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Mystery Skin Condition


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For the last few weeks Finn has been really really itchy, poor puppy, and we can't figure out why. Its not fleas - he's fully treated and there are none visible - although he sometimes does that 'chewing' thing at his skin. We thought it might be because he was dirty - dust etc and he was overdue for a bath - but a hydrobath has made no difference at all. Whats strange is that there is no visible symptoms at all - no redness, no flaky skin, no welts or anything.

Any suggestions as to what it could be and how we can help him? Its mainly on the sides of his body and sometimes round his face. Cal is itching a bit - perhaps more than normal - but no way near as much as Finn.

Any help muchly appreciated :happydance:

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I'd clip him shorter, so it's easier to manage the coat thru summer.

Is important to brush and comb right down to the skin and get rid of knots so the skin can "breathe" properly.

It's amazing how much rubbish you can get out of the coat with a good brush, followed by a thorough comb as well (dead fur, dust, dirt).

There's a thread a few ones down that suggests a shampoo with evening primrose oil. A soothing shampoo wouldn't hurt in another week or so.

Vets can prescribe antihistamines which can help with allergies.

Often need to try a few different types of antihistamine to see which works best for your dog. Some may not work for him at all.

Steroid medication gives fast relief if itching's really severe, but is a only for the very short term and have nasty side effects.

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Thanks poodle wrangler that's really helpful. He's clipped shorter than in my sig, but it has been a month or two now so maybe we clip him again. We do keep him brushed, but admittedly when he's shorter he doesn't matt/knot as easily so we probably haven't done it as often as we should. Perhaps if we chop him, keep up the brushing and try the shampoo and if that doesn't help we could try antihistamines.

Thanks! :happydance:

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I had a foster Peke here with similar itching - it was driving her nuts. She had recently been clipped for summer, I assumed it was an allergy of some sort. Vet agreed - no sign of demodex, fleas or yeast. I bathed her in Fido's Soap Free Aloe Vera Gel & rinsed her in a 50% dilution of Apple Cider Vinegar (the unfiltered type from horse stores). After the first treatment the itching markedly reduced. Repeated the following week and no further symptoms. I was adding ACV to her food as well, that may also have helped.

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I had a foster Peke here with similar itching - it was driving her nuts. She had recently been clipped for summer, I assumed it was an allergy of some sort. Vet agreed - no sign of demodex, fleas or yeast. I bathed her in Fido's Soap Free Aloe Vera Gel & rinsed her in a 50% dilution of Apple Cider Vinegar (the unfiltered type from horse stores). After the first treatment the itching markedly reduced. Repeated the following week and no further symptoms. I was adding ACV to her food as well, that may also have helped.

I agree, adding ACV to their water helps a lot :happydance:

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