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Muzzle On A Malt


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I had a request yesterday to tidy up a Malt who apparently has gunk on his face. Now the unfortunate thing (apart from the fact that I can't cause we're not set up yet!) is that apparently he bites and needs to be muzzled!

Obviously one of the traditional muzzles would not let me get to his face to remove said gunk. I remember we use to use a stretchy bandage at the vets on some, but for the life of me I can't remember how effective they were especially on a SWF.

Any groomers have suggestions on how to tackle this one? While I won't be doing him this time I expect he will be back once we're open.


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Just make sure you've moistened the gunk, maybe you are trying to remove it when it's hard? It hurts as it pulls the skin, a build up can often make the skin sore as well.

Needs to be done EVERY day!!! I just use a tissue and it's done in seconds - that's my sweet boy a Westie cross. My fostered Westie cross female is a witch, however she will for some reason let me clean this stuff off when she's in the bath! Don't know whether it's because it's softer or what.

She is bathed every week though. I can also use tiny nail trimmers to get it off. She had none last week and now there's a bit built up all of a sudden so we'll be trying hard to get it off in the bath this week.

You can use a little oil to soften the stuff or saline solution.

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The right muzzles will give you access & then you learn to use the muzzle in the most effective ways whether they be fastened or not.

Many malts & malt/shih cross are right little ferals & often with the right groomers aquire a new personality of allowing you to do things that there owners cant or wont.

As said ensure you bathed & soften it as much as possible first

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Thanks for the replies. I did tell the owner that I would be happy to try with him, and maybe away from Mum he might be a little easier to handle. The gunk apparently isn't from his eyes, it is something he has rolled in/wiped on his face with his paw. I have advised her to take him to the vet this time if she is unable to remove it herself by soaking it and then clipping/scissoring off (we don't have all our gear yet and no where to do it as well).

Thanks again for the help - you guys are so helpful.

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