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Smugmug Accounts?


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Hi There,

Just wondering if anyone uses or has used Smugmug for their photography? It looks good to me but I'm having trouble deciding what to do..... It is easy to use and people can order prints directly from the site but i can't find out (well, haven't looked that hard into it yet) how long it will take for folks to get their prints from the U.S....

Tess, I know you used to use them... do you still use them??

Help me out please?? $149 us is a decent amount but from what i can gather, it seems good for the Pro account???

Is Red Bubble better???

Edited by Cordelia
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Don't know anything about Smugmug but a good Aussie site is http://www.redbubble.com - a few from this forum have added photos to this site.

Ooops, just noticed your bit about redbubble at the end, I like it and have made a few sales there.

I love Flickr.com for non sales photo site.

Edited by helen
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Smugmug is great for what it is - far superior IMO to Flickr and webshots and similar sites. Great service, hardly ever down etc. I still use it for uploading most of my shots. It's easy to customise too.

Redbubble is not really the same - it's for your BEST shots only and generally for those you think you'd like to sell. Smugmug is more for all your collection of photos, Redbubble is more of a portfolio that sells. On smugmug it's easy to have a private gallery for eg, if you only want your friends to see something etc. I definitely recommend both.

ETA - while smugmug does have sales, don't expect to sell anything. It doesn't have a buyer's market. I have the pro account and it is excellent, though I'm going to downgrade later I think because I don't need the domain anymore.

Edited by Tess32
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Thanks so much!

I don't think my shots are generally good enough to sell through Redbubble... much as I would like to sell some I have little idea about doing it and hmm anyway lol.

I think I'll go with the pro level of smugmug is easy to use and as you say Nat, being able to have private galleries etc... (those I can sell because usually it's someone who has asked me to do a photo shoot).

Will have more of a squizz at Redbubble though... maybe in the future I'll learn to use photoshop, shoot in raw and get some confidence about my pics lol.

Ta muchly! :laugh:

Edited to ask...... Do you usually reduce the size of your pics when uploading to smugmug?? Or leave them at their original size and just go have a cuppa while waiting?? :)

Edited by Cordelia
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Your pics are good enough Cordy, the dog photos I've seen are lovely. RB is not all "pro" photographers, just amateurs mostly with a good eye, though there are some professionals as well that leave me in awe. It's free, so you don't lose anything by putting your photos on there and you may make a few bucks as well :laugh:

With smugmug, I definitely upload at highest quality BECAUSE (and this is a fab feature) it actually works as a backup for your photos and if you did lose your photos, you can order a disk of them via smugmug. You can choose how big you want your photo to appear as well as watermarks or right click protection so there's no issue there.

I would still recommend you give RB a go - mostly because it is free and there is no real 'con' because if you don't sell, you haven't lost anything.

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Thanks Nat!

I do love the ability to disable right clicking. It's great. I've had a couple of my pics nicked and used on another website before so having that security is excellent.

Haven't quite figured out the watermarking yet but will do that when I get more time. :laugh:

I really appreciate the advice. Thanks. :laugh:

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... wondering if anyone uses or has used Smugmug for their photography? ... $149 us is a decent amount but from what i can gather, it seems good for the Pro account???

Is Red Bubble better???

We've used Smugmug for a few years now. We don't sell prints through the site, just have our contact details there, so if people wish to buy prints they can phone or email and we fill the order from home. Our printing is all done by good pro labs, (Works or Cam House). What Tess32 has said re Smugmug is pretty right. We don't really use it as a back-up, keep our back-ups on drives, so sometimes upload at lower quality to Smugmug because it is quicker, depends on the gallery.

Watermark is easy to apply: the Smugmug default is one word "PROOF" across image. If you wish to put a totally personalised watermark on, they have an easy tutorial to create one for yourself. But if anyone really wants to steal an image, neither watermarking nor right-click-protect will stop them.

Red Bubble is too 'different' to compare. My Red Bubble has only a few shots, just opened to create a presence in case I wished to 'get serious' selling on Red Bubble, but have not taken it further. Smugmug still generates our work - but you need to let people know it is there.

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I had a Smugmug account but let it lapse because I had/have too many fingers in pies.

I doubt I personally would use something like that for 'storing' files as I always do multiple back ups anyway.

I use pbase and have hundreds of smaller images over multiple galleries there - it costs me US$23 a year.

The proof watermark feature on smugmug would be handy.

Like PC I get my work printed elsewhere at Professional Labs.

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