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I just read in the Womans Day magazine that grapes can be harmful to dogs and they aren't sure why.

Apparantly giving just 7 grapes can cause problems.

We feed Riley grapes quite often. Our parrot eats them, so when the parrot gets one, Riley normally gets one.

Im a bit worried now!

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Actually they have to eat quite a lot before they have a reaction, most cases of kidney failure have been reported in dogs that have consumed at least 300/500gms, mine eat the odd grape or two with no ill effects. Actually sultanas are more harmful because they are so concentrated. Interestingly no one actually knows what it is about grapes that cause this reaction, they don't know if it's something in the grape itself, the pesticides and fungicides used on them or some kind of mould or fungus.

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Don't forget the onions, and the various types of nuts, and chocolate are all bad for them (potentially lethal - not sure of doses though).

Yes, I know that a lot of dogs eat a lot of these products with seemingly no ill effects. But think of the cumulative health effects. Often illnesses show up when the dog reaches middle age, and shortens the life of the dog eventually. Not worth doing IMHO.

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