staffyluv or confine him to an indoor pen. Each time he pulls up sore he may have torn it just that little bit more and any scar tissue he has built up will break down. He probably needs to be strictly confined to help build scar tissue.

I did borrow Moopers crate once when he first had all the surgery to remove the MCTs (50 odd stitches in all). He just cried and cried the whole time he was in it (the neighbours thought we were hurting him, he carried on so much).

I have a phone consult with one of the vets tomorrow, I want to ask if it can be strapped? (as humans we strap ligament injuries, so why not dogs). But you are right, I have to stop him from walking around and trying to play. Doing it is only making it worse.

I have some pain meds here for him and I thought I would give him one tonight, as he does not seem to be comfortable.

Give the girl a hug goodnight for me.


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loving how Sophie is doing :laugh:

It truly brings a smile to my face and i get that warm fuzzy feeling :(


good luck with keeping Ollie quiet!

both Sophie and Ollie still have their sense of fun and cheekiness which is so important i think in wellbeing :thumbsup:

big hugs to you both Sophie and Ollie.

cavNrott a big hug to your other puppies as well!!!! and you of course!!!

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Great to read that Sophie's liver is okay. I do swear by Milk Thistle Weed. It is brilliant, a mild cleanser and tonic for the liver.

Staffyluv, have you got a spare room you can put a baby gate at the door and put Ollie in. That way he can move around and relax. They are a pain in the butt when they have a bad leg. I have one here at the moment who has a partial rupture of the cruciate and she is crated in a 4x4 crate. I would prefer her in a room but as my daughters will be up at the weekend both my spare bedrooms will be occupied. On Sunday night I will be up ending the bed and making the room into a sick room. We only walk on a flexi lead so there is no running and sudden twisting. We have to go back to the vet in another week, if the knee looks like it is healing then we go onto cartrophen shots but if not then we will be have the De Angelis(sp?) done. This is the old fashioned way as I will not have metal put into my dogs if I can get out of it.

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Thanks Oonga and Kiash. Her enzyme levels are still a bit high with her liver test but they have come down since the first test. We are testing again next visit.

I'll keep her on the Milk Thistle because I think her lower levels are probably due to that.


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That's great news about Sophie, CavNrott - hope it continues. You go girl!!

Pleased Ollie is improving, even with the setbacks. He sure is one hell of a fighter! Keep it up boy.

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I hope that Sophie is going well cavNrott... She is an inspiration thats for sure keep up whatever it is you are doing as there is obviously something there that is helping her..

Staffyluv sorry to hear about Ollie, lets hope that he is feeling his normal self soon..

Kiash, sorry to hear that you have a dog with a cruciate injury there.. There are so many varying opinions on what surgery to have or not to have..

I opted for the TWLO as i have a very boisterous 12 month old and i wanted it to be as strong as possible and give him the best possible chance at having a strong leg.. If however it was Kiesha that did her cruciate then i wouldn't have opted for the same surgery, she wasn't anywhere as energetic as Diesel and she would have been fine with the older method... Good luck in whatever you decide to do, I'm sure that you will chose the right way for your dog...

RIP Jaida... Sorry to hear that you went too soon with all our other Rotts this year... :D

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Sophie's liver test results are in and they show an improvement, much to the amazement of the oncologist. She will do another liver test next visit and see the next results before booking the ultrasound.

Sophie's a bit bored too Staffyluv. Like you, I'm not going to risk walking her either.


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how are you, sophie and your other puppies holding up?

i assume that everyone is great but just would like an update when you have time :vomit:


good luck tomorrow with Ollie's procedure! :)

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Thanks for thinking of Sophie. That people are sending healing thoughts her way is helping. I think the universe hears us and is taking care of her.

Sophie is about the same and is doing quite well. She doesn't have the level of energy she used to have but she seems to feel quite well. She's putting up a good fight against this disease and that must take a lot of energy.

I don't see any sign of pain in her. She's stable on the higher dose of pain meds. My aim is to prevent pain before it begins rather than try to deal with it once it's established. On the higher dose of meds she is usually able to eat her evening meal without her needing to be spoon fed so she's doing well. Her appetite is good and she's gaining weight on her cancer starving diet so that's a good sign.

We see the oncologist on the 16th April. Hopefully her liver is responding to the Milk Thistle and her enzyme level will come down again. If not then we need to stop the chemo tablet and rebook an ultrasound.

Jodie, all the best for you and Ollie tomorrow. You are in my thoughts every day.

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how are you, sophie and your other puppies holding up?

i assume that everyone is great but just would like an update when you have time :vomit:


good luck tomorrow with Ollie's procedure! :)

Just popped in to see how Sophie was doing, I am glad that she is well. Cancer does seem to make them more tired than usual. Ollie sleeps most of the day away these days. I am always thinking of her (even the OH and number 2 son ask how the sick Rotty is these days).

I have cancelled Ollie's surgery for tomorrow - He has pulled up over the weekend like there is nothing wrong. No limp and I have taken him for a couple of small (just a couple of hundred metres) walks and he is even standing on the sore leg to pee. I think the rest and recuperation have worked wonders.

I spoke to the vet and he has a checkup due in two weeks, so we are going to give him another couple of weeks and see how he is then. If it needs to be done, it will be but I don't want to put him through it if we can get away with it.

Big hugs to the girl CnR.


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yes i imagine cancer would make Sophie very tired.

which only highlights just how amazing she is to be doing as well as she is!!!

it is great to hear she is eating independently!!!! :vomit:

I like the idea of preventing the pain altogether!!! Sounds like just what she needs!


that is truly fantastic the Ollie has pulled up well!!!

i think putting a hold on the surgery sounds like a wise decision for now :)

BIG HUGS to Sophie and Ollie!!!!!!!!!1

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Just popped in to see how Sophie was doing, I am glad that she is well. Cancer does seem to make them more tired than usual. Ollie sleeps most of the day away these days. I am always thinking of her (even the OH and number 2 son ask how the sick Rotty is these days).

I have cancelled Ollie's surgery for tomorrow - He has pulled up over the weekend like there is nothing wrong. No limp and I have taken him for a couple of small (just a couple of hundred metres) walks and he is even standing on the sore leg to pee. I think the rest and recuperation have worked wonders.

I spoke to the vet and he has a checkup due in two weeks, so we are going to give him another couple of weeks and see how he is then. If it needs to be done, it will be but I don't want to put him through it if we can get away with it.

Big hugs to the girl CnR.


Jodie that is really fantastic news. I'm so glad Ollie is doing well enough that you cancelled the surgery. Rest and confinement allows scar tissue to build and it will hold as long as Ollie doesn't jump and run around too much.

Thanks Jodie and family for thinking of Sophie.

Thanks also to Oonga. Your encouragement makes a difference when I'm feeling low and for all your well wishes and positive thoughts for Sophie.

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How is the Sophie the wonderdog going?

The stafford who catches everything is doing really well :worship:

So happy to hear that Ollie's doing well. Brilliant that he didn't need the ligament surgery.

Sophie's had a couple of very quiet days and this morning I took her out for a ride in the car. On the way home we stopped at a small park where I've not seen any dogs. It's basically a little walk through park into a court. She had a great time rolling and piddling. She needed to get out of the house for a change of scenery.

She's on a strong dose of antibiotics daily so I think we have any bacterial infection covered. I hope she didn't pick up a virus. She was sooo happy to be out.

Her tumour is still growing and looks awful but she's her usual happy self. She's always up for a short game of fetch but she tires very quickly.

Hugs to you and Ollie and thanks for thinking of Sophie.

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So so happy to read that Sophie is still coping. I really dread coming in here but then get annoyed when you do not post. I am breathing a sigh of relief and please give Sophie a hug from us. Well done Anne with her treatment.

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