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My Dogs Chased Off An Intruder Last Night.

Guest rhapsodical78

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Guest rhapsodical78

Last night I was sitting chatting with someone quite loudly on voice chat when I heard the dogs start to growl. Pokey, my inherited family dog, a shih tzu/JRT cross and Onyx, my kelpie, seemed to be spooked. But stupidly, I treated it as a false alarm and ignored it.

A few seconds later though they were racing to the front of the house, hackles up, barking wildly. I waited for them to subside for a couple of minutes then went to investigate when they refused to let up. Nothing. I berated the dogs for being silly.

A few minutes after that I decide to go to bed. When I walked in the room to draw the curtains I noticed that someone had bent down the fly wire screen of the open window. Right down. So there was either someone in the house or someone making their way in when the dogs confronted them.

The disturbing thing about this, aside from the fact that I'm living alone at the moment, is that whoever was breaking in would have been able to hear me talking and knew that I was home. This leaves few questions about intent.

I'm so proud of my brave dogs for defending me and the property the way they did. If it hadn't been for them I'd hate to think what would have happened.

Thank-you Onyx and Pokey. I potentially owe you my life.

Here are some pictures of the little defenders:







Has your dog ever saved you from a bad situation?

Edited by rhapsodical78
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Oh the gorgeous darlings... give them a big hug for me. That is great.. how lucky you are that the intruder was scared off! My 84 year old grandmother came face to face with an intruder only 6 weeks ago. I keep telling her to get a dog.. at least a dog would bark and alert her that someone was there!

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Guest rhapsodical78
Good work dawgs!!! Mine have confronted people tryng to harass me...but nothing as spooky as ur story. Glad ur ok!!

Hope you reported it to the police!

Yeah the police came around several hours later and took a report. We found some sunglasses in the drive the enxt day so he would have left in a damned hurry.

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Yeah the police came around several hours later and took a report. We found some sunglasses in the drive the enxt day so he would have left in a damned hurry.

how freaky, glad to hear you are okay - and what great little defenders onyx and Pokey are :confused:

(love the name Pokey - is that from the plasticine show with the green man???)

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