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3 Green Dogs


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There seems to be a number of negative posts lately, so I thought I'd take the time to make a positive one :) .

We had an unplanned training session this morning (I was supposed to be Christmas shopping but they twisted my arm :rofl: ). As always, we had fun & so did the dogs. Thinking about it some more we all have lots to be very proud of & I wanted to share.

The dogs are all young & haven't had a lot of training yet. All three had a good mix of handler & obstacle focus. None were distracted by the other dogs, nor by the enormous space we were training in (full baseball oval with heaps of swallows darting around everywhere). Despite the heat & humidity, and handlers running out of breath ;) , the dogs were keen to keep going.

We didn't worry much about leads or need to practice recalls since what we were doing was more fun than anything else on offer. We took the time to notice where we could improve, broke things down where we needed to & kept a positive attitude.

Here's some pics...the enjoyment is clear:

Sidoney's Xia:



Chloe's Dad's Chloe:



and my little Shine:



Trim was there too...the old hand showing off to the pups :)

I also have some video of Pete & Chloe which I would love to post if he will let me :rofl: The progress they have made as a team in a pretty short time is phenomenal, especially considering they are both new to agility. They are going to be ones to watch out for! Like a speeding bullet she is :(

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Thanks all :) I'm glad you like them. So often this forum focusses on problems, it's good to share the good stuff as well.

Not sure I can take credit for all the photos, we were handing the camera around so who knows who took what :(

T(ad)pole, I'm sure there is a group, you just haven't found it yet. I know at least one person in Melb I would love to train with, will PM you.

Sezy, what a shame! You do have my mobile though :) Use it girl! Glad to hear Carter is going well, I'll look forward to seeing him.

Kavik, we ARE baby friendly ;) , lot's of hands to help out!

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It looks like so much fun!!

I've been thinking about trying to redirect my dog's naughtiness and think that, since she is probably part kelpie, agility might be the answer.

I note that you are all in sydney- is there a club close to the inner city?



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Great photos Vickie !

The dogs may be green but the stuff on the ground is even greener and I'm very jealous. My boys are training on dirt at the moment.

t(AD)pole, not sure if your 'club situation' has changed from last time we spoke? There are a group of us from one of the clubs where I train who get together each week over summer but I know where you are situated and unfortunately it's not all that close.

It can be difficult to find a 'network' of like minded people who want to train, but I'm sure they're out there somewhere.

I am also running a 'dogless' training afternoon at my place next month for some of my students from club - we are going to watch course analysis DVD's and then I will set up a course for them to walk and analyse, plus we may do some 'air handling' of particular spots. You are welcome to come, but again I know it would be a very long drive (over an hour)

PM me if you want more information.

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Might have to take you up on the offer sometime :laugh:

I'm serious! It only gets harder as they get older. Ben attended his 3 day first seminar when he was about 6 weeks old. Perfect!

I figure people have been helping me with my kids for years, it's about time I repaid the favour for someone.

I've been thinking about trying to redirect my dog's naughtiness and think that, since she is probably part kelpie, agility might be the answer. I note that you are all in sydney- is there a club close to the inner city?

I don't know any really close to the inner city Deelee, but they are scattered around. Have a look in this thread:


we started a thread for clubs in each state.

:love: Once you go a few times, travel time will seem inconsequential...you will just need your fix like the rest of us :cheers:

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I'm wanting to do this with my German Shepherd, Zali, but I have always been told to waith until Shepherd's are 18 months to do any jumping.

Can you do a special course for the younger dogs so as not to have to worry about joints? If so, does anyone know of a good place to go in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne?

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MM, many clubs will run foundation courses. Probably the best thing would be to use the list that Vickie linked to and ring around.

Might have to take you up on the offer sometime :cheers:

I'm serious! It only gets harder as they get older. Ben attended his 3 day first seminar when he was about 6 weeks old. Perfect!

I figure people have been helping me with my kids for years, it's about time I repaid the favour for someone.

LOL @ that comment. I have spent many hours at training with Connor amusing himself climbing in tunnels and having to be retrieved when they need to be used, and things of that ilk.

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I'm wanting to do this with my German Shepherd, Zali, but I have always been told to waith until Shepherd's are 18 months to do any jumping. Can you do a special course for the younger dogs so as not to have to worry about joints? If so, does anyone know of a good place to go in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne?

MM, I just read your other thread. You will definitely need to get her chasing under control before you start any kind of agility. Most clubs will provide plenty of opportunity for a dog who is obsessed with chasing other dogs to do so & the results will be very unpleasant. IMO, it is better that foundation agility be done offlead, so this would be impractical for you right now. Great incentive to get it under control :cheers: .

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