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Aggresive Pup Not Sure If This Is Right Place To Post


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bought home 10week old american bulldog x aussie bulldog last night,he is a great lil guy apart from he is aggresive, growls when u pick him up or do anything he doesnt like also is dog aggresive wont let the other dogs near me! he actually snaps at her! want to know how to handle it? how do i disapline him?

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The best advice anyone can give you here is get an experienced trainer/behaviourist in ASAP! You really do need to get on top of this, and honestly in my opinion no amount or advice here is going to really help. You need someone that can come to you and demonstrate some techniques on behaviour modification.

But please do not give up on your pup... Remember he is acting on instinct, and the environment you are placing him in. The behaviour management is more about how you relate to your dog, than what you dog is doing wrong.



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i am a single mum on the pension i dont think i can afford that, i am taking him to puppy school and ill see what i can find out there, i have trained a few dogs and do unnderstand a lil about how their minds work, its my 2kids im worried about aged 2 annd 7months, tho he has not growled at them and actually goes to find them, he hasnt growled at me today but is still going the other dog, not the foxy but still the lab maybe he is scared? he doesnt act scared tho.

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You can't afford not to if you want to ensure that your pup and your family can live together in harmony. Otherwise you ought to reconsider if you can have a dog at all and I say that not to be nasty, it's a reality.

This is exactly the kind of situation that can very quickly become and accident waiting to happen, especially when you add some dipshit 'dog trainer' or friend who thinks they know it all about dogs that gives you the wrong information about how to deal with this!

This is not something you should be feeling your way through and hoping for the best. Seeing an experienced trainer or behaviourist doesn't have to be expensive either, although it certainly can be.

If you can be more specific about your location perhaps someine here can recommend someone for you?

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Aggression in a puppy so young is serious stuff, especially if you have young children, no doubt you have other young children coming round all the time so you really need expert help sooner rather than later. I wouldn't rely on puppy school to help you deal with a problem like this especially if it's held at a vet surgery and run by nurses, many vet nurses have only a basic knowledge of dog behaviour.

$600 is a lot of money to pay for a crossbreed, you could have bought a purebred, registered lab puppy for that amount.

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I'm sorry but I really don't this is that sincere a posting.

A 19 year old single mum with a 3 dogs, aiming to get into the show ring with a labrador but not until buying one next year....

Now complaining about a crossbred pup (finances and behaviour) that has just been bought, when there are two small children in the household.

Why would you justify spending $600 on a pup when you now can't afford the behaviourlist/trainer that it needs?

Please return the pup and give it it's best chances, and do us a favour and refrain from buying another.

I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, it is, and I do mean it to be, I just find it very confusing that people work so hard in rescue to fix issues like you have just created.

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Actually alanglen I agree with everything you say, but thought I'd give the OP the benefit of the doubt, most unusual for me :laugh: I also wondered how a single mum on a pension could afford to pay out $600 for a puppy which appears to have been purchased without much thought, apparently an impulse buy. When you factor in food, worming/heartworm/flea medications, veterinary expenses etc. dogs aren't cheap to keep, owning three dogs can be pretty expensive.

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Yes I have 4 of them to feed, vaccinate, worm, bath etc etc etc etc etc etc. I could've been rich by now, but instead I have 4 beautiful companions. Who needs money anyway??!! :laugh:

a&e, a puppy showing signs of aggression at such a young age is not going to get better on it's own. This is usually a sign of things to come. If you cannot afford a behaviourist, then do yourself and your family a favour and return the pup from where ever you purchased it from. You may not get all your money back but at least you can be assured you'll not end up with a very large headache in the future.

Just my opinion and recommendation!

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Aggression in a puppy so young is serious stuff, especially if you have young children, no doubt you have other young children coming round all the time so you really need expert help sooner rather than later. I wouldn't rely on puppy school to help you deal with a problem like this especially if it's held at a vet surgery and run by nurses, many vet nurses have only a basic knowledge of dog behaviour.

$600 is a lot of money to pay for a crossbreed, you could have bought a purebred, registered lab puppy for that amount.

first of all i do not own 3 dogs conan is my second dog the other dogs i talked about are my parents if u all need to know, and i put alot of thought into getting him i saved the money to buy him just like any of you would and i feed them better than most ppl feed thier dogs, worm ect. and i dont see why my age is a factor???im nearly 20 not 2, or the fact that i am a single stay at home mum? im sorry i do not have a man to look after me and still want to be a mother to my kids, as for the time i prob have more time for my animals than most of you, and im not getting a show lab because i dont have the means to travel around to all the shows, i thought personal attacks was high school crap, excuse me for asking, ide only had the pup for half a day when i posted the original post if any of you are interested he hasnt growled and is getting used to the other dogs i think he was nervous, as for the kids they are his favourite.

i am so fuming now and doubt i will bother with this forum anymore i wanted help not a personal attack.

edited to say this post is mostly for alanglen who seems to know so much about my personal life.

Edited by ash&elar
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ash, no point getting in a huff - sorry, but when you add up the known facts, the picture is one of those "accidents waiting to happen" classics. No point getting resentful when people connect the dots, it's human nature. Get used to it. Not being mean, just telling it as it is.

At 19 you are still a teenager, and you already have 2 kids with no partner, no means to support yourself so you're on welfare, and in addition to a dog you already had, you have now spent another $600 on a NEW dog (which seems to be an overpriced cross breed not from a registered breeder) with apparent behavioural issues. A lot of people would ask why you needed another dog to begin with when the $600 (plus ongoing costs) could have been spent on something to improve your children's lives, education, experience of the world etc etc. The time spent on this dog could have gone into the existing dog and your kids.

Now you say "Well, it was just scared, and it's fine now and you're all mean." Fact is, people are concerned when they see a teenager compounding a less than ideal situation with more bad choices.

I don't know you, so I can say this I guess and you can ignore it to - seems like you need to take stock a little and stop being defensive. Maybe getting defensive and ignoring good advice from people who care is how you got where you are now - no job (limited skills to get one I would guess, or at least a decent one), 2 kids and no partner. The thrill of getting new stuff, like puppies, can only distract you from the reality of your situation for so long. Better to face up to it, make some tough choices. Turn it around.

I know wherefrom I speak, having dug myself into terrible holes as a teenager and thinking I knew it all and all those oldies were nasty fools who had no idea and didn't know me. They didn't need to know me to see where I was headed.

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You have purchased a crossbreed from unknown origins for what I consider the highly exorbitant price of $600.00, I hope that at the very least the parents were health tested because both the so called 'breeds' can be prone to hip and elbow dysplasia, it's not a disease that's confined solely to purebreds.

A normal puppy doesn't growl and snap because it's scared, in over thirty years of breeding I have never had a puppy that behaved in this way. A baby puppy that growls and snaps at 10 weeks of age is highly likely to continue the behavior into adulthood unless someone who knows what they're doing intervenes and even then there is no guarantee that the tendency will be completely eradicated.

It sounds to me as if you have a very strong willed dominant puppy and unless you have a good thorough knowledge of dog behaviour and experience in dealing with this sort of dog I think it would be sensible to return the puppy to the 'breeders'. If you think that you can handle a puppy like this then good luck to you, go ahead, but personally I wouldn't have a puppy showing these tendencies in a house with young children.

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omg! ok if i admitte to being a delinquinte child with no idea what im doing will that make you all feel better? the fact is i was young and stupid thought i loved someone who turned out to be a junky so i left him instead of making my kids grow up like scum, i rebelled like most teenages that was at age 13-14, i am now a family minded woman who has 2 kids and 2 dogs and is going back to school/uni and becoming a midwife,

and wtf? my less than ideal situation? my kids are well looked after loved and adored by a whole family of ppl they dont go without, and throw me down and beat me for needing welfare, maybe i should of had an abortion and killed them instead of putting them thro the horrible life of having a teen mum and never knowing their bio dad?

seems to me im more mature and less petty than most of u, if i wanted your opinion on how to live my life i would of asked.

as for the dog do any of you actually know the breed? look it up. thanks for all the wonderful help. :laugh:

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as for the dog do any of you actually know the breed? look it up. thanks for all the wonderful help. :laugh:

You don't have a breed, you have a crossbreed. Believe me biting and snapping isn't normal behaviour in a 10 week old puppy, even if the puppy was scared that is still no excuse for aggressive behaviour, most puppies will run away when frightened. Chances are that the next time the puppy is scared or challenged he will behave in exactly the same way, you have asked for advice and most have told you to return the puppy, if you want to keep it then that's entirely up to you.

Edited by Miranda
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ash&elar, I'm sorry you have been picked on with regards to your age, sex and what has happened to you :laugh: . I was going to post last night but was working.

The rest of the posters, some of you are being ageist, sexist and elitist in your remarks ash&elar. This is not the place for personal attacks this is a dog help forum.

My 2 cents worth :rofl:


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and the behavour he is showed was one experts warn to watch out for in the american bulldog, i did my home work, all i wanted to know was how to disapline him when he acted that way, i have sorted it out myself anyway.

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ash&elar, I'm sorry you have been picked on with regards to your age, sex and what has happened to you :laugh: . I was going to post last night but was working.

The rest of the posters, some of you are being ageist, sexist and elitist in your remarks ash&elar. This is not the place for personal attacks this is a dog help forum.

My 2 cents worth :rofl:


thank you so very much. like i said i have now found help else where, really appreciate your kind words. :rofl:

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