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Aggresive Pup Not Sure If This Is Right Place To Post


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This thread. has got sillier and sillier!!!!More and more ignorant as it goes on.

Those carrying on negatively in this thread how about trying this for a change.

When somebody asks for help with a problem,stick to answers that might actually help the problem!!!!!

Do not pry into somebody"s personal life and circumstances!!!!

Do not assume you know the exact circumstances the OP is in!!!!!

All the garabage about the poster buying a mutt and so is irelevant as the reality is the Op has the Dog and wants to rectify a problem.

Sammy Ballerina,that is one hell of a silly and ignorant statement about American Bulldogs!!!!Are you an expert?Of course not!!!!With statements like that who needs BSL!!!!!

I take my Hat off to those who helped and to those who acted otherwise, well its time to get a life!!!!Remember the old saying"Let he who is perfect,throw the first stone!!!!" Tony

Well Tony now you've got that little sanctimonious rant off your chest do you by any chance have any positive advice for the OP?

he pm'd me we are going to talk over the phone tonight. thank you. :)

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Have you got your lab girl desexed yet? I think I read elsewhere she was going into her 2nd season, or maybe Im mixed up about that. :)

Are you going to get this pup desexed before he becomes driven by his instincts?

At 19 you might think you know it all, but I can tell you now, you never stop learning. :rofl:

I would be very worried at a pup that was growling, and the fact he seems to have stopped in a day makes me more worried.

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I don't care about your personal circumstances and quite frankly I think it's disgraceful they were even brought into it :rofl:

This is what concerns me:

all i wanted to know was how to disapline him when he acted that way, i have sorted it out myself anyway.

Please, DO NOT attempt to fix this yourself from watching a video or reading a book or something online. DO NOT take the advice of anyone less than qualified and experienced with these specific issues. As I said in my earlier reply, the worst thing that can happen now is some idiot who thinks they know what to do comes along and gives you some crap like "oh you just need to disciplne him when he does that and show him you're the boss, here I'll show you how to alpha roll him" or something along those lines :)

Discipline may not be appropriate at all in this situation and punishment could make the situation a whole lot worse. What you do now will stay with your dog for life, make sure it is the right thing, don't try it and see or hope for the best.

Also, while ADT have Melbourne based training centres the trainers who attend their private consults live all over Melbourne and some in country Vic so they may still have someone who can travel to your area without an increased cost. You could also contact the NDTF and see if they have a listing for a qualified trainer in your area.

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Have you got your lab girl desexed yet? I think I read elsewhere she was going into her 2nd season, or maybe Im mixed up about that. :rofl:

Are you going to get this pup desexed before he becomes driven by his instincts?

At 19 you might think you know it all, but I can tell you now, you never stop learning. :eek:

I would be very worried at a pup that was growling, and the fact he seems to have stopped in a day makes me more worried.

im no expert i dont know why he growled the first night we had him but not since, i know that they can be dog aggressive and they are used as protection dogs so him only going my lab when she ran towards me may make sense, he is now treating her as his mum! she is not desexed and he will be very soon, i dont want no bulldog x labs thank you! lol. o and i def dont know it all. :)

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I don't care about your personal circumstances and quite frankly I think it's disgraceful they were even brought into it :love:

This is what concerns me:

all i wanted to know was how to disapline him when he acted that way, i have sorted it out myself anyway.

Please, DO NOT attempt to fix this yourself from watching a video or reading a book or something online. DO NOT take the advice of anyone less than qualified and experienced with these specific issues. As I said in my earlier reply, the worst thing that can happen now is some idiot who thinks they know what to do comes along and gives you some crap like "oh you just need to disciplne him when he does that and show him you're the boss, here I'll show you how to alpha roll him" or something along those lines :love:

Discipline may not be appropriate at all in this situation and punishment could make the situation a whole lot worse. What you do now will stay with your dog for life, make sure it is the right thing, don't try it and see or hope for the best.

Also, while ADT have Melbourne based training centres the trainers who attend their private consults live all over Melbourne and some in country Vic so they may still have someone who can travel to your area without an increased cost. You could also contact the NDTF and see if they have a listing for a qualified trainer in your area.

lol that is funny, dont worry there wont be any here ya go all you need to do is beat him into submission, i will be getting some pro help just got to find some. thanks :)

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i dont care if u are black white puple 19, 50 or 100 single mom or happily married with 30 kids...

my issue with this whole thing is u had been a member here for over two months and went out and bought a mutt.... an overly priced mutt at that!!!

people that cross any sort of big bull breed piss me off and the people that buy them even more so, why? because the breeders of these dogs dont take into consideration temperment all they see is dollar signs, breeders like that and purchasers like you are the reason so many dogs are at risk of being ban under bsl....

from what ive read and seen of american bull dogs they can be a handful and have very uneven temps and then some bright spark decided to go cross it with some thing else?

sorry about how blunt im being but when it comes to issues like this it really drives me nuts

What happened to a dog is what you make it?

Your a member too and you should know not to classify certain breeds as having uneven temprements, you own an Amm Staff correct, well a lot of people say things about them as a breed aswell...please dont classify certain breeds as having uneven temps its not a fair statement at all :)

The fact that is a cross breed has no baring on this issue either...

Lets get back on topic or close the thread :love:

Sammy Ballerina,that is one hell of a silly and ignorant statement about American Bulldogs!!!!Are you an expert?Of course not!!!!With statements like that who needs BSL!!!!!

never said i was an expert in fact if u had read what i said i said i based my assessment on what i read/heard and seen of these dogs i have met quite a few they are fairly popular around here, no doubt there is a reeder some where in the hunter region. not long ago i was attacked by one and after that i decided i wanted to know as much as i could about them so i read up abit and spoke to a few people and alot told me that they were very unpredictable dogs especially if not socialised properly, i guess my statement was abit loaded but i am only going off experiences with the breed and knowledge i have gained from people who know the breed.

so i went off topic...sue me!!!!

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i dont care if u are black white puple 19, 50 or 100 single mom or happily married with 30 kids...

my issue with this whole thing is u had been a member here for over two months and went out and bought a mutt.... an overly priced mutt at that!!!

people that cross any sort of big bull breed piss me off and the people that buy them even more so, why? because the breeders of these dogs dont take into consideration temperment all they see is dollar signs, breeders like that and purchasers like you are the reason so many dogs are at risk of being ban under bsl....

from what ive read and seen of american bull dogs they can be a handful and have very uneven temps and then some bright spark decided to go cross it with some thing else?

sorry about how blunt im being but when it comes to issues like this it really drives me nuts

What happened to a dog is what you make it?

Your a member too and you should know not to classify certain breeds as having uneven temprements, you own an Amm Staff correct, well a lot of people say things about them as a breed aswell...please dont classify certain breeds as having uneven temps its not a fair statement at all :)

The fact that is a cross breed has no baring on this issue either...

Lets get back on topic or close the thread :love:

Sammy Ballerina,that is one hell of a silly and ignorant statement about American Bulldogs!!!!Are you an expert?Of course not!!!!With statements like that who needs BSL!!!!!

never said i was an expert in fact if u had read what i said i said i based my assessment on what i read/heard and seen of these dogs i have met quite a few they are fairly popular around here, no doubt there is a reeder some where in the hunter region. not long ago i was attacked by one and after that i decided i wanted to know as much as i could about them so i read up abit and spoke to a few people and alot told me that they were very unpredictable dogs especially if not socialised properly, i guess my statement was abit loaded but i am only going off experiences with the breed and knowledge i have gained from people who know the breed.

so i went off topic...sue me!!!!

it still doesnt mean its the breed as a whole so why only bring up the bad points?

everyone got off track, lets just try to stay on it now.

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This thread seems to have run its course but I'll make a few [hopefully] pertinent observations.

Socialisation and discipline on their own will NOT fix a serious aggression problem. They can, in the worst cases, make it worse. Sounds like there may just have been some settling in problems but don't hesitate to seek help if they re-emerge. The earlier and the younger these issues are addressed in a pup, the better the outcome is likely to be.

Agility and obedience dogs are unlikely to get far with aggression issues. They are required to mingle with and compete along side many dogs.

Implementing the NILIF and TOT practices with this pup will cost NOTHING. I highly recommend you commence them immediately.

Do desex this dog (and your lab bitch). I'd not be waiting past 6 months with this pup.

A crossbred dog is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get. However, given the parent breeds of this dog, you are going to end up with a powerful animal who is hard wired to be tenancious - the sooner you commence obedience training the better. I highly recommend you keep training to reinforce your leadership with this dog.

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This thread seems to have run its course but I'll make a few [hopefully] pertinent observations.

Socialisation and discipline on their own will NOT fix a serious aggression problem. They can, in the worst cases, make it worse. Sounds like there may just have been some settling in problems but don't hesitate to seek help if they re-emerge. The earlier and the younger these issues are addressed in a pup, the better the outcome is likely to be.

Agility and obedience dogs are unlikely to get far with aggression issues. They are required to mingle with and compete along side many dogs.

Implementing the NILIF and TOT practices with this pup will cost NOTHING. I highly recommend you commence them immediately.

Do desex this dog (and your lab bitch). I'd not be waiting past 6 months with this pup.

A crossbred dog is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get. However, given the parent breeds of this dog, you are going to end up with a powerful animal who is hard wired to be tenancious - the sooner you commence obedience training the better. I highly recommend you keep training to reinforce your leadership with this dog.

yes i know about obedience and agility, i have trained 4 dogs in obedience, i have not heard about the NILIF or TOT practices i will look them up. i am doing training as soon as i decide where to join. :)

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Triangle of Temptation - TOT - is pinned at the top of the training forum.

NILIF - nothing in life is free will also have a topic here somewhere.

I use both of these and started Bruno when he was 8 weeks old. Fantastic results :)

Good to see you haven't lost your sense of humour despite receiving a beating.....


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Triangle of Temptation - TOT - is pinned at the top of the training forum.

NILIF - nothing in life is free will also have a topic here somewhere.

I use both of these and started Bruno when he was 8 weeks old. Fantastic results :)

Good to see you haven't lost your sense of humour despite receiving a beating.....


haha takes more than that to keep this dog down haha pun intended.

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Can I ask a question or two, please?

This pup is 10 weeks old-correct?

Did its litter mates leave at the presumed 8 weeks of age? Was it handled by humans, left to play with a litter mate?

Any further history on the pup before it arrived?

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