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George - Mast Cell Tumour


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*groan* Doing a tick check on George this morning and noticed a lump on his cheek. Whisked him to the vet who believes it is a mast cell tumour. ;) Due to where it is, a fine needle aspirate is only able to be done by knocking him out and I'd prefer to have it biopsied as I believe it's more accurate than a fine needle aspirate anyway.

I've booked him in to my other vets to have a second opinion and have it removed. Poor George - it's been such a rough past few months and I only picked Grace up from hospital yesterday where she spent time with a gastro virus.

Anyone here have any experience with MCT's? I've just read that mct's in the muzzle aren't usually a good prognosis. :) His coat has been flat the past few months and we havent been able to shake his mucky eyes so now Im thinking they're all connected>?

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oh dru ;) Im sorry, I have no experience with this. I am sending wishes your way that it is nothing serious.

Try not to worry at this point - stop researching it, that will just make you worry more - wait for the vet to give you an actual answer - that is the best thing you can do...

Im sorry I cant be any help. :)


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Hi matey,

Unfortunately I have heaps of experience with MCT.

If it is in fact an MCT and you want to know anything, just ask. I will try to find Ollies thread so you can have a read, if need be.

Here is hoping that it is not MCT

Fingers crossed for a clear biopsy

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Oh Lordy you are having a hard time of it Dru. I share the worry you are going through at the moment. Sophie too has a possible/probable malignancy in her gum and jaw and she is having a biopsy done on Monday.

We have already had one biopsy done 9 weeks ago but pathology sent back in inconclusive report bascially saying they didn't know what it was but would not rule out malignancy. It's much worse now so we are taking two large specimens to send to them on Monday in the event that if someone stuffs up one specimen. we have a backup one.

How old is George now? Sophie will be 7yo in January.

Please keep us posted about George.

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Thanks guys. And also to the PM's telling me to relax and calm down :) . I was thinking the worst but am now more optimistic knowing how older dogs are surviving more serious mct's. :rolleyes:

Staffy Luv, I always catch up about Ollie when I can, so think I'll go back and re read his thread properly.

Anne, I'm sorry to hear about dear Sophie :happydance2: The vet I went to yesterday was keen on cutting it out and then having it biopsied, but think Ill go to preffered vet as he might suggest doing a biopsy first like Sophie - might be easier. George is only just four , but has been flat lately and had a few skin issues, coat is very dull and appears to be drinking more than normal, but dont know if this could all be related or a seperate issue - He's also had gunky eyes for some time now - Opticin not working so now on Amacin. I thought he was either a little depressed or maturing and his diet no longer suiting him so have been playing around with it.

I cant get my usual vet to look at it until Monday week!!! Do you think it's ok to leave it so long? Yesterdays clinic said to bring him back in a week so I assumed this would be ok?

Let me know how you go with Soph, Anne.


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:rolleyes: Thanks Sheree, I'm a vet nurse that so was my first thought too but will see what my vet says. Have just spoken with them and they feel I should go local today to have a PAP done to see if that can explain away the lack of condition and go from there. My vets have an inhouse pathologist so I wont need to wait for any results too long once the wheels are in motion. My surgeon of choice (who I used to work for) is unable to operate for over a week so at least the PAP will give me something to work with in the mean time.

Im going away for Chrissy but a local vet nurse houseminds for me so at least he'll be in capable hands.

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Oh, Dru, your family has been in the wars this year :)

I have everything crossed in the hope that George doesn't have a mast-cell tumour.

Jack had a grade III MCT removed from his right side near the waist in October, I think it was, and we haven't seen any new lumps or bumps yet. They got clear margins, but that seems to be very rare for a grade III so it's not all over yet.

He didn't show any other symptoms, though -- no change in coat, energy levels, drinking, no gunky eyes etc. Just a lump that had been there for ages, unchanged, which we thought was a fatty lipoma :rolleyes:

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Sorry to hear the news Dru, I'm an onco nurse in Sydney so if you need any help/info, just let me know...

Your gut feeling about removal vs biopsy are spot on, get it removed! a week here or there won't make a difference. Once the histo is back make your decisions from there. Will keep fingers crossed for a low grade!


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So sorry to hear about George. If the vet thinks it is a MCT, I too would opt for removal, rather than biopsy. No matter what it is, it should come off, and removing it means only 1 anaesthetic (and probably less cost). I had a MCT removed from a boxer, good margins. Lived until 9.

Sorry to hear about Sophie too, Cavnrott.

Will send healing vibes to both dogs, and both of you.

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Oh my God Anne. I cant tell you how sorry I am :mad . Isnt the mandible the bottom jaw? What happens from here?

George is going in tomorrow. He's been really out of sorts, digging along the fence line while Im out, sooky, growling at people walking past etc Depending on tomorrows outcome, Ive found him a little mate which I suspect (hope!) will be the answer to his flatness. I dont expect I'll know the results of the removal tomorrow? No doubt he'll stay in New Years Eve. The lump is looking moderately smaller the last couple of days. Altho I think they do that :laugh:

Big hugs to you Anne!


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Goodluck today Dru, will be thinking of you and George.

Fingers crossed that it is nothing nasty and they can operate to remove it.

Our Kiesha is also going in on Friday for her tests to confirm what type of sarcoma she has on her head and if we are going to be

able to operate on her :vomit:

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Best of luck with George today Dru. You should get the results pretty quickly. Our vet looked at some of the removed cells straight away and could tell they were Mast Cell but we had to wait for the path results to tell us what grade and if we had clear margins.

Praying for nothing at all but if it is, grade one with clear margins all round.

Anne, so sorry to hear about your girl, there is lots that can be done to keep her well...


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Well I dont know whether to laugh or cry so have been doing both. Last time I will use a vet for proximity convenience and it certainly pays to travel to your preferred vet. George has an infected lymph node!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more than likely from Neville who likes to sort him out from time to time. Rushing out door but will post tonight!! :vomit:

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